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Trap Focus


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It's a bit geeky, too techy for my interest. In a simplistic way it's just managing the settings to not take the shot until something (bird, insect) moves into focus. In it's real-meaning, it goes the step further and is for remote-controlled set-up, infra-red beams on subject trigger shutter when subject (wild animal usually) steps into focus. The results can be stunning, but for normal purposes it gets to a point where "how it is done" has become more important than the resulting shot.

Not that my collection of bees-in-flight and the like is vast, and if I tried the trap-focus method it might increase: but not to any real purpose. If it had a real benefit for me I would leap upon it: but - well some of the "example" shots I've looked at were horses: well why not focus on the horse in the first place and stop mucking around? Open mind though - be interested to know if any dolers have tried it.

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I agree with your principle of "just get it done" PC. I guess its application might be good for example sport: car racing and the like. Wondering how effective it might be for say...whippets on the move, like Kirislins whippet day.

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