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End Of Diestrus, Nipple Discharge


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Hey experienced breeder people,

Has anyone here ever seen a bitch produce a clear/straw coloured, slightly sticky, discharge from her nipples towards the end of diestrus?

I've seen bitches produce a small amount of milk at the end of diestrus, but have never seen any produce this clear fluid before.

The bitch is comfortable and happy, her mammary glands aren't inflammed or sore at all, and the discharge is only a small amount (a few ml from each gland), so I'm pretty sure it must be normal (for her). But I'd be interested to know what it is, and if it's common at all.

Thanks. :champagne:

Edited by Staranais
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Recently one of my bitches had this liquid in all her mammary glands, but this was after her milk dried up once her puppies were weaned. I have never had this happen before. I did take her to the Vet and she did get AB's as a precautionary measure. And I have never had this happen in a bitch like yours that hasnt had puppies. :champagne:

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