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Breed Suggestions :-) Please

Guest RosieFT

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Guest RosieFT

The older dog may have impacted on this dog. The older dog certainly became more sprightly and interested in life once mini came along. The daughter is an avid animal lover and has always shown interest in the mini. She interacted alot with her, tried to get her interested in balls/toys/games etc. but dog always would retrieve once and then that was it - smart dog some might say! As the child got older (was 6yrs when they got dog) she tried training her - same as we all did (well i did anyway!) with our pets, by making little jumps, playing etc. She is very involved with the dogs and washes and brushes her and helps her dad clip her. I believe she is involved with feeding her, but will double check.

The mum does work from home so is around alot with the dog.

We all went camping together a couple of years ago and our kids were running around the beach, in the water, father was kyacking... being active. Rosie was having a ball, runnign through waves up and down the beach, fetching balls, investigating smells. The mini was just lying with the mum in the beach shelter while she read her book. When mum came out for swim etc. mini would come out, but just to stand on the shore and watch, then back in shelter. She did occasionally interact a little with Rosie, but not much.

I have to admit that we were tossing up between schnauzer and fox terrier when we were looking and that holiday made me extra pleased by our choice, as dare i say it, the mini came across as a little boring and not as much a family dog as our foxie is. Now i think our foxie made my friend extra happy she had a calm, laid back schnauzer, so it is horses for courses!

This mini is excersized daily and is socialised - dogs even come and stay as mum/family dog sits for some friends, and she is great with other dogs.

I think the daughter wants a dog that will 'do' stuff, one that is happy to play at a bit of jumping in the backyard, tug a toy, go running up the beach..

I totally agree that you cannot label dogs by one alone, and i must stress, the mum is super, happy with the dog, and they all adore the dog it is much loved and is well behaved and easy dog to have around.

I mean my fox terrier does not dig, bark and loves nothing more than to be on your lap if she gets half a chance - not really how i would expect a terrier to behave. BUT then if something is going on, or there is water about - watch out! LOL

oh, to answer more of the mini questions..

my impression of her is that she is a happy, outgoing dog that is not ever in your face, will come to say hello when you come to the house, but won't come right up to you, won't bark at the door, just more to see who it is. She seems a soft natured dog without being a submissive dog. She is a dog that is there, will come say hi if you talk to her, but does not push herself on strangers. She will lie on owners lap on her back happy as larry being stroked.

From *my* impression she is not a playful dog, and i think this may be the problem. She is a lovely dog, just one of those very calm, just, well 'there'. No problems. I don't know if she interacts with young dogs, certainly does have dog/dog stimulation. She did try play with Rosie when we went camping, but only once and i think Rosie was too much for her. They basically ignored each other by the 2nd day. Or i distracted Rosie from her when on the beach or Rosie found other dogs to play with.

Daughter is 12, she already does alot with the mini, as i said, and this dog will be with her in mind.

Thank you to all for the suggestions and info on other dog breeds :-) .

Lyndsay - that is nice to hear re irish, they are lovely looking dogs. But i obviously love terriers :-)

Edited by RosieFT
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Guest RosieFT

Thank you to all for the suggestions and to Christine for her offer of meeting her dogs - however they are steering away from terriers, it seems.

I think they have to go and think about it some more now that we have been and spoken to a few breeders and have a better idea of what they want.

As an aside, i revisited my love of Kerry Blue Terriers and met THE most gorgeous, friendly, beautiful young girl Kerry. I would have stolen her home if i could have got away with it ;-) . Wow, what a stunning and super happy, friendly dog she is.

Thanks again.

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