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Wow his stuff is nice, really nice. I have a guy on my facebook who fanices himself a bit of a pro and most of his images are HDR but I am trying to figure out if they are over done, they always look really dark and I wasn't sure if all HDR images were like that. I think he just takes it to the extreme. It suits some of his shots but he seems to do it to everything.

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I love it, I think Ash has done it or if not with 3 individual images then something similar with just one. The shot of her pointer in her siggy has it I think, that's the first time I saw it and I didn't know what it was about that image I loved, then about a year later I went back and read what she wrote and thought aaaaahh now I know.

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Yes true, I think with this photographer he has adopted the overdone HDR as his style if that makes sense. Some of his stuff is good but other just meh! I wonder do sometimes if HDR is used to make an otherwise crappy pic look better?

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I like a well done HDR.. I like the first image more than the other. You can achieve the HDR 'look' in photoshop by doing this and then that and then another bit of this.. but pfffft. Seems a little complex. I also agree with Huga, totally overdone and have come to cringe when I see HDR images lately.

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It's just like any novelty - when it's done very well and in an appropriate context, it can look great. Unfortunately, the vast majority of users don't really get it and overdo it or do it badly (can you say "ghosting" or "halos") or do it on images that don't really work for HDR.

I totally think everyone should have a go at it however as it help you visualize new things and try new techniques. Same with selective colour, experimenting with toning in monochrome/BW images, tilt-shift, super shallow DOF, textures, high key and pretty much everything else!

Go forth and have fun, I say!

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