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Puppies Due In A Few Days


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Hang on all of you. :champagne:

Before you all start to point fingers, this is a Forum for pure bred dogs.

Most breeders have a problem with or should have a problem with, people allowing x bred litters.

Don't you believe that we have enough BYB's as it is.

If things go wrong, who cleans up this persons mess or any other persons for that matter, the rescuers on DOL and other rescuers.

Spare a thought for them.

Sorry it is just plain irresponsible to have a x bred litter in this day and age.

Will every puppy in this litter be de sexed or will they go onto homes and perpetuate this very same situation. :laugh:


Whats done is done - the OP has said she is desexing the bitch after this, and unless she is going to terminate now, the bitch is going to have puppies regardless. Or would you rather that she have no idea and the bitch have the puppies in a hole under the house? She has taken responsibility for it, and is on a way steep learning curve here with no experience or idea. There is a point where the welfare of the animal concerned comes in, or are we the kind of people that don't care about the treatment of a dog if it isn't a purebreed?

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This forum is for Purebred dogs....this is a mongrel.

This has already been well noted, so why bother bringing it up again?

The OP has asked for advice, and whether the pups are pedigree or mongrel makes no difference at this stage.

The deed is done and someone is asking for help.

In an ideal world, these pups would not be on the way, but they are, so get over it.

The snobbery and bitchiness of some people on here simply amazes me.


Oh right....everyone can tell a person looking for a designer dog to nick off but when the byb comes back for advice you help them.....what are you going to do in 6 mths time when the bitch is pregnant again, help her again.....I agree with RSG, go to the vet and pay for the advice. :champagne:

This is an exclusive breeders forum not a Back yard breeder forum.

Edited by Shazzapug
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Hang on all of you. :champagne:

Before you all start to point fingers, this is a Forum for pure bred dogs.

Most breeders have a problem with or should have a problem with, people allowing x bred litters.

Don't you believe that we have enough BYB's as it is.

If things go wrong, who cleans up this persons mess or any other persons for that matter, the rescuers on DOL and other rescuers.

Spare a thought for them.

Sorry it is just plain irresponsible to have a x bred litter in this day and age.

Will every puppy in this litter be de sexed or will they go onto homes and perpetuate this very same situation. :laugh:


Well said oakway. I completely agree with RSG and Shazzapug.

Has anyone considered that assisting this person may encourage her. If everything goes well (thanks to the help supplied by kindly DOLers) and the puppies are easily sold for an adequate amount how do we know that this person won't be tempted to repeat the mating? She says she will desex the bitch...... well maybe she will and maybe she won't.

I have no doubt that the OP loves her dog, but why on earth is the bitch still entire at 3 years of age and why did she purchase a male and also keep it entire if she wasn't intending to breed at some stage?

My advice is to take the bitch to a vet and if that makes me a bitchy snob then so be it.

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The most responsible thing to do would have been to desex the bitch, the next would be to abort the litter. As those options are now passed the most responsible course of action now would be to get the vet to pts all but 3 puppies, asap after they are born. That would be enough for the bitch to rear without problems and would mean only 3 would need homes.

The chances of finding homes for a large litter of big crossbred puppies is very slim. The op may well find that she invests a lot of time and money to rear these puppies only to find that there are no homes for them to go to. At that point responsible thing to do is pts then, but most simply dump them at shelters for them to have to euthanase. :champagne:

This was always a problem when I worked for AWL. People would ring with large crossbred litters that had cost them a fortune to feed, then found they couldn't sell them or even give them away. They would be told we could take them but all we could do was pts because we had the same problem. Hardly anyone wants a large crossbred breed as a pet. We could place all the little ones but would be lucky to place one litter a month of medium to large crossbreds, but often had a couple of litters a week surrendered.

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Hang on all of you. :champagne:

Before you all start to point fingers, this is a Forum for pure bred dogs.

Most breeders have a problem with or should have a problem with, people allowing x bred litters.

Don't you believe that we have enough BYB's as it is.

If things go wrong, who cleans up this persons mess or any other persons for that matter, the rescuers on DOL and other rescuers.

Spare a thought for them.

Sorry it is just plain irresponsible to have a x bred litter in this day and age.

Will every puppy in this litter be de sexed or will they go onto homes and perpetuate this very same situation. :laugh:


Not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. I just made a general comment.

I am a breeder of purebred dogs. Have been for 30 years.

