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Breed Specific Characteristics


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A few years ago when Emma was undergoing hydrotherapy for her surgery, one of the things she had to do was walk on an underwater treadmill. As the water filled up the tank, she started lifting one leg up rather pointedly and the lady looking after us told me that it was a very Rottweiller thing to do in water. I had no idea!

This has led me to wonder since then - are there any other breed specific quirks that exist? Not just for Rotties, but all other breeds as well. I had no idea about the Rottie leg-lifting in water.. I would love to know if there are any more! :thumbsup:

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This fascinates me!

My Vallhund is verrrrry touch sensitive. He goes weak at the knees and throws his head back in ecstasy when you scratch his back. This was very cool to me, as my mother's Vallhund does the same thing. I thought it was just him! I always ask Vallhund owners if their dogs love a brush or a scratch. Haven't had anything other than "YES!" yet. I wonder if is for some purpose or if it's a funny side-effect of other selective breeding?

My Lappie has a bird obsession. He is just so excited by birds. I am not sure what his motivation is, but he just seems to want to get close to them. He used to bark at the magpies when he was a puppy and they would come and sit in trees above him. He so badly wanted them to come down. I have since been told that it's common for Lapphunds to have an odd fascination with birds. Kinda odd for a reindeer herding breed.

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I've had two maltese - and both hate having their front feet touched or held. They pull them away repeatedly. My groomer says it's quite common with maltese!

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My ACDx is very good at ducking and dodging fast moving anything - other dogs, people trying to pat her or catch her etc.

She also likes to herd with her mouth. Ie we do an about turn obedience move and she puts her mouth on my thigh and herds me. Doesn't hurt but it's a bit rude. She used to nip ankles of anything moving including joggers, other dogs, bicycles, and cars. Kept her distance from the tractor mower tho. Just ran circles barking at it.

She does that a lot - anything new or weird to her - she runs around it in circles - just out of reach and barks her head off at it. Ranger, gardener, lady on beach with umbrella, cat, umbrella on beach, washed up bit of tree trunk on the beach, sunbakers...

And she seems quite fearless ie will approach anything. Deerhound, Rottweilers, Cows, Horses, snakes, water, tractor mowers, model air planes, kite boarders, possums etc.

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Leonbergers lean.. giving them the nickname - Lean`on`burgers hahaha

Goldens... well water babies anyone?? hahaha and of course retrieving! same goes with labs i would be worried if the retrievers didnt do these things though bahaha

I work in a kenela nd i love watching how a german shepherd works in the pack - we run the dogs in social groups.. the shepherd will ALWAYS be right at my side... then when i growl at anojher dog for misbehaving if they dont stop the sheppie goes in and tells them off again for me them bam back to my heel... not trained just clever hehehe

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bullies "moon walk" or 'trance". all mine except this one have done it, very odd :thumbsup:

Yes both of mine and my SIL's dog all used to do it!

Also every dobe I've known loves to have their ears rubbed and will groan in pleasure when getting it done. Both my Dobes (past and present) love to bite the water coming out of the hose.

Edited by dobesrock
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Leonbergers lean.. giving them the nickname - Lean`on`burgers hahaha

Goldens... well water babies anyone?? hahaha and of course retrieving! same goes with labs i would be worried if the retrievers didnt do these things though bahaha

I work in a kenela nd i love watching how a german shepherd works in the pack - we run the dogs in social groups.. the shepherd will ALWAYS be right at my side... then when i growl at anojher dog for misbehaving if they dont stop the sheppie goes in and tells them off again for me them bam back to my heel... not trained just clever hehehe

Shelley isn't much of a retriever lol she will will only fetch things 2 times then walks away. My mum's golden Buddy he will fetch 24/7 if you allow him too.

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GSPs point - it amazed us when our 10 week old gsp pointed at the cat the first time they met! They are also very vocal.

You would hope that your GSP points seeings they are bred too :cheer:

Both my pointers snorkle in water as do a fair few I know. They also had smells and sprays and will rub themselves all over the ground to get the smell away. :thumbsup:

Edited by Nevafollo
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My Goldie loves to bring things to us in her mouth. Shoes in particular can be found in far flung areas in the house.

Never chews them and rarely drops them, just must have something to carry.

She loves water and birds & does jog with me, but would rather not go so far if she had a choice!

And she is a snuggle bum.

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