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What To Do Re Vet Fee?


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Miley seems to have an infection of some type in her ears.

I've been told it will cost up to $150 to get them fixed (consultation and medication) but my vet no longer does accounts. I used always pay my vet bills over a couple of weeks and it's never been a problem. I've always paid and they've never needed to chase it up.

It seems because of a few bad people, they can no longer do this so now I am left with a sick dog who can't have treatment ;)

I phoned Lort Smith and their quote was even higher :confused:

She NEEDS treatment for her ears and I can't afford it :o

I have to come up with $100 before Wednesday for my DD's school camp so I simply won't have the cash for another 2 weeks.

Is it cruel to let it wait so long? She doesn't seem to be in pain and isn't scratching or anything anymore (since I got the wax out), but her ears still smell.

I had an appointment to get her anal glands done this week and when I phoned them say I had done it on my own and would like her ears checked instead, they said it was only an appointment with the vet nurse, so it was cancelled. I made another booking for next Friday, but when I phoned today to bring it forward and I asked how much it would probably be, I told them I would need to pay it off and that's when I was told they no longer do that.

It seems only wealthy people can afford to have pets these days.

What should I do?

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Miley seems to have an infection of some type in her ears.

I've been told it will cost up to $150 to get them fixed (consultation and medication) but my vet no longer does accounts. I used always pay my vet bills over a couple of weeks and it's never been a problem. I've always paid and they've never needed to chase it up.

It seems because of a few bad people, they can no longer do this so now I am left with a sick dog who can't have treatment ;)

I phoned Lort Smith and their quote was even higher :confused:

She NEEDS treatment for her ears and I can't afford it :o

I have to come up with $100 before Wednesday for my DD's school camp so I simply won't have the cash for another 2 weeks.

Is it cruel to let it wait so long? She doesn't seem to be in pain and isn't scratching or anything anymore (since I got the wax out), but her ears still smell.

I had an appointment to get her anal glands done this week and when I phoned them say I had done it on my own and would like her ears checked instead, they said it was only an appointment with the vet nurse, so it was cancelled. I made another booking for next Friday, but when I phoned today to bring it forward and I asked how much it would probably be, I told them I would need to pay it off and that's when I was told they no longer do that.

It seems only wealthy people can afford to have pets these days.

What should I do?

Don't blame others for you not being able to afford upfront vet treatment for your dog. There really wasn't a sugar-coated way to put that, so I apologise if you take offence.

Vets aren't obligated to offer their clients accounts and infact, very few do.

How long have you know about your DD's school camp?

Edited by Aziah
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I don't have a credit card :confused:

I offered to pay a deposit, but the girl on the phone said they don't do accounts anymore.

If you have been a long time client ask to speak to the vet....if he/she says no then I think it is time to find another vet that will let you pay the bill off.

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I've known about the camp for a while and $100 was made 2 weeks ago.. around the same time I had to get school books, uniforms and pay for this stupid netbook thing they all have to have.

It seems it's all come it at once. Normally I can find the cash for things like this, but things are really tight right now.

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Anything you can pawn for a couple of weeks?

If you can't/don't want to get a credit card for whatever reason, what I would do is go in to the vet's and arrange for you to transfer $5 or whatever you can afford every week into their account so that you have a credit with them, it builds up pretty quickly especially if you continue to pay an amount at the time of the visit if you possibly can (ie don't use up all the credit if you can avoid it)

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Sometimes it is worth asking to speak to the manager especially if you have a longstanding realtionship with them. The Hospital I work for no longer runs accounts but our managers are also softies and quite a few clients find there are rules and there are exceptions to rules in special cases.

We also offer care Care Credit through GE Money, many clinics find that they need something in place and have similiar plans/approaches as a blanket rule just doesnt always work.

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I don't have a credit card :confused:

I offered to pay a deposit, but the girl on the phone said they don't do accounts anymore.

If you have been a long time client ask to speak to the vet....if he/she says no then I think it is time to find another vet that will let you pay the bill off.

Like I said in my previous post, so few vets do accounts these days, I certainly wouldn't get my hopes up changing vets and then expecting the new vet to play the account game.

They are running a business, they can run it how they please, their clients are paying for a service and they are entitled to get payment for that service immediately.

Obviously they've stopped offering accounts because some people haven't paid for the services as promised. This does make it difficult for those who do do the right thing, however changing vets won't make it any eaiser!

I've known about the camp for a while and $100 was made 2 weeks ago.. around the same time I had to get school books, uniforms and pay for this stupid netbook thing they all have to have.

It seems it's all come it at once. Normally I can find the cash for things like this, but things are really tight right now.

I realise these things happen, can you borrow the amount from a family member?

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If you can't/don't want to get a credit card for whatever reason, what I would do is go in to the vet's and arrange for you to transfer $5 or whatever you can afford every week into their account so that you have a credit with them, it builds up pretty quickly especially if you continue to pay an amount at the time of the visit if you possibly can (ie don't use up all the credit if you can avoid it)

Yup, that's a good plan for next time, if they'll let you do that. Even if the vet is kind enough to give you credit this time, they might be less sympathetic if you repeatedly ask for credit for your animals.

I think it's even less likely that a new vet would give you credit, after all they have no relationship with you and have no idea if you're trustworthy.

Edited by Staranais
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Could you go to a vet that offers the GE finance option? A lot of the major vets have the application forms at reception. If you pay it off quickly the interest is minimal.

FYI - The problem with people paying in installments isn't just non-payers, but cashflow. Cashflow is vital for small businesses.

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Could you go to a vet that offers the GE finance option? A lot of the major vets have the application forms at reception. If you pay it off quickly the interest is minimal.

FYI - The problem with people paying in installments isn't just non-payers, but cashflow. Cashflow is vital for small businesses.

Plus it's not worth debt collecting a ~$100 bill and people know it.

Not that I'm saying you're a non-payer HUP.

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I have GE finance card but the minimum is $400 per purchase, so that's no good.

I phoned the vet back and the one I normally see is in surgery, so she asked one I haven't seen before and was firmly told no.

The woman on the phone said to phone after 5pm when the vet I always see is available.

Fingers crossed he will say yes.

If not then I will just have to wait 2 weeks and pray no damage is done.

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It seems only wealthy people can afford to have pets these days.

We certainly aren't overly wealthy, but we have pets. We wouldn't of got them if we couldn't afford them. We just put some money away in an ING account each week, then when an unexpected vet bill comes along I just draw the money out.

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I have GE finance card but the minimum is $400 per purchase, so that's no good.

I phoned the vet back and the one I normally see is in surgery, so she asked one I haven't seen before and was firmly told no.

The woman on the phone said to phone after 5pm when the vet I always see is available.

Fingers crossed he will say yes.

If not then I will just have to wait 2 weeks and pray no damage is done.

Care Credit is different, it is specifically for medical bills and offers 3 months interest free, one off application fee of I think $25. If you have good credit with Ge you are unlikely to have any problems with getting approved.

Very handy to have as emergency centres generally accept it so it is there if you need it in the middle of the night for an emergency when it is hard to ring around family etc..

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