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Da On Lead


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I have a 12 mo F shepherd, have had her about 4 weeks. She is great with my dogs or any foster i bring home, but when out walking she lunges and barks and her hackles are up at any dogs she sees. She is one of 2 dogs that where surrendered to rescue, both very thin and i think she has spent all her life in a backyard without socialisation. I have started taking her to obedience club just to be around other dogs at the moment not actually putting her in a class. I have been making her drop and we basically just watch the other dogs, but it is a battle just to keep her in that position.

The question is am I doing the right thing with her or is there something else i should be trying

Edited by Enigma
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I definitely wouldn't get her to hold a drop- would be quite stressful and loading for many dogs.

While i would certainly recommend contacting a good trainer or behaviourist first, a good exercise to start with is Leslie McDevitt's Look at That- if you search youtube for it, you will be able to find some videos.

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