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Are Your Dogs People Magnets?


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Is your dog a people magnet? When my boy was a pup he was definitely a people magnet with everyone saying how cute he was but the surprising thing was the people most attracted to him were guys in their early 20's. They went nuts over him, thought he was the cutest thing in the world. :thumbsup:

Now he is a bit older he just draws the kids towards him (thankfully he has such a good temperament) and he just laps up the attention.

So do your dogs attract one gender more than the other? Any particular ages?

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I was thinking of starting this same thread myself. Kyojin attracts a LOT of attention, but we have noticed that in particular, it is really old women that seem to love him the most! We can't seem to go anywhere without some 70+ year old lady calling out for us to stop across the other street so she can come over and say hello :thumbsup:

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My dog is more a people repellent rather than a people magnet. :thumbsup: People tend to avoid us and give us a wide berth.

On the other hand, I have been on a few occasions stopped by adorable elderly gentlemen to admire and coo over Emma. Quite often they claim they have had Rotties or other large breeds in their youth. :)

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On the other hand, I have been on a few occasions stopped by adorable elderly gentlemen to admire and coo over Emma. Quite often they claim they have had Rotties or other large breeds in their youth. :)

I've had the same with my coolie boy, elderly gentlemen who come to reminisce with me about their days on farms when they had coolies :cry:

Ons, my large golden retreiver, attracted a rather nice man over to him when I was visiting my parents at Christmas time. He was telling me about how he just had to put his very old golden retriever down, then got a bit teary and left suddenly :thumbsup:

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Guest english.ivy

Most are scared of Ivy as they think she's part wolf, she attracts attention from a small amount of people in their mid 30's plus. Some kids love her and she esp loves attention from kids but then if their parents are around, they don't let them come near her cause she's a wolf.

Badger gets attention from kids and adults alike. He is an interesting looking dog though. But he doesn't like strangers, so many want to pat him but he won't let them.

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Ruby attracts older people and Europeans and occasionally a kid will absolutely fall in love with her look.

The Aussies it's a huge range but 20-30 year olds seem to be the main group.

It's funny walking the two breeds together, some people come up and adore the Aussies and ignore Ruby and others do the complete opposite.

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While ppl love commenting on the D, and saying 'oh look it's Rex' to which I inevitably respond 'he's better looking than Rex', and often try and call him over for pets (when we are in an offlead area) I love that he is very aloof :thumbsup:

I've found there are two types of ppl - those that had GSDs as a child and love them, and those that got bitten by one :smurf:

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It's funny walking the two breeds together, some people come up and adore the Aussies and ignore Ruby and others do the complete opposite.

My dog is picky like that too. He ignores some people that come up and others he is all over

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Charlie is a chick magnet as a puppy... but now he gets all the attention from the senior citizens or kids. Kids love Charlie and Charlie loves them right back. He isn't as keen with older people, but he polite enough to sit still so they can pat him. They usually tell me how they use to have Cavvie and how much they loved them.

Emmy is a head turner. People just likes watching her and they often ask me about her, but because of her being weary of strangers, they don't pat her because she keeps her distance. Or, they will admire her whiteness and speed while she is running around the park.

If they are walked together... people are more interested in Emmy than Charlie, and I have to tell them if they want to pat Emmy, they have to pat Charlie first.

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I've had quite a few people say they have/had a dog that looked very similar to Riley. I get talking to them when Im out walking him, and end up chatting for quite a while, as everyone likes to try and guess which breeds are in him.

I think his long legs attract attention :thumbsup:

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Akira attracts lots of attention - it's mostly kids and men aged 20-40. I had one guy ignore Halo and ask all about Akira yesterday - he was adamant she couldn't be a Husky because she was too short. I think he thought Huskies were Malamute size.

Halo hasn't been out too much yet, but she gets "aww so cute" comments from the teenage - 30 year old girls/women.

Edited by whiskedaway
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Zedleu atracts males and females over 60 - they know what breed he is (Wire Haired Fox Terrier) and have not seen once in years :) Kidlets love him 'cos he is furry and he is very patient them. He is not a licker, but a kiddlet with bare toes gets a heap of attention :thumbsup:

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A couple of times I've had younger people (early to mid 20s) tell me I don't need two (or three) Aussies and so they'd like to take one off my hands for me! :thumbsup: Um no. Happened at the Royal last year a couple of times and then with Rory and Holly the other day too.

The Aussies get more attention from strangers than my others, generally.

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Monte (cocker spaniel) tends to attract the most attention from guys in their 20s-40s, my OH's friends are in love with him.. They have asked if he can be borrowed to assist in 'picking up'.

However, Monte will pay particular attention to any female close to my age, to the point where he will literally prance as he walks, just to show off!! :thumbsup:

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Joss attracts attention from all kinds of people - kids think she's fluffy and cute, women think she's friendly and adorable, men think she's tough looking (haha!). When we're at the park, it's her speed that gets people's attention, especially other dog owners. She totally runs rings around their working dogs :thumbsup:

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