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No, I'm not getting one but my new housemate wants one and planning to get one.

I don't know much about them, considering that my aunty has 4 of them but they aren't the nicest lot (too many issues).

She's done the research on them but we/I want to know from people's personal experience in owning one.

What are they like? Do they like other dogs?

Are they considered an easy breed to look after and train?

Are they really yappy?

How can I convince her to name her future pup "Taco Bell"? ;) just kidding

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My sister ownes one. She is the sweetest most loving little dog, she would go home with anyone that pays her attention. Loves other dogs of all sizes (plays with a goldie as well as my pom often). Will yap abit but only at things rather than just for the hell of it. Was hard to toilet train her as she couldnt get up and down the stairs till she was nearly fully grown, so is trained to a pup head (grass mat).

I have met some nasty chihuahuas, but this one doesnt have a mean bone in her tiny body, just a lovely little dog.

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They need to be treated like a dog - rules, training etc.

One of the nastiest little dogs I have met is my sister's chi. She come up to people, sits on their laps and then bites them on the face. She is also very protective of my sister and will attack anyone walking near her. She is completely unpredictable and now lives with my Dad. There are people who refuse to visit because of this dog.

If your housemate gets one she needs to get a very well bred one, train it, socialise it and don't treat it like a baby.

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What are they like? Do they like other dogs?

Extremely loyal and loving to their owners. They love to sit on the couch with you and can be quite lazy. As for other dogs, they tend to be "clannish" and like their own kind the most. This is not to say they will not get along with other breeds of dogs, especially if they grow up around them.

Are they considered an easy breed to look after and train?

I find them easy to look after, they tend to be clean (mine groom themselves and each other a lot). I have long coats and they require a good brush once a week, mine get bathed regularly for show and are easy to bath in the laundry tub. Apart from that it is not a lot of fuss.

Training, formal training could be beneficial as they can think they are the boss. This is when they get snappy towards strangers etc and their other bad reps. IMO. However if you are an experienced dog owner it might not be an issue. I find they are easy to train as they will do anything for your attention and of course food as well.

Are they really yappy?

They can be. However firm training, generally a gruff "no" will correct the problem is caught early (ie when young). They are very eager to please so do no like it when you are not happy with them.

I agree with them comment made by megan - do not treat them like babies, they are dogs and must be treated as such.

Editied to format

Edited by Dante
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My best friend owns a male Chihuahua (8yo, desexed only last April), and I take the dog overnight regularly and housesat for a month so have spent a good deal of time living with one! Neo (the Chi) was an only dog before friend got another dog, who is now boss (and there are some issues). He met my dogs Carl and Mischa (who is a tolerant girl, but likes her space, alpha female). He gets on great with Carl! Carl is thirty times the size of him but they snuggle together--then again, Carl is the most balanced dog around other dogs I know, so that might not count. :rofl:

What are they like? Do they like other dogs?

This Chi in particular was not socialised well, so on lead he snaps at other dogs and will rush them...but he was not desexed until late, and the owners find it 'cute' and laugh at him. :eek: Unfortunately he is a case of 'small dog syndrome'. I've corrected some of his behaviour, but it still creeps back in. From what I've seen, they do get along better with other toy breeds who are not too rough.

Are they considered an easy breed to look after and train?

Short-coated Chis need a brush with a glove every couple of days, and a wash once a fortnight or so. Maybe less. :( Neo knows a ton of tricks -- very food oriented -- and he almost never has attitude, but the breed really is a people pleaser, as much as they try to be the boss. :cry:

Are they really yappy?

I hate to say it, but yes. I have yet to meet a Chi who does not yap (and I've met hundreds, working in rescues/vet nursing).

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I'm afraid that all the ones I know are not that nice, but I think that has to do with the neurotic owners, rather than the dogs themselves.

Once the dogs are removed from the owners they settle down and are quite nice.

Probably a lot has to do with the owner and the upbringing of the dog. As others haver said, it is important not to baby them too much

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Some of the nicest little dogs I have ever met are Chihuahuas owned by DOLer Pet Piggy, I think she has 3 of them and it's been a while since I saw them but they struck me as the sweetest, funniest little munchkins.

On the other hand, the most vicious dog I ever encountered was a chi.

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