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Looking For Advice Re House Move

Double Lab Love

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I was hoping that I may be able to get some advice re moving house and my two 13mnth Labs... Sorry long post...

We are very close to purchasing the dream house and five acres but there are a couple of things that will need tweaking with regards to how our two can happily settle in..... Funny how our old house was fine until we got the two Labs and then decided that they needed more room :thanks: I think I recall reading a whole thread on this :laugh:

Our current house has a fully contained small backyard and in addition an inground pool which is fully fenced. As our two love water we have been leting them in the pool area to swim / excercise and cool down since spring - which they love...

The new property (bit hard to explain but will try) has the house courtyard surrounding an inground pool and they whole area is paved - except for a large grassed area to the side of the house which we will fence off... The access to family room / kitchen etc is off the courtyard but the pool is not fenced so from any downstairs room when open you can wander out to the paved area and straight into the pool. The house has been designed as such that it has passed all council inspections for the pool access - the first thing I questioned - due to high inside door handles etc...

Our two will have the run of that area when we are home but it pretty much means that there is no way of stopping them from jumping in the pool whenever they like - which for Tango esp would be 24/7.....tt the moment I think he would drown if I just let him keep playing in the water as he doesn't seem to know when to stop...

We are going to fence off the grass area to the side and also a massive big area around the back so they can have loads of room to run and play safely when we are out/at work and during the night they will be crated inside the balcony off our bedroom or in the living area - have yet to decide which...

As we will be spending most of our time in the courtyard area when home ( as all the living areas open up around it) and want them to be with us I guess my question is how can we stop them from jumping in the pool ?

Fencing isn't really an alternative as it will cost a fortune so I guess would be a very last resort SO i was wondering if some sort of containment system would work - bearing in mind the area is paved not grass - or failing that can I train them not go in the pool unless allowed and how would I go about doing this since we have allowed them pool access in the old house.

Or am I being completely unreasonable about training :laugh: and should I just accept that they will have to be kept out completely which we would hate...

I guess just after any suggestions that i haven't thought of or ways of training that have worked for you in a similiar circumstances.....

Thanks in advance...


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If you think your dogs could drown if they fell in the pool, you're going to have to keep them where they cannot fall in the pool unless you're there to supervise. I wouldn't try to rely on training or fingers crossed for this one.

I agree and we always supervise them swimming and would never leave them alone for a second but they are both extremely strong swimmers and LOVE the water and would be jumping in constantly to play which in winter or when are inside is going to be an issue....

They are very obediant and we have trained them quite extensively in basic obedieance / recall etc but do you think i would be being unrealistic relying on training with such a tempting display of water accessible ? They are Labs :thanks:

I was thinking maybe some sort of containment system??

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Seriously the big money has been spent on the property, would making a safe and secure area for your dogs really break the budget? It's not likely they would drown themselves, they are Labs but I wouldn't want dogs with access to my pool 24/7. Also if this is to become your main living/entertainment area what about visitors and their pets/children??

If it's already council approved maybe a secondary non pool fencing and therefore cheaper alternative fencing could legally be installed?

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I would never allow any dogs access to a swimming pool whilst unsupervised.


Unless the pool is an inground one which has steps ALL the way around there is always the possibility of a dog falling in, startling itself, panicing and trying to get out right beside a safe spot and drowning. Relying on them not drowning because they're Labs would be playing Russian Roulette. No dog on earth is able to swim for 8-10 hours while panicing and trying to ''climb'' a pool wall.

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My sister's place has a pool as part of a court yard. It originally just had part of the boundary fence ie kids from off the street couldn't get to it easily. When she moved in, she got a kind of glass panel fence put around it with child/lab proof gates. It left about 1 to 2m around the edge of the pool but didn't spoil the view. Ie the court yard still looked big.

However - one of the glass panels shattered. So I'd recommend getting laminated ones or security film put on. It wasn't supposed to shatter but there was nothing to stop the glass from going everywhere when it did. A (weather proof) security film or laminate would do this. Or maybe perspex would be better.

Anyway it should be possible to lab proof the pool in a cost effective and asthetic way. And that would help if you ever have kiddies to visit too.

