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How To Teach Dog To Associate Dog Door With Toileting


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Two weeks ago we adopted a 12month old male from Izzy's breeder. He has been a show dog so spent most of his time in kennels and therefore not toilet trained.

I have been treating him like a pup with regards to toileting - taking him outside frequently, after meals and sleeping etc. We have also taught him to use the doggy door and he is quite happy to go through it now when I tell him to and will sometimes follow Izzy through it.

The doggie door is in the laundry up a short passage so not immediately visible from the living areas. How can I teach him to associate needing to toilet with using it? When I take him out for toileting I take him through the dog door but he hasn't yet learned to go out himself. Am I expecting too much after 2 weeks?

He is crated at night and at times through the day when I can't watch him. He is being sterilised next week.

Edited by Drumbeat
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I think you are going to have to work hard at this, life in a kennel means it is harder to train.

I have housetrained well over 100 dogs here (they have to go through a dog door) and lots of other dogs in other people's homes as well. Ive just changed computers and haven't moved files over. I f you pm me your email address, I will send you my housetraining method but you do need to keep at it.

If you are crating him, the very first thing you do when getting him out is get him on a lead and take him to the dog door and put him through. Go out yourself and give him a treat. Treats, praise and repetition are all essential tools for success.

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