In this case, the welfare of the bitch and pups could be at risk, given the OP is not an experienced breeder.

I have never condoned the breeding of cross-breds, but I would not turn my back on someone asking for help when it comes to the welfare of a dog, purebred or not.

If things go wrong:

On my last visit to a shelter, I saw plenty of purebred dogs.

These dogs presumably from registered, responsible breeders, out of planned litters.

Many rescuers deal exclusively with the rescue of a particular breed.

Rescuers do not deal exclusively with the mess caused by BYB.

Sorry it is just plain irresponsible to have a x bred litter in this day and age.

Will every puppy in this litter be de sexed or will they go onto homes and perpetuate this very same situation?

Does every breeder of purebred dogs do this?

Where do you think a lot of these cross-breds come from?

They are the direct result of crossing two purebred dogs, presumably, once again from registered, reputable breeders, out of planned litters.

So should all breeders of purebreds desex their pups as well?

We are all in complete agreement that situations such as this should be avoided.

But it does none of us any harm to help someone when they need it, and to try and educate people (in a nice way) to the correct way of doing things.


Edited by Echo
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i completely understand the concerns of professional breeders and fully expected such replies. i have been to my vet several times for advice ans xrays but the advice he gave was nowhere near as knowledgeable

as the advice i have received here, mixed in with whatever else was said.

i have already said im getting her desexed after this and i regret i didnt put my foot down with my husband when we knew her heat was coming up

i would rather put up with things like people calling my beloved family member a mongrel and receive excellent advice from other very helpful people than not post here at all.

i have obviously misunderstood the forum notes when it said "anyone can post here but only registered breeders may reply"

i myself disdain people breeding purely for money but i can assure you this is not the case, and believe me finding good homes for these guys is a concern but i would never ever dump the responsibility onto someone else. i appreciate this has happened a lot and its a serious problem, but theres no need to classify me straight away with those people just because my cross breed got pregnant unplanned. i considered

aborting the pups but im sorry that's something i simply dont believe in

thank you again to those who have given me great advice. your experience is appreciated

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If things go wrong:

On my last visit to a shelter, I saw plenty of purebred dogs.

These dogs presumably from registered, responsible breeders, out of planned litters.

Where do you think a lot of these cross-breds come from?

They are the direct result of crossing two purebred dogs, presumably, once again from registered, reputable breeders, out of planned litters.


pure bred, registered dogs? In 10 years of working in a shelter I can tell you very few dogs that came in were registered purebreds. Very few dogs came in that even looked purebred.

Most larger cross breed's that came in are not a cross between 2 purebreeds but a heinze 57. People like to say their mutt is a cross between this breed and that but the reality is they are just mutt's, their sire was a mutt, their dam was a mutt. People just label their dogs to what they look like. My mutt is registered as a beagle cross foxie cause that is what she most's looks like and if she got lost someone might recognise her form that description but the truth is she is a mutt, a pure bred mongrel.

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If things go wrong:

On my last visit to a shelter, I saw plenty of purebred dogs.

These dogs presumably from registered, responsible breeders, out of planned litters.

Where do you think a lot of these cross-breds come from?

They are the direct result of crossing two purebred dogs, presumably, once again from registered, reputable breeders, out of planned litters.


pure bred, registered dogs? In 10 years of working in a shelter I can tell you very few dogs that came in were registered purebreds. Very few dogs came in that even looked purebred.

Most larger cross breed's that came in are not a cross between 2 purebreeds but a heinze 57. People like to say their mutt is a cross between this breed and that but the reality is they are just mutt's, their sire was a mutt, their dam was a mutt. People just label their dogs to what they look like. My mutt is registered as a beagle cross foxie cause that is what she most's looks like and if she got lost someone might recognise her form that description but the truth is she is a mutt, a pure bred mongrel.

I have been working in a shelter for 17 years, and temp test dogs 3 days a week, deciding if the Live or Die, I also often get the task of Putting many of them to sleep too, deal with the hand overs and excuses (moving, no time, having a baby yada yada yada) heard it all, a few genuine, but mostly just week couldn't be bothered excuses. Chances are at least some of these pups will end up in a shelter at some stage, possible producing more puppies themselves. Majority of dogs that get Put to sleep are because their slack and lazy owners didn't give a shit and didn't socialize or teach the dog any basic manners to make it possible for us to pass them on to someone else.

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