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Vaccination Questions - Side Effects?


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Ok my Lab just had his 2nd lot of vaccinations at 3 months (hes actually 14 wks). Apart from having a rude close minded vet who charged me $100 for a vac and a worm tablet and didnt want to discuss reasons for not desexing him at 6 months, he did ok (apart from being over excited).

Now just a day after, he has really really awful poo - 2 of which had blood in them and he is urinating in the house again. He was almost fully housetrained - he rings a bell to go out - now he isnt giving any sign at all. The urine isnt even in a pool IYKWIM - theres one large pool and then 3 or 4 other smaller ones right near it. He seems to be pooing and weeing a lot more and drinking. We changed his food a little while ago from Blackhawk back to Eukanuba because I couldnt get to the food distributor. So is any of these seemingly related to the change of food or vacs? I'm just keeping an eye on him as I dont want to back to the horrid vet - need to find another one. That said he is still pretty bouncy etc as usual.


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Could possibly be the excitement of the vet trip upsetting his training but that wouldn't account for the blood in the poo. Is it possible he's eaten something he shouldn't have (stupid question, he's a Lab :laugh:) which might be causing him a little problem trying to pass it - plastic can have this effect.

How long ago did you change his food (''a little while'') and did you do it gradually? Personally I've not had much problems with puppies and changing food from one good brand to another.

I have had a serious vaccine reaction in one dog (the dog died) so always suspect vaccination for everything but it could well be a reaction to the vaccination.

Problem with pups is if they are sick they can go down very very quickly.

Can you monitor his temperature?

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Dogs can have serious reactions to vaccinations - some can occur almost immediately and others can take up to a couple of months to manifest themselves.

Sounds to me like your pup's reactions are not nasty reactions related to the vaccination. I am not a vet however.

My gut feeling is that the blood in the faeces is the passing of dead worms from being wormed and the urine issue is coincidental, training developmental situation. Often dogs will get an upset tummy for a day or so post worming. This is normal.

Your pup is at that age where they can suddenly seem like all their training has just gone out the window, including toilet training. This is common and you may need to go back to basics and reproof what you previously had.

The different quantities and patterns of toileting more frequently is probably attributed to you altering the food... ie different sodium and bone content etc can cause this sort of thing.

I am sorry that your vet was close minded regarding desexing queries. This is quite common in vets, particularly if you have not yet had the opportunity to build a long term report with them and mutual respect.

I hope everything settle down again soon. :laugh:

I am not saying that there is definitely not something more serious medically going on, so by all means if you are concerned you should look into this more thoroughly.

If you are not happy with your vet, may I suggest calling around and finding another one.

In my experience the best way to find a vet that you are going to be comfortable with, other than making an appointment and trying them out, is to ring a few and chat with the vet nurses or receptionists. Explain what it is you like in a vet and the sort of service you are after. I find the nurses and receptionists generally very open, honest and helpful in this regard and can often direct you to which one of their vets that you may be most comfortable with according to your prerequisites.

Edited by dyzney
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Thanks :D He had the C5 - the only one the vet will give. He's urinated another 4 or 5 times inside today/tonight - often in 2 spots within a couple of minutes.....grrrrrrr! No sign that he was going to do it.

I'm definately on the hunt for a new vet :)

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qtjell, If you are worried about the side affects of vaccinations treat your dog with homeopathic vaccs they are much safer.

Also we have just treated our shepherds urinary tract infection, with homeopathic UTI spray for humans we got from the health food shop along with applecider vinegar with the mother in it and colloidal silver spray, from the health food shop, and it has cleared it up.

Be aware that if you have your dog spayed young, that they are more prone to incontinence.

I wish we had been told this.


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the urinating sounds like a UTI to me... i would no return to this vet if u were unhappy u are a consumer of their service u need to be happy about the way they treat ur babies, maybe do a search on dol to find if someone knows a good vet near u? what dyzney has said sounds about right to me as well again im not a vet either lol but i would say UTI and worming could be it... make sure there is plenty of water available and monitor the dog for changes especially if the symptoms are worsening

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