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Dog Nicknames

Katie P

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So......what do we nickname our dogs?! Any odd ones?

Poor Chase is also affectionately known as "Potty" and "Poopy" by Mum and siblings :heart: it wasn't until my friend commented on how we seemed to like names associated with toilets that it hit home :laugh: unfortunately Chase got so used to being called Potty that he ONLY responded to it for 2 weeks :laugh: so of course when we were out and about, I would call his name to get his attention with no response.....until I realised I had to do the "Poooooootttttttyyyy" and pup bounced back over- needless to say we earned some weird looks!

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Elvis: Elvie, Elvie man, El (people think his name is Elle :) ), Bert, Bertie & bud.

Tinny: Ding dong, Ding ding, Ding dong ditch/ bitch.

Harri: Haz, Hazzi, Hazahhhhhh, Scruff head, Hairy house brick, Scruff.

Clover: Clovey dovey, BRD, Red.

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Hugo responds best to his own name, but he will also come racing back if we squeal "HUGGY-BEARRRR!!" at him as well. My mother calls him Huggy, "you animal", "mali cuko", "kero seronja", asshole, Hugily, and of course, the ever popular Hugie Boogie. You don't even want to know what the Croatian ones mean. :)

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:) @ Cable Guy.

Miniera - Mina, Minni, Me Me and my fav from my 2 yr old niece Mina Mina.

Pacchia - P Brain, Pin Head, Poo Face, Pecker Head, Rat and The Gazelle

Bruno - Bru, Bruza, Booza, Boo Boo and some other variations of the same

Mishka - Mish :laugh:

Brock - Brocky, Bock Bock, Sexy Man, Poor Bocky, Stinky, Asshole but most of the time he is called Get off ME!!!

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My Uncle had a Lab called Juniper but she got called Poo, Poo dog. I dont know why but I can imagine.

:) My cousins used to come home from school, let her off the chain and she would go to the supermarket through the self opening doors, get a pack of meat from the butcher dept and walk out without paying. Uncle Tom would get a phone call and a bill

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Oh gosh. Ours hardly ever get called by their real names...

Satchmo - Mo, Mo-mo, Mosey, Mo-man, Mo-monster, Stoopid, Night Fury (after the dragon on How to Train Your Dragon, the similarities are uncanny), Bubba... we also have one we call him at home that I can't even say on these forums :laugh:

Ava - Bean, Beanie (because she's always full of beans), Polar Bear, Little One, Wiggles.

Then they get the unsavoury names that mimic illnesses they may have at the time... Itchy or Scratchy, Squirts, Limpy, Baldy :)

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Niki (now at The Bridge) was called Niki-Bear. This led to my ex calling him bare-butt, then butt-face, butt-breath , the BIG GIANT BUTT (after The Big Giant Head in 3rd Rock From The Sun) etc :) Niki would quite happily respond to ANY of these names but knew he was in trouble if I called him Nicholas Edward Bear

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Bundy - Burger, Bundle, Red rat, Monster (he answers to this :laugh:), puppy, midget, fart features (he farts waaaaaay too much) Wigglebutt when he's doing his vizsla happy dance. He sometimes even gets 'blue boy' because he was the blue boy in the litter and wears a blue collar now lol.

Diesel - Squeezy, Squeeze, Dieseydog, Weasel, Squeezel, sooky lala, terror and fatguts (he is very solid for a kelpie even though he's energetic.

They both get twitface when they're being stupid :)

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Mars - Marszipan, Marszatron, Marzi

Pepper - Miss Squeaks, Squeaker, Freckle face

Both of them will come over when I say - kids, kiddies or puppies.

I'm sure there are more, but gosh I can't seem to think of them at the moment.

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Magnum (Rotti X Pitbull)- gets magnabum, boofhead, big boofa, dribble d@*$ (he's 10 and starting to get incontinent)

Addy (Whippet X)- addy daddy dingle dog, biatch, lazy cow (she expects you to step over her, not happening in this household)

Piper (Toy poodle) - Pricess Piper, butt breath, nutter,

Milo (terrier X) - Milo the didlio, milo the brave, licky dog (Yes his tongue can go up your nose) feather butt,

We have so many, there are also the ones like "you jealous cow" 'stop being a tart', "move it fart face" etc etc. And they all answer to "Oi!!", "You mob" and my personal fav, "get your furry little arse over here NOW". The two little ones also come to 'little dogs'.

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Bundy - Bear, Boo, Boof, Rumdog or a combination eg Bundy Boo or Boo Bear.

Tikaani - Kaani, Kaanster, Tickles or you friggen bitch which is usually after she steals a frozen chicken thawing in the sink and is accompanied by a shoe being thrown in vain across the back yard because by that stage she is usually in the back paddock.

Kamikaze - Kami, Kamster, Kaze, Witchy Poo or the Fun Police.

Fergus - Fearless, Fungus Face or Squishy.

Kato - Pup, pup, pup, pup, puppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :):laugh:

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Molly - Moe, Moe-Hoe, Hoe-Bag, Moe-Bag, Molly-Dolly, Iron Paw :)

Duke - Big Boy is his only nickname

Logan - Bogan, Bogey, Logey-Bogey, Boges, Nurse Boges

Jazz - Jasmine, Jazzmina, Midget Mutt

They pretty much answer to any nice-toned voice. I love laying on the couch and saying "Who's the ugliest dog here?!" and see who jumps up for a cuddle first. :laugh:

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Kaspa (avatar): Used to be called Nooni at home & Nooni Nainie, no idea why!?! RIP sweet beautiful boy.

Elsa: Els, Els girl

Tashi: McTashi Burger :) & Tai Chi

Shimmy the Sheep: Shim-shiminy, Shim, Shiny Shim (for after he's been shorn), mutton head. He was called Shimmy because I was told he was a ewe when the farmer dropped him off & he did have teats, but then I noticed he had a willie one day so hence he was a Shim & then Shimmy :laugh:

My sisters dog Tess: Tessie, Tessalator, Nennie & De-di

I have always been intrigued about these other names, I know my pets have them & most people I know have other names for their pets & I have always wondered why? :rofl:

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