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Still Struggling With Toilet Training


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I have never bothered to try to find a crate big enough for greyhounds! But I just use a puppy pen to confine my greyhounds inside when I can't supervise them.

If you are not in the position to constantly supervise when Pia is inside, then you will continue to have accidents.

Either get a crate/puppy pen for when you can't supervise inside, or leave her outside if you can't supervise inside.

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Pia is not a puppy - she will be 2 years old in August. She can't be outside with Phoebe because Phoebe would like to kill her. We were going to have Phoebe PTS (she has lots of issues) but have decided to manage the situation for now.

Where is Phoebe when you take Pia outside? Have you considered how stressful it would be on Pia knowing there is a dog out to kill her? Might be the reason for the toileting inside. Pia might appear to be happy to toilet outside when you are with her but she might also be doing it inside because there is less stress and/or it's safer.

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Pia is not a puppy - she will be 2 years old in August. She can't be outside with Phoebe because Phoebe would like to kill her. We were going to have Phoebe PTS (she has lots of issues) but have decided to manage the situation for now.

Where is Phoebe when you take Pia outside? Have you considered how stressful it would be on Pia knowing there is a dog out to kill her? Might be the reason for the toileting inside. Pia might appear to be happy to toilet outside when you are with her but she might also be doing it inside because there is less stress and/or it's safer.

I think Kirty has considered that. One of the consequences of her decision to keep Phoebe and manage her is the likely continuation of anxiety-based behaviour problems in all her other dogs.

Kirty, I don't mean to be nasty here, I feel for you so much, but starting yet another topic is unlikely to provide the magic and easy solution. Please don't wait for a human error to one day affect your management system, or there could be a lot worse tragedy than wee on the carpet.

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Kirty, I feel for you. One more issue to deal with, you poor thing. :thumbsup::)

I'm going through something similar, so I get that there is no simple solution.

Honey's accidents are linked to an incontinence issue which does make it a bit trickier, but at least I know what is going on. Her toilet routine is completely shot as is her ability to hold on.

We are trialling some medication but its a frustrating process.

Honey has toiletted on our kitchen floor about 5 times in the last week, last night she refused to wee when I took her out at 8pm, 10pm and at 3am. 6am I came downstairs to a puddle and a poo. :laugh:

I have mopped with vinegar today just in case it helps.

The last 2 nights I have resorted to keeping a towel near the backdoor to soak up any mess, I may upgrade to a pee pad and work with her tendency to use the same spot. At the very least its less cleaning up when not much else seems to help.

The sense that I get is that Honey is generally confused by her situation and its affecting her behaviour. Perhaps this is Pia's problem?

Also we changed her food a couple of months ago (due to supply problems) and I suspect that this food makes her thirstier. I'll be changing back to see if it makes any difference.

Ugh, if its not one thing its another, isnt it? Lucky we love them so much. :thumbsup:

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Good luck Kirty, I hope you can get through to Pia soon. It is very frustrating when they won't co-operate with toilet training. I don't have any suggestions to help, I am losing my own battle here.

I can not get through to Charli that the OPEN door is to go outside for toileting. The little bitch can be happily playing outside and seems to think she must come inside again to crap on the tiles - only inches from the open door. Charli has access to the side of the house and the laundry as well as bathroom area, it is blocked off at the kitchen so she can see what is going on. She has only had ONE DAY since she has been here that she actually went outside for toileting.

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Pia is not a puppy - she will be 2 years old in August. She can't be outside with Phoebe because Phoebe would like to kill her. We were going to have Phoebe PTS (she has lots of issues) but have decided to manage the situation for now.

Where is Phoebe when you take Pia outside? Have you considered how stressful it would be on Pia knowing there is a dog out to kill her? Might be the reason for the toileting inside. Pia might appear to be happy to toilet outside when you are with her but she might also be doing it inside because there is less stress and/or it's safer.

I agree with Rebanne - it's quite possible that Pia is not happy having to "mark" outside at all and send a constant message to the other dog that she is in her territory. If this was happening amongst our greys, I would try making two or three of Pia's daily turnouts a little walk up and down the block - to give her the opportunity to "empty out" in a neutral location. One of those two or three times should be first thing in the morning. Nothing like a bit of early morning exercise to wake up a dog's digestive system! A good 20-30 minute early morning walk before breakfast would also be a good idea - if you're not already doing that.

I really feel for you Kirty. I simply couldn't manage the situation with the dogs that you're trying to deal with.

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Some people have missed my posts where i said that pia does not go out the back. Phoebe is in the backyard, Pia goes in the front yard. The dogs are at the stage where they can be together in the yard when i am there, but i wont risk it when im not there. Pia is not scared of Phoebe anymore and tries to initiate play when they are together.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions.

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