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Desexed 12month Old Lifting Let?


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I don't care if they cock their leg outside, they are just going to the toilet. Inside yes they would be sternly growled at.

My entire male who is 2 years old still squats most of the time, if he has been inside for example and needs to go becaue his bladder is full he squats. If he wants to mark he cocks his leg.

My entire male is exactly the same - squats in our backyard, marks in public. Sometimes he will have a full bladder in the morning and we'll be over at a friend's house so he cocks his leg which is hysterical, because he will literally stand there with his leg in the air for 2 minutes. He's a big dog, with a big bladder - my partner and I say he pees for Australia...

Never had to teach him not to pee in other people's houses but he's been moving heaps since he was a baby and staying over in people's houses due to personal circumstances. First thing I do when we go to a new house is take him to where he can go and he seems to have a good understanding of both the words and concepts of inside and outside.

I had absolutely no luck teaching him not to mark, which I did try to do when he started at about 5-6 months old. The best I've achieved is that he won't go whilst on the lead, and he is 100% toilet trained to the point where even if there is an entire male dog who is not toilet trained peeing in the house, he will not go over it. He has however, peed on other dog's heads :s

All dogs can mark, whether desexed or not, and if you have a dog who wants to mark well they're probably going to mark. Desexed dogs definitely mark less though. My dog will spend a good percentage of his time at the park peeing on things, whereas the desexed dogs will pee on the most popular spots and then go back to chasing balls and stuff.

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The best I've achieved is that he won't go whilst on the lead,

I gather you don't travel much with him? I need my dogs to pee on lead at roadside stops, shows and trials. Sometimes there simply isn't an opportunity or a safe place to let them off.

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The best I've achieved is that he won't go whilst on the lead

I would much prefer my dogs to pee ON LEAD .... but on command . Leash relieving is just THE most useful thing :confused: When ill, when travelling, when at someone's house,when in an area not fenced,when you need a urine/faecal sample... etc etc.

I find toilet on command a necessary ;) Of course, the dog can relieve himself whenever he wants when outside ..but before a trip, whilst walking, when travelling.. it is just SO nice to be able to clip on a lead... go to one spot, give a command, and allow the dog to toilet .

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This is great, thank you all for the clarification on what is normal and what isn't.

I'm glad my gut instincts were right. Sounds like most of you all agree which is good, it's all very helpful, thankyou. :confused:

It's great to get some really helpful information and clarification on things without people being nasty or being sarcastic, well most time anyway, lol.

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I always encourage my dogs to toilet on lead. We recently went away for the weekend. My dogs toileted no issues all good. My friends dog had always been taught not to toilet on lead. we ended up having to drive down a really quiet gravel road on the way home,so we could let her off lead and it still took half an hour. She had refused to toilet for two days apart from one pee and ended up quite distressed. She is now going to buy an extenda lead and see if she can teach her to toilet on that.

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My puppy started lifting his leg at nearly 6 months, he was desexed at 2.5 months. I haven't done anything to stop it, it's natural. My female dog lifts her leg on walks too. They pee on cue, whether on lead or not, so they have no issues with that.

As for doing it at your friends house, this is probably just because he hasn't generalised housetraining. They don't generalise well, and being housetrained in your house doesn't mean he's housetrained in any other house. So when visiting, make sure he has peed before taking him inside, and take him out regularly to pee and praise for peeing outside, just like you did when housetraining him.

Edited by fuzzy82
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Yep normal. My dog Jet is a desexed 2 year old. He is shocking when it comes to marking. He has marked in the house a couple of times but now has stopped, apart from the spare bedroom a couple of nights ago but that was the first time he had access to that room. I only discourage it inside by telling him 'no' and then I put him either outside or in his crate. I know it can be very frustrating especially in other people's yards, house etc.

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Most male dogs will pee in the presence of entire male dogs. Some will go when there are other males around, it's all territorial.

Don't discourage him from going to the toilet outside - what is he supposed to do?? I don't get that at all, he's not a robot. In my housetraining method (I've trained well over 100 dogs and many other people's), dogs are trained to pee on command but still go if they need to. They are rewarded for it in fact which is why it's a good method, repetition and praise. Happy to send it to you if you send me your email addy by pm.

Saying "aaahhh" if you catch him going inside is good.

You also didn't answer my other questions - what do you clean up with? Does he go in the same place??

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Most male dogs will pee in the presence of entire male dogs. Some will go when there are other males around, it's all territorial.

Don't discourage him from going to the toilet outside - what is he supposed to do?? I don't get that at all, he's not a robot. In my housetraining method (I've trained well over 100 dogs and many other people's), dogs are trained to pee on command but still go if they need to. They are rewarded for it in fact which is why it's a good method, repetition and praise. Happy to send it to you if you send me your email addy by pm.

Saying "aaahhh" if you catch him going inside is good.

You also didn't answer my other questions - what do you clean up with? Does he go in the same place??

He doesn't go to the toilet inside, he has only gone once at our friends house about 3 months ago since he was about 3 months old.

We didn't clean it, even though I offered, as he did it on a speaker that was in the middle of the room that were throwing out as they had just moved in.

He is a very good dog, don't get me wrong. He never goes to the toilet inside my parents house when they watch him for us.

And I don't discourage him from going to the toilet outside, rather the opposite, I still praise his on command and on his own accord. He has lifted his legs only couple of times ever and only once inside and I was initially only asking for advice if this is something that I should prevent from happening again outside, of course I know it's not acceptable inside, but I was a little worried that by allowing him to do it outside it may encourage dominate male behaviour, but glad to hear this is a normal growing phase of a male dog.

Like I said he is a really well behaved dog, following all my commands. But I just wanted clarification of the lifting of his leg out in public.

Edited by meluchja
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