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Eeeewwww She Eats Poop!

My Dog Rosie

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The pineapple definitely works for dogs that are eating their own

While it may work for some, it doesn't work for everyone :)

How much did you give? Labs are a pretty big dog compared to a Cavalier. My girls get the equivalent of 5 pieces of tinned pineapple per meal. Perhaps it was not enough to be noticable? It took a couple of days to "kick in" too.

Or you could just have a very determined sh12 eater! :)

I do believe this is the case because she KNOWS she is not allowed, but still does it! By 5 pieces, you mean you give like 5 whole pineapple rings to a Cav per meal?

No, not rings, five of the little pre cut wedges of a ring.

Thank goodness for that! Cos I'm thinking if it takes that much to put off a Cavalier, I'd be going through a few tins a day with Labs!! :love: I used crushed pineapple and gave a few dessert spoonfuls plus some juice for a couple of weeks and it did no good. But I might try again, I'm tired of it working for others and not me :love:

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My lab is also guilty of this ... it's gross ! I'm wondering if anyone's considered the acidity in pineapple and bloat? I don't know if there's a connection or not .. just curious ?

Haven't heard of any connection? I'm hoping the pineapple will "break the habit". They have only been on it a week and it's been working great. I'm going to lessen the amount after a time and see what they do.

I have read though that excessive (what's too much poo? :thumbsup: ) poo eating can put a strain on the Kidneys???

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Rubystar wrote:"She will indulge like Millie's backside is a Mr Whippy machine"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl::love: :D :D :) :) :) :p :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yep look up my old posts and I had problems in the past with my poms eating poop - their own, their dads, mums, sisters, brother, friend, cat, bird, possum etc....

I tried everything possible and change of diet and never stopped the disgusting habit!!! Maybe just made it less frequent??

As they have gotten older they seem less prone to doing it, but every now and then I catch them doing it and presto :laugh:

who on earth designed this icon: :laugh: its bloody fantastic!!! lets look at it again in slow motion :laugh:

ok moving on...

so yep we just learned to live with it now - its very disgusting but thats dogs for you :thanks:

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The pineapple definitely works for dogs that are eating their own

While it may work for some, it doesn't work for everyone :(

How much did you give? Labs are a pretty big dog compared to a Cavalier. My girls get the equivalent of 5 pieces of tinned pineapple per meal. Perhaps it was not enough to be noticable? It took a couple of days to "kick in" too.

Or you could just have a very determined sh12 eater! :)

I do believe this is the case because she KNOWS she is not allowed, but still does it! By 5 pieces, you mean you give like 5 whole pineapple rings to a Cav per meal?

No, not rings, five of the little pre cut wedges of a ring.

Thank goodness for that! Cos I'm thinking if it takes that much to put off a Cavalier, I'd be going through a few tins a day with Labs!! :) I used crushed pineapple and gave a few dessert spoonfuls plus some juice for a couple of weeks and it did no good. But I might try again, I'm tired of it working for others and not me ;)

My friends Lab would try and catch the poo as it exited her own bum, so disgusting :cool:

She gave it a cup of pineapple juice morning and night, and after 2 weeks the dog had finally decided that poo tasted grose.

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  • 3 months later...

Urgh! My 10 month old puppy schanuzer loves his own poo!!

Happy to read i'm not alone!

Recently he's been eating it and then throwing up - i've been so diligent in cleaning up after him when home, but it's like he hides some for later! Gross!!

I've been feeding him crushed pineapple every morning/night, even allowing the kibble to be soaked for a few minutes - doesn't appear to be a deterrent.

Anyone have any other ideas? My vet has mentioned that he can grow out of it in adult-hood, tell me that's true ....

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this thread is :rofl: and :vomit:

I know ppl that tried the pineapple wit no success, suppose it depends how much they like poop :vomit: mine tend to like horse , which I don't mind, but from time to time they find cat and I almost :vomit: as I tell them off :rofl: thankfully no dog poop eaters here .do you think it could be diet , curious to know what the poop eaters eat for food apart frompoop :rofl:

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I too have a dog poo eater. She likes to get hers piping hot straight from the factory :laugh:

Of course we do not allow this if we catch her, but we see her lerking around others' bottoms, waiting.... and sure enough, we have discovered this is what she is waiting for.

I know my dogs are well fed and worm free, so other than it being a habit I would prefer she did not have, it does not bother me overly. It does not make up a large portion of her daily diet and I do not believe she does it every day.

Mind you, when she puckers up for a kiss and snuggles up for a cuddle of an evening, I can certainly tell if she has been savouring a few doggie nuggets :eek:

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This is the best thread ever! I have giggled the whole way through! I love the spew icons... How do you make them? Thankfully my little girl has no appetite for anything bar liver treats, meat, rocks, sticks and socks so I'm safe for now.... Although I have been wearing a lot of odd socks lately!

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My pup was a rampant poo consumer too, his own and anyone else's. :eek:

His breeder suggested sprinkling unsweetened pineapple juice onto his food rather than actual pineapple. It seemed to work on stopping him eating his own. Maybe it helped break it becoming a habit too? :confused: I have since forgotten to buy the juice and he hasn't returned to his poo-gobbling ways. Except at dog obedience, where the abundant rabbit poo is wildly distracting!:doh:

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I read somewhere an opinion about why dogs can tend to eat poop....& why it's slightly more common in female dogs.

In the wild the female dog would eat the poop in the area where she was raising puppies. This was to take way a scent which could attract predators.

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Having same problem here.

I have mother and son, Lara's still cleaning up after Mav and his nearly 4!!

Nothing has worked here.

We just try and keep on top of the poops scooping.

Oh no! One of my girls is still eating her daughters poo - who is now 16 weeks. She does not touch the other dogs, just her baby. I had to stop her from eating the whole litters poo when they where 8 weeks old! She would sniff it out a mile away and comee running. :rofl: She was a good mummy :laugh: She knows she is not allowed to, so will not while I am watching. I was hoping she would grow out of it. But is seems she may not :confused:

Looks like I might have to try some pepper to try and break the habbit. ;)

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