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For All You Photographers Out There


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What is HDR ...

It stands for High Dynamic Range - which is a bit meaningless but stuck. It's just a way of merging a few images so the end result gives "more" than you could get with just one shot with one lot of settings for a single exposure (combination shutter speed, aperture, ISO). Generally it uses 3 shots with three different exposures. Some cameras can automate five or even seven different exposures for one shutter activation to blend. A HDR result can be done in photoshop from just one shot, but it won't look as effective as one using the combined images. Some new camera models can do the whole HDR blending in-camera.

A look at Stuck in Customs' portfolio/gallery gives some good examples, as does Persephone's link to Philip Johnson. When I look at the good stuff I think wow, but a lot of it is nerve jangling without much going for it.

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I had a bit of an experiment back in Jan 2009 when I had a trial photoshop

I liked these 2 of Chester I did, have them printed, taken with 3 shots ... very impressed he stayed still enough for it as I recall :rofl:



I had a go with a more scenic view and with Jamie and Texas but they didn't turn out so well I thought :D

I really like some of the nice buildings/scenic HDR photos I've seen, I have an Icelandic flickr contact I find his work amazing!

I was too late in this thread to see the photos you posted tlc ... oops having just read kja's comments there's some ghosting going on in those shots I've posted above, oh well :laugh:

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Those shots of Chester are lovely. The ones I posted were to the extreme I thought. I understnad now that there is a varying range that you can do in HDR. Originally I thought they were all to the extreme. Since this thread I have seen some lovely shots.

Blue Staff I did see your thread, your shots were nice.

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