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Issue While Out On Walks


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I'm hoping someone has some suggestions for me. There is one particular house we walk past sometimes, its on a corner with a big high fence and what sounds like a big dog lives there. Everytime we approach the corner Georgia is nearly ripping my arm out trying to get there. Then when we get closer she will lunge at the fence and make a racket barking at this dog. As we get further past the house you should see the cocky look on her face, completely full of herself for telling the big dog off. She's a 1yo sheltie and can be reactive to certain dogs, usually big ones.

I do my best to stay calm and relaxed, but its not easy. I think Georgia is the one setting the other dog off, and of course once he gives his big roaring bark, the whole street gets started.

I think I need to find a way to get her to focus on me, which so far I've had no success with. She turns completely deaf when she's in the vicinity. I've walked on the opposite side of the road and she doesn't react at all. I know the easist way to fix it is to avoid the street, but I want her to learn that I'm the leader and I can walk where I want to, and she needs to get over it. She starts getting excited/worked up before we've even reached the corner.

Otherwise our walks are fun for both of us.

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Do you do any clicker or marker training with her? If so, take her to the point where she is aware of the dog but NOT reactive. Stop, stand and wait until she looks at you, then click/ mark and treat. The more repetitions the better. Avoid going beyond threshold to start with and progress gradually. You could also have a look for Leslie McDevitt's "Look at That" game which would be helpful.

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I've never done clicker training, and I don't know a lot about it. Feel free to pass on any informative websites that could help. She does know the look command, and I understand what you're saying Cosmolo. We'll give it a go tomorrow. I'll look up that game too, it sounds interesting.

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I wouldn't use a command to start with- i'd just wait for her to offer it to you- be patient, might take a little while the first few times.

ETA- Spend some time conditioning a marker word or clicker first- this will speed up the process when you're out there. What kind of collar do you walk her on? If the lunging is difficult, you might find a front connecting harness helps to allieviate some of the lunging while you do the above.

Edited by Cosmolo
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I just did a google search of the game you mentioned, it sounds like just what we need. Then I found my local library has it, so I'll be able to get it next week. Thanks for the tip.

Ok, I won't give her the command just wait for her to look at me, then treat her.

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I wouldn't use a command to start with- i'd just wait for her to offer it to you- be patient, might take a little while the first few times.

ETA- Spend some time conditioning a marker word or clicker first- this will speed up the process when you're out there. What kind of collar do you walk her on? If the lunging is difficult, you might find a front connecting harness helps to allieviate some of the lunging while you do the above.

What do you mean by a marker word? She has a martingale collar on.

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