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7 Month Old Rotty - Dry, Flaky Skin


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Carter scratches himself like crazy, i noticed some patches of dry skin but nothing major. He started scratching again about 3 weeks ago, initially we thought it was fleas, but religiously using Advantix and lots of searching we cannot find anything. He had his first hydro bath a few weeks ago and I asked the guy to see if he could see any and he couldn't.

He seems to have a huge patch of dry skin, matted hair and flaky skin. We feed him Royal Canine and I started giving him some sardines/tuna but he has an incredibly sensitive stomach so this did upset him but it hasnt changed his skin condition - any advice?

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Only advice I have is a vet visit .Don't start mucking about with diet yet.. find out what it is ,first :) If the vet only advises steroids/creams , ask for a referral to a dermatologist and get it sorted properly!

it may be very simple, just needing a nutritional supplement/change of food .. but it may not, too .

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Because Hypothyroidism seems to be [becoming] quite prevalent amongst Rottweilers, I'd be inclined to have bloods drawn to check this, although I'd be inclined to wait until the dog is about 12 months of age. In the meantime I'd be investigating/experimenting with food/diet and also what you're using to wash him with.

Is it coincidental that he had a hydrobath a few weeks ago and you say he started scratching again 3 weeks ago?

I'd bath him using Calendula Tea and assuming that settles the skin and the itch I'd be inclined to avoid washing the dog. IMO we bathe our dogs too often and with chemically based shampoos and this upsets the natural Ph balance of the skin.

ETA: I wouldn't run the bloods for thyroid via our Aussie facilities as they are not thorough enough to detect early outset thyroid issues. I send bloods to the USA (Dr Jean Dodds) for this purpose.

Edited by Erny
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