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Code Of Welfare For Dogs Issued In New Zealand


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Apparently this happened in June but it's news to me & I haven't seen it reported here.

Press release:


Code itself:


Apparently prong collars are now illegal in NZ. Guess they didn't like my submission.

"114. NAWAC discussed the issue of pinch and prong collars with the New Zealand Kennel

Club, following some complaints being made by members of the public about the use

of these devices, after the Code had been closed to public submissions. These devices

are new to the country and are only used by a very small number of dog owners (if

any). They are open to misuse, causing pain and distress, and there are recognised

alternatives that do not carry the same risks to animal welfare. NAWAC therefore

considered that they should be disallowed by means of a minimum standard, on the

grounds that the Animal Welfare Act provides for codes of welfare to address the

equipment used in the management or care of animals."

Also may be of interest to any NZ breeders, as it discusses both recommended breeding practices, & the rules about tail docking in NZ.

Edited by Staranais
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