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What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Your Dog's Been Called?


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I've also seen Vizsla's referred to as Pit Bulls; Labs as golden retrievers; Schnauzers as poodles and French bulldogs as big pugs. Goes without saying that a lot of bull breeds are frequently referred to as Pit Bulls. Aside from the Vizsla/Pit Bull comment, the best to date I've witnessed would be a Puli referred to as a Poodle with a knotted coat (at a dog show, luckily the lady with the Puli did not overhear that one!)

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I had many 'guesses' as to the breed of my Italian Spinone but the best two were goat and Afghan Hound!!! My parents neighbours thought there was a goat in the yard when Bella was visiting and at an agility trial I had someone ask if she was an Afghan??? More usual was Labradoodle.

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My OH never had small dogs before and always calls the Blenheim Cavaliers "Puss"! My youngest daughter found this highly irritating, but I just find it amusing. ;)

Although now I have a Tri-colour he refers to her as "his border collie pup"... :D (a breed he has owned in the past) Yes, dear our very own miniature floppy eared Border Collie!

All in fun and terms of endearment but seriously......

He took the cake last week when he was talking to our Jersey Cow... and scruffed her behind the ears and called her Pup! Time to get the toddler animal picture book out I think. :)

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Giant BULLDOGS!!!!! Lol :D

Ok so Rubi may be very solid for a girl but bulldog? Seriously.

Then the insurance men came yday. Cooper was in his crate and the guy said wow a baby mastiff how cute! Rubi came running around the corner and he said oh cool you have a boxer too!!! WTH?? Some people make me laugh!

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People often say Chopper's a Pit Bull. They don't ask, they tell me!

The funniest is when people ask if my dogs are related. Urm, they're different breeds!!

People ask me if Scarlett's a Pit Bull. When I say she's a Bull Terrer they often think they're the same breed. Aaah no moron, they are not the same breed

I got that alot when I had BT's. I remember walking my bitch at the local markets and a lady grabbed her child by the arm and ripped him through the air yelling loudly 'get away from the pitbull'. As if I'd take a HA dog out in such a public place and as if she could be mistaken for anything other than a BT with that distinctly shaped head! :D

I think it was a common misunderstanding for a while. When I was a kid I thought BT's were actually pit bulls too and then I grew up and realised they were not that it was just a common misconception that had made the rounds. Just proves though how much people do not know about breeds, as they look absolutely nothing alike. Hence the general public, police and media should never make comments about the breed of a dog after an "attack" because its unlikely they will get it right.

yes, we often get comments like "she's very well behaved, for a put bull".

My husband gets quite short his response recently it was "She is a very well behaved dog, her breed isn't relevant. But if you must know she is not a put bull, she's a bull terrier."

As if we'd ever consider taking a HA/DA dog out where there's plenty of dogs & people. :)

Sorry but just to point out this last sentence sounds like you are saying that all pitbulls are HA/DA when they are not. And I am not trying to be rude or start an argument, I am just a tad defensive of them ;) If they are trained right and socialized they are no different to your BT or anyone else's dog. Sorry if I misinterpreted your comment though.

Edited by Keira&Phoenix
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I have a black and white roan GSP girl (so she is mainly black with a little white showing through). She is quite fine (of bone) but looks just how a GSP should look (and acts the same way). No-one ever knows what breed she is but the icing on the cake was a few weeks ago when I was asked if she was a dalmatian!!!!!!!!! Some people just have no idea.

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My GSP has been called a chocolate Dalmatian or a Dalmation cross on numerous occasions... Not that it excuses it, but she's liver ticked, not roan like Shimmer, gspx3! (Never mind the huge solid colour across her shoulder, or the GSP conformation and gait)... I'm commonly told that she's obviously a cross breed, and I've been duped. :laugh:

Edited by Pepper and Jax
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