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When To Start Agility With A Jrt?


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Front yard isnt fenced. We have had no issues with him out there at all, he is never out there alone.. His recall is 100% and will Sit & Stay from a distance every time.

He has also been training to sit when he sees a car. He wont run up to people...

We only grab him if we see other dogs off lead... Some dogs that walk past are ok and Maui knows them well (neighbours)..

Not even the best trained obedience champions have 100% recalls, they are animals not robots.

Give him a few months to grow cocky and he will, terriers are pretty full of themselves then he will be giving you the finger rather than coming back! :confused:

I wouldn't start till he is at least a year old. In the meantime the ideas everyone has posted are good ideas too train, but especially a good recall and being able to ignore other dogs who are extremely excited!

Edited by tollersowned
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Just another warning- City of Port Phillip have become pretty tough over the last few years with dogs off lead where they shouldn't be. Should your pup venture off your property, even onto the footpath and someone complains to the council, you're likely to have a bit of trouble on your hands. Not to mention the risk to your pup that others have mentioned.

Your pup is going to go through many different developmental phases over the next year or so- ongoing training is vital to ensure your pup continues on the right track. While i would recommend formal training where you can train with distractions in a controlled environment, if you want to do it yourself make sure you continue to gradually change exercises, make them a little different or more challenging. If you don't continue to progress, many Jacks will get bored, switch off and go backwards. Just something to keep in the back of your mind. I'd also be maintaining a very high rate of reinforcement for those recalls. Our JRT has just hit 14 months and is a little star- they are a super breed when trained and socialised well.

Good luck!

Edited by Cosmolo
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