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I would never allow any dogs access to a swimming pool whilst unsupervised.

Unrestricted access to chlorinated or salt filtered poolwater won't do any favours to their coats and skin either. Even regular supervised swimming needs a rinse down afterwards.

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Thank you for all your replies..

I agree again - we would never leave them unsupervised - ever - and they would never have acess to that area at all if we are not home...

I always sit out with them now when they swim and they are confident in the water and know all access areas out of the pool but I still don't take my eyes off them for a second. Too many things coud happen in a hearbeat etc...

Lizt I agree with not wanting them access 24/7 and other than this the property is perfect....so it is a shame that this area is constructed like this - previous owners no kids/pets... checked with council and they built the house to council approval so no issues there... as I mentioned all doors have handles which no small child could reach if inside the living areas.

The pool does have alot of steps / access in and out as it is sort of a sit in pool.... but again the 24 /7 access is more the issue...

We do have two other big areas for them which will be fully fenced etc but are behind and to the side of the house - so away from us a bit..

So I am thinking that they won't be allowed in there unless we are with them - unless we fence off the pool.... which is difficult re the size of the area but not impossible... their safety is of upmost importance hence why I was trying to work out the situation before we moved there and asked for advice.

Gues they will just have to stay inside with us more :thanks:

Does anyone think something like a ping string wire etc would help? Or do I just give the whole thing up as a bad job...

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My sister's place has a pool as part of a court yard. It originally just had part of the boundary fence ie kids from off the street couldn't get to it easily. When she moved in, she got a kind of glass panel fence put around it with child/lab proof gates. It left about 1 to 2m around the edge of the pool but didn't spoil the view. Ie the court yard still looked big.

However - one of the glass panels shattered. So I'd recommend getting laminated ones or security film put on. It wasn't supposed to shatter but there was nothing to stop the glass from going everywhere when it did. A (weather proof) security film or laminate would do this. Or maybe perspex would be better.

Anyway it should be possible to lab proof the pool in a cost effective and asthetic way. And that would help if you ever have kiddies to visit too.

Thanks for the very good idea re laminated panels - we were looking at perhaps glass but didn't even think of it shattering.... that would be a nightmare with water/doglets / bare feet...

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I'm not sure what a ping string is but I can't see how it would stop a lab - even if it was electrified. I've seen a lab jump clean over a 1m fence and they could probably clear taller fences if they were motivated enough (bitch on heat, scary thunderstorm). And a trip wire (ie string at lab nose height) would not be fun around a pool for anyone else either.

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I'm not sure what a ping string is but I can't see how it would stop a lab - even if it was electrified. I've seen a lab jump clean over a 1m fence and they could probably clear taller fences if they were motivated enough (bitch on heat, scary thunderstorm). And a trip wire (ie string at lab nose height) would not be fun around a pool for anyone else either.

I can just visualise wet labs that have jumped past the ping string, had a swim and now want to lie in the sun on dry warm pavers....ZAP! OWWW!!!

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I'm not sure what a ping string is but I can't see how it would stop a lab - even if it was electrified. I've seen a lab jump clean over a 1m fence and they could probably clear taller fences if they were motivated enough (bitch on heat, scary thunderstorm). And a trip wire (ie string at lab nose height) would not be fun around a pool for anyone else either.

I can just visualise wet labs that have jumped past the ping string, had a swim and now want to lie in the sun on dry warm pavers....ZAP! OWWW!!!

I am such an idiot sometimes - didn't even think of that...... they aren't jumpers - yet - but the temptation of all that water to play in :thanks:

OK - either extra fence around pool / no access at all or inside with us...

Thanks for the replies - as you can see advice clearly very badly needed :laugh:

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I'm not sure what a ping string is but I can't see how it would stop a lab - even if it was electrified. I've seen a lab jump clean over a 1m fence and they could probably clear taller fences if they were motivated enough (bitch on heat, scary thunderstorm). And a trip wire (ie string at lab nose height) would not be fun around a pool for anyone else either.

Yes - that would be clumsy clod me after a few too many drinks - face planted in the pavers while the two doglets look on in hysterics :thanks:

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