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What Does Cancer Lumps Feel Like?


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huge panic attack about 20 minutes ago.

i went away yesterday night and just got home today (now), so the usual went out and hugged my dogs and gave brandy a huge cuddle as she was quite affectionate tonight and felt something about the size of a small golf ball or tiny water bomb...

freaked out and had another feel around her chest area or breast bone as we call it, where here white marking in siggie,

the problem is i have no clue if it is fat lumps it cancer lumps??

Only when i grab her skin and move it n a rubbing motion i can feel it.

As when her skin is just sitting there it tucks into the dinted holes (which i don't know what they are called) on her chest bone area.

she is about 5 and has never really had any health problems infact none that i can even think of that affect her health.

Can any one tell me how to check if they are fat lumps or cancer lumps by touching her?

other wise a trip to the vets is needed.

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Could be a "fatty lump" or benign cyst.

Deep breaths.

Get it checked by the vet. I don't know if you can tell them apart by feel. Dr Oz said that breast cancer in human female would feel hard and spikey. All the fatty lumps and cysts I've ever felt (in dogs) have felt smooth and slightly squidgy not hard. But that's completely unprofessional opinion. I am not a vet or medical professional.

I suspect (best guess) the way to be sure is with a biopsy.

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I'd organise a vet visit.

They have have a good feel of the lump and see if there are any others - then depending on what it is, either organise removal, a fine needle biopsy (which is a good place to start) or recommend very close monitoring.

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My girl Lil has a fatty lipoma on her chest. Nearly gave me a heart attack when I felt it.

It was hard and could be moved - it wasn't adhered to the surrounding muscle. It was diagnosed via fine needle biopsy.

Vet visit definitely but don't panic. :provoke:

Edited by poodlefan
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My girl Lil has a fatty lipoma on her chest. Nearly gave me a heart attack when I felt it.

It was hard and could be moved - it wasn't adhered to the surrounding muscle. It was diagnosed via fine needle biopsy.

Vet visit definitely but don't panic. :thumbsup:

This sounds nearly identical, but today i went and felt maccas chest and he has a firmer two lumps i'm just thinking they are muscle hahah fewww! i feel lie an idiot

But a trip to the vets will not hurt anybody except my wallet.

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My girl Lil has a fatty lipoma on her chest. Nearly gave me a heart attack when I felt it.

It was hard and could be moved - it wasn't adhered to the surrounding muscle. It was diagnosed via fine needle biopsy.

Vet visit definitely but don't panic. :birthday:

This sounds nearly identical, but today i went and felt maccas chest and he has a firmer two lumps i'm just thinking they are muscle hahah fewww! i feel lie an idiot

But a trip to the vets will not hurt anybody except my wallet.

Better safe than sorry.

I've just had another lump drama with my oldest boy. Small lump on eyelid eye that has grown slightly. Off to the vet. When he pulled back the eyelid (something I hadnt' thought to do because it looked like an external issue) the lump had grown inside and along the inside of the lid. :thumbsup:

So another fine needle biopsy (that was fun) and off to pathology. Results yesterday say benign, slow growing cyst that can be drained next time he goes under a GA for any procedure. Phew!!!

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I agree with the others - go to the vet, but don't panic. My older girl has a movable and soft, squashy lump which I first felt 18 months ago and the vet said it was fine. It got bigger - twice the size, like a small water balloon , and they did the needle thing about 6 months ago, and said it was just a fatty lump. She is 8.5 now and it has never bothered her.

Good luck - chances are it's nothing to worry about.

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I agree with the others - go to the vet, but don't panic. My older girl has a movable and soft, squashy lump which I first felt 18 months ago and the vet said it was fine. It got bigger - twice the size, like a small water balloon , and they did the needle thing about 6 months ago, and said it was just a fatty lump. She is 8.5 now and it has never bothered her.

Good luck - chances are it's nothing to worry about.

My old guy had what you have described - had FNA every 6 months for 2 years - then the cells did change and the vet removed a soft tissue sarcoma - with clear margins. So you do need to keep an eye on these lumps.

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Ive had 2 gsd,s that had mammary cancer in the past. A mother & daughter, the lump felt very hard but not attached. I could feel all round it. When removed they where a hard lump of red grizzle, if that helps. If left untreated they would have developed into a punch of grape like tumors. One had started to attach by growing a root, very nasty things. If its soft maybe its a sebaceous cyst or just a fatty lump. Watch and see if it grows, Vet visit I,m afraid, better to be safe than sorry!

