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Sudden Incontinence


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My 8 year old female sterilised Boxer has all of a sudden become incontinent today. She has wet herself 3 times in her sleep, and also has been dripping and drizzling as she walks. She has her first bowen therapy session last thursday (for treatment of sore muscles/pinched nerves caused by her spondylosis) and she has been moving and looking alot better- however today the incontinence starts. I'm wondering if this could be caused by muscles being relaxed? (I have never seen Bondi's muscles relaxed as long as I can remember- they have always been tight- and now that tension has been released)

any ideas?

Vet visit will be made if it continues.

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Sounds like my 4 yo desexed girl's hormonal incontinence. Just started up from nothing a month ago.

She is on hormone tablets twice a week for 3 months in the hope it will fix it. Crossing fingers.

Is the liquid smelly? UTIs are generally very smelly. Hormone Incontinence is odorfree, its like the dog leaked water.

It sounds exactly as you described and is very common in desexed females.

Perhaps the therapy has loosened the muscles, but if it is HI, a quick visit to the vet and some pills will stop the leaking, which is a total PITA.

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Hi boxagirl, Our son is a Bowen Therapist, and says that when you have a bowen treatment some times the treatment will get a little bit worse as it drives out the toxins from the body and there are quite a few different symptoms you can get while this is happening, but eventually will then settle in a few days .

Bowen treats the whole body not just the symptoms, so that is most likely why she had a bit of leaking.


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Thanks DeeLee- yes the liquid is like water and doesn't smell. It is really strange Bondi hasnt leaked at all today! But yesterday it was all over the place

It was quite sporadic with Honey too, which is why it took us a while to take her to the vet- we kept thinking it had been a one (or two) off. She went a week without a leak then she leaked several times in one day. :laugh: After that I knew I had to face that we had a problem.

For Honey, I think the irregularity may have had something to do with exercise and/or how much water she was drinking.

I noticed she leaked after we had been for a long run & she had drunk a lot. The muscles are weak, even more so after a run, so can't hold in the excess water. I found frequent forced toilet stops helped until the meds kicked in.

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I wonder if the incontinence is new or has just reached a level where you've noticed it for the first time.

I've also got a girl recently diagnosed with incontinence. I tend to wonder if she'd been leaking smaller amounts for a while before I noticed.

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I wonder if the incontinence is new or has just reached a level where you've noticed it for the first time.

I've also got a girl recently diagnosed with incontinence. I tend to wonder if she'd been leaking smaller amounts for a while before I noticed.

Yes exactly- I wonder how many of those wet patches that I assumed were from Honey's post drinking drool were actually her leaking.

She doesn't always leave a big mess either, she has a big fluffy butt and occasionally I had noticed it was damp- I had just assumed she'd sat in water. Since her diagnosis I can see that she has just leaked a little. :D

ETA: Just had a call from hubby, wet floor and dog. Bloody meds will have to be upped- twice a week not cutting it. I imagine this is not a good sign... :rofl:

I wonder why there isnt a once a year hormonal implant for this if its so common? :laugh:

Edited by ✽deelee
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Stilboestrol is the traditional treatment and can be given every day deelee so don't stress about it too much.

There is also Incurin and Propalin which are newer generation treatments Incurin is once daily and Propalin is 1-3 times daily so there are other options if the Stilboestrol doesn't work.

Giving a slow release hormonal implant would significantly increase the rate of mammary gland tumours so I guess that's why no-one's 'gone there' in producing a drug for it.

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I wonder if the incontinence is new or has just reached a level where you've noticed it for the first time.

I've also got a girl recently diagnosed with incontinence. I tend to wonder if she'd been leaking smaller amounts for a while before I noticed.

Yes exactly- I wonder how many of those wet patches that I assumed were from Honey's post drinking drool were actually her leaking.

She doesn't always leave a big mess either, she has a big fluffy butt and occasionally I had noticed it was damp- I had just assumed she'd sat in water. Since her diagnosis I can see that she has just leaked a little. :rainbowbridge:

ETA: Just had a call from hubby, wet floor and dog. Bloody meds will have to be upped- twice a week not cutting it. I imagine this is not a good sign... :rainbowbridge:

I wonder why there isnt a once a year hormonal implant for this if its so common? :rainbowbridge:

I've actually heard something about some vets around here trialling Suprelorin implants for this before we became unable to get them in NZ. But that's off label use, & I'm not sure of the results of the trial. Suprelorin is a hormone blocker, not a hormone itself per se, so I'm not sure if it would have any impact on mammary tumours.

