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Yay Sale Has A New Fish And Feather!


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And what does it have? Oh just the normall puppies, kittens, birds, fish and small animals to the more un normal turtles, lizards snakes, spiders, mitchell's hoping mice. Apart from the animals they dont really have alot of anything else! Grr not happy about this place :thumbsup:

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Yeah, Traralgon got one of those too, a few months ago. It does have a lot of other stuff but I walked in, saw the puppies and walked out. I don't see it lasting though, it's in a stupid location, right at the top of the highway on the way to Sale.

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There is one down the road from me, and I actually worked there when I was a kid and didn't know better. I do give it credit though for opening my eyes to what pet shops are like. I left in tears after three weeks. Its a horrible, horrible place.

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Yeah, Traralgon got one of those too, a few months ago. It does have a lot of other stuff but I walked in, saw the puppies and walked out. I don't see it lasting though, it's in a stupid location, right at the top of the highway on the way to Sale.

It's also near a certain adult shop so hopefully that scares people off ;)

I was shocked, they had older puppies in those tiny glass cages and a couple big snakes in tiney cages :heart:

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There is one down the road from me, and I actually worked there when I was a kid and didn't know better. I do give it credit though for opening my eyes to what pet shops are like. I left in tears after three weeks. Its a horrible, horrible place.

I reported that same place to the RSPCA last year.

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I don't think the one in Traralgon is called Fish and Feather, I can't actually remember what it was called. It's very big though and at first glance they had a lot of pet supplies.....food, accessories, toys, beds etc. But out front they have advertised what types of puppies they currently have in stock.

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Oh how I loathe the F&F in Kilsyth!!

I can't count the amount of times I have heard their staff telling some person that the little scruffy (crossed with about 3 breeds) doesn't need much maintenance (grooming wise.)

Oh & when they were trying to sell a border collie x lab, they were telling the potential buyer that it's exercise levels were low coz labs are very laid back!! :laugh: I think I nearly spat my drink all over hubby that day!!

I have to admit my local store knows me by sight as I continuously go in there to check how state of their poor animals. I shudder to think how many dead birds I've seen lying in the bottom of their avaries & not to mention the floating fish, just let to be picked away & fester in their water.

I can't wait to see the day these sort of places go out of business. Sadly though I still think it'll be a long time coming. :)

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We have a FnF as well. I've only been in there twice and can't remember them actually having kittens or puppies although there used to be an ad on tv saying they sold them.. It's a tiny store so i have no idea how they could fit them in anyway.

The first time i went in i was looking for something that they didn't stock and the second time it was to look at their fish. I nearly puked at the state of their fighters in tiny containers with filthy water. There was so many of them stacked along half dead. It was depressing. I wanted to buy them all and take them home but obviously that just can't happen as i have no where for them to go. :(

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