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Guest Labradork

Don't freak out!

Our last dog, a beautiful Lab who was with us for 13 years, was covered in harmless fatty lumps for *years*. I've seen it in plenty of other dogs as well.

I'm not a Vet, but can impart on you what our Vet told us... which is that generally if it's squishy and moveable under the skin, it is most likely a fatty lump. If it's hard and immovable under the skin, there is more cause for concern. This isn't to say that every moveable lump is just fatty, and every immovable lump is cancerous. But it's a good rough guideline.

To use the same example, our last dog came up with a hard, immovable lump at the base of his tail which the Vet was nearly positive was cancerous. After he operated, the Vet said that it looked very much like a malicious cancer and that we might need to prepare ourselves for the worst. However, we received the pathology (?) report back a few days later with the relieving news that despite ALL appearances, it was infact just a sebaceous cist.

I'd definitely say it'd be a worthwhile trip to the Vet to get this checked out; the fine needle biopsies are pretty straightforward, pricey as they may be. At the very least, it will bring you peace of mind, which is priceless :)

As a final point - it might be worth considering Pet Insurance (if you haven't already), with this recent scare? I haven't taken any out yet, but am very strongly considering it at the moment; we just blew another cool $100 at the Vet the other day for a 15min consultation and a 15g tube of antibiotic ointment! I'd go to the ends of the earth for my pets' health, but I can certainly relate to the financial stress of it and am thinking it might help if we have cover, just in case the unthinkable happens!

Best wishes and best of luck :laugh:

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To the vet with your doggy to have them checked out. My Kim turned 10 this month and on Tuesday she is having a operation to remove these hard lumps that move and dont seem to be attached to anything, as the vet suspects mammary tumors.

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huge panic attack about 20 minutes ago.

i went away yesterday night and just got home today (now), so the usual went out and hugged my dogs and gave brandy a huge cuddle as she was quite affectionate tonight and felt something about the size of a small golf ball or tiny water bomb...

freaked out and had another feel around her chest area or breast bone as we call it, where here white marking in siggie,

the problem is i have no clue if it is fat lumps it cancer lumps??

Only when i grab her skin and move it n a rubbing motion i can feel it.

As when her skin is just sitting there it tucks into the dinted holes (which i don't know what they are called) on her chest bone area.

she is about 5 and has never really had any health problems infact none that i can even think of that affect her health.

Can any one tell me how to check if they are fat lumps or cancer lumps by touching her?

other wise a trip to the vets is needed.

You cannot tell what a lump is by feeling it.. It will need a fine needle aspirate as a preliminary check of the cells - if they look suspect, the vet will probably want to remove the lump for further pathology testing.

Ollie has many lumps - some fatty lipoma's and others are Mast Cell Tumours (we even had a round cell tumor and toe removed a couple of years back)...

The only way to know, is get it tested - good luck, hope it is all good news.. Try to stay calm, no point worrying over something that may be nothing at all.

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If the lumps pull back into the bony area of the chest they sound like lymph glands. That's where the lymphs reside on both sides of the chest. Lymph glands will swell up due to a few causes, the main two being infection and cancer (lymphoma). Cushings and Addisons can also cause swelling of the lymphs in some cases.

Get her checked by the vet, they will assess her other lymphs on her body and will possibly do a fine needle aspirate to check for cancer cells. A blood test for white cell count will probably be done too. Do you have a doggy thermometer? If so, check her temp rectally.

Not trying to scare you, but this is exactly how things started for Abbi and her diagnosis was cancer. She's still kicking along two years later. :)

Best of luck and let us know how you go.

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Recently I found a hard lump near my elkhound's shoulder. I took him to the vet who first tried to drain it with a syringe. But that was inconclusive since there was no liquid in the lump. He suggested surgical removal. Turned out to be a sebaceous cyst that had hardened. But I'm feeling so relieved that I know for sure it was benign.

If there is even a little bit of doubt, get it checked by a vet.

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Well not cancer!! :thumbsup::)

Brandy was just unwell :) we got the signs of vomiting and being really lathargic so she just needs some rest and quiet time away from young annoying puppies, i think she drank some green water from the park so who knows what was in it too.

thanks for your concern and advice will know know for any other lumps.

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