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ETA: Just had a call from hubby, wet floor and dog. Bloody meds will have to be upped- twice a week not cutting it. I imagine this is not a good sign... :rainbowbridge:

I wonder why there isnt a once a year hormonal implant for this if its so common? :rainbowbridge:

Not necessarily. My poodle girl has never gotten beyond a tablet every 3 days. Initially it was every day for a week, then every second day for 2 weeks then we were meant to go out to once a week but that never worked.

Sounds like Honey might be like my Lily and not able to store the hormone.

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My dog has had a year of success with the implant, and we have not long ago put a new one in her. Fingers crossed we get another year out of this one. I have had to use Propalin for a few weeks while the new implant is taking effect. We are on the trial register for this drug, which is known to be very safe. I have heard it can be different for each dog, and collecting information will be helpful in the treatment of this condition.

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I wonder if the incontinence is new or has just reached a level where you've noticed it for the first time.

I've also got a girl recently diagnosed with incontinence. I tend to wonder if she'd been leaking smaller amounts for a while before I noticed.

:laugh: I hope not, because she sleeps in my bed!

And we have floorboards so the drips were pretty hard to miss.

Thanks Lablove, the bowen therapist did say it would take afew days after treatment for her body to settle :laugh:

Bondi just got back from her second bowen treatment, as not only had I noticed the incontinence on the tuesday, but she also had some slight rear end weakness which wasnt normal for her. I took her to bowen and apparently she had put her back end out (probably from doing zoomies) which had put her muscles down there into spasm (which is also a symptom of the spondylosis) which would explain the leaking. Her upper body and the muscles around the spine were still good from her last treatment which is good to hear :shhh:

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My dog has had a year of success with the implant, and we have not long ago put a new one in her. Fingers crossed we get another year out of this one. I have had to use Propalin for a few weeks while the new implant is taking effect. We are on the trial register for this drug, which is known to be very safe. I have heard it can be different for each dog, and collecting information will be helpful in the treatment of this condition.

Hey that's really cool, who is doing the trial? Hopefully it keeps working for you. :shhh:

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Boxagirl, hopefully it is just the Bowen treatment. That would be far preferable!!

My dog has had a year of success with the implant, and we have not long ago put a new one in her. Fingers crossed we get another year out of this one. I have had to use Propalin for a few weeks while the new implant is taking effect. We are on the trial register for this drug, which is known to be very safe. I have heard it can be different for each dog, and collecting information will be helpful in the treatment of this condition.

Oh wow, so there is an implant? How did you get on the trial? Do they need more dogs? Id be keen!

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Suprelorin is the implant. Origionally designed to use in male dogs to chemically casterate them.

I know of someone who is trialling it but not sure how it is going hasn't been in long.

Oh ok, I wondered if that was it. I'll ask my vet about the trial when I've nearly run out of the Stilboestrol. Interesting...

PF, Honey was started on it the same way as your girl.

ST, I hope I dont have to use it everyday. Poor luv is so young. :) .

I'll start with every second and see how she goes. The vet did say that she will need several months on it before we can be sure of a result. He was optimistic, I shall try to remain so. Its only been one month.

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Well if it's really inconveniencing you and her then you can ask to switch to Propalin. It works on the sphincter so usually within a week or so you have a good improvement. May take longer if the dose is not quite right.

The issue is that Stilboestrol and Propalin are worlds apart when it comes to cost, so it's up to your personal circumstances.

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:eek: I'm beginning to wonder if I too have a problem with my gorgeous 9 year old westie girl - the last two Saturday nights she has leaked and she looks so mortified. Its like normal urine and doesn't smell. She too has a damp bottom.

I'll take her to the vet but SnT could you give me some detail about:

The issue is that Stilboestrol and Propalin are worlds apart when it comes to cost, so it's up to your personal circumstances.

I've got really heavy expenses at the moment so I would prefer something more affordable if that's what it is...


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Westiemum , I know a lot of people don't like to try natural cures, but for what it's worth, we have just cleared up our sheperds UTI using apple cider vinegar with the mother in it 10 ml mixed in food daily, homeopathy incontinence spray (3 sprays) for humans from the health food store mixed with about 10ml of colloidal silver, in a plastic container and let drink. cleared it up in a week

Colloidal silver is an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral.

If you are still interested after reading this I can give you the makers of the ones I bought, all up cost $33

Also corn silk is meant to clear up incontinence in older dogs, I dont know whether you can get this from healthfood store or not.


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