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Desexed 12month Old Lifting Let?


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Can someone please help me out.

I have a 12 month old male dog, that is desexed. And over the last few months he has lifted his leg to spray on about 4 different occasions.

Is this appropiate behaviour? I know it's normal for male dogs to want to mark his territory etc, but is it something that I should interrupt and stop him from doing, if you know what I mean. I just don't want him to be marking in places he shouldn't. As the first time he did was indoors in a friends house, I almost died :(

Should I allow it outside? Or is it something that I should try and stop him from doing?

He normally wees in the squatting position, so it's only on occasions that he has had the urge to lift.

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I have two males with Maltese in them (I have another 2 males that are very clean) and they will lift their legs inside for various reasons, they are housetrained.

Without knowing your situation I am not sure if yours is the same scenario.

Does your dog have easy access to the garden that is never blocked, ie a dog door?

Do you have other dogs?

Do you have visiting dogs?

Are you cleaning up with white vinegar/water mixutre? Disinfectant etc is no good.

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It's normal canine behaviour. Bitches mark too - and some lift their leg to do it. Left unneutered dogs begin to lift their leg anywhere between 4 months and never so it's likely your dog has only just grown up enough to do it. This and humping are two behaviours neutering is said to stop but don't.

If the dog is marking inside your house he isn't properly housetrained, if he's marking inside someone else's you should take responsibility for this and either not allow him inside other people's houses or when you do visit, keep him on a leash so you can prevent this until he's settled in, or keep him confined (playpen, baby gates, crate) when you can't actively supervise him and interupt him when he starts looking like he's going to lift his leg inside. Some of this is house training, some of it is normal dog marking strange territoty behaviour. I've never had a problem with males doing this when they are fully grown and mature (just with teenagers like your boy) - but I have no idea if this applies to neutered dogs or not as I've never owned one :(

Edited by Sandra777
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thank you all for your replies.

He has never lifted his leg in our house or our yard. And only in a friends house once, who has 2 other male inside dogs. Once he did it, he got put outside and didn't go back inside. I thought it was a male territory thing, but was so shocked as he had never done it before. But he also lifted his leg on a friends BBQ cover a week ago, and twice during our recent walks to school.

He was desexed at 4 months.

So is it something, I should let him continue to do? Or try to discourage it?

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Keep him on leash when you take him visiting or for that matter inside your own home if he does it there and interrupt the behaviour just as he is about to lift. Let him do it outside. Check you are giving him enough toilet opportunities outside ie. take him out every 3 hours to offer an opportunity. I use a toilet command "Quick, quick" as he goes outside and "good boy" which after 2 years of dedicated doing this, he now toilets on command when I say the phrase and knows he has permission outside.

Also, was there another dog at your friend's place as with my little dog, if another dog is there I have to watch very carefully as he goes into a different mode and starts trying to assert himself ie including leg lifting! The presence of another male dog can change everything!

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yeah he is good here, he has an open door to outside all through out the day, he hasn't been inside since he was a little puppy maybe 3 months old. He was very easy to house train.

And yes the house he lifted inside had 2 other male dogs, 1 entire 1 desexed. And the other house he lifted outside on the BBQ has a desexed 9 month old male dog. So definately seems to only happen when he can smell or around other male dogs.

So if we are outside, it's something I should let him do?

I should also add, since he got into trouble for lifting he leg inside at our friends house, he hasn't tried to do it again. But having said that, will definately keep him on a leash when we walk through another house again.

Is it something that will happen more often the older he gets?

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I have a male JRx who will be 10 next month. He is excellent in my home but is not trust worthy in any other home. Since I don't take him visiting all that often it is something I choose to manage ie I leave him outside or I have him on the lead & under control.

This is very normal behaviour for both males & females. Your home is his den which he will keep clean but any other home is not & therefore the same as the park in a dogs mind.

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You keep asking should you discourage it - how do you plan on doing that????

What you need to reinforce is the rule about you don't pee in ANYONE'S house - how he physically pees really isn't relevant.

Males almost always have one or two more drops they can squeeze out to mark with - even if they've had a huge pee outside first.

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You keep asking should you discourage it - how do you plan on doing that????

What you need to reinforce is the rule about you don't pee in ANYONE'S house - how he physically pees really isn't relevant.

Males almost always have one or two more drops they can squeeze out to mark with - even if they've had a huge pee outside first.

Like I have been. His no command which is a blunt "arh", is given and he stops. I wasn't asking how to stop it, I was asking if I should.

He has only ever done this inside a house once, and that was about 3 months ago, and he visits other people houses often and never done it again.

I'm more curious to know if I should be discouraging it all together even if he does it outside, of course it's a problem inside, but like I asked, is it a problem outside, should I continue to try and stop it?

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I'm more curious to know if I should be discouraging it all together even if he does it outside, of course it's a problem inside, but like I asked, is it a problem outside, should I continue to try and stop it?

What other perfectly natural behaviours do you plan on discouraging??? Sorry I really don't understand why you think it even is a problem - it's a natural canine behaviour.

Discourage him from doing it in inappropriate places and otherwise just leave it alone or you could end up creating an overall phobia about peeing anywhere in your presence :)

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Perfectly normal behaviour and I would be allowing it outside (I think it would actually be a tough one to stop).

When you take him to other peoples houses go back to like he was a puppy and you were toilet training him. Take him outside to pee as soon as you get there and periodically throughout your time there. Make sure you treat and reward when he goes outside in the new place too!

Funnily enough my 100% toilet trianed boy will still cock his leg around my house (inside). BUT he NEVER pees, just pretends :) (not one drop of pee comes out!)

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I don't care if they cock their leg outside, they are just going to the toilet. Inside yes they would be sternly growled at.

My entire male who is 2 years old still squats most of the time, if he has been inside for example and needs to go becaue his bladder is full he squats. If he wants to mark he cocks his leg.

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I don't allow marking by watching the dog, and interrupting with a quick Uh un!, any sound to break the dog from the act. You have to watch them persistently and stop persistently until they realise marking is not allowed. Inside marking is just wrong in my house or in my dog daycare.

Outside, be a natural dog and mark where applicable.

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