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I Overheard An Interesting Conversation


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Sitting quietly on the train...as you do, there is always one group having a loud conversation, Im usually pretty good at blocking these conversations out and zoning in on my Kindle, however today my ears pricked

These girls (early 20's Id guess) were talking about dog breeds, they are obviously bybers from the way they are talking, and seem to have a thing with bull breeds, one brings up the Shar pei, and another girl says "nah they're a closed breed you cant cross breed them its illegal" anyway, she goes on like this for quite a few minutes about how its illegal and if it happens "they gotta be killed" or something to that effect

Well, one part of me is wondering if this is actually true...yet you see so many dogs who look 'part pei' I doubt it, but another part of me is thinking well if something has convinced this girl its illegal, and she obviously seems to respect this particular 'law' at least thats one breed this particular byber wont be ruining...makes you wonder doesnt it

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Well I have heard quite a few people refer to them as Chinese (I think) fighting dogs so maybe that is why??

They think Pitty's are banned so any other "fighting" dog is as well??? Not sure but whatever it takes to keep them from wrecking any other purebreeds!

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Seems strange she said you cant cross breed them though. There is no law against cross breeding pit bulls the dogs themselves are just illegal and breeding them pure or not is illegal. ( I'm referring to Qld only as this was in Qld obviously some states you can have them). Seems like a strange comment when thinking of it in those terms. Oh well. The more misguided bybers who think this the better.

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