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Prefix Help Needed


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I am the most unimaginative person :laugh: and I can't come up with any prefixes that I like, I spent hours yesterday googling but still nothing.

I have Labradors, any help is greatly appreciated.

I really like Mystique but I think it may be too close to other prefixes.

Thanks in advance :)

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I can't think of anything to help at the moment... but what I did (and I know other people have done before) is just have a notepad and pen with you, if something you even remotely like strikes you, write it down... you can then go and work out whether it's taken or not.

I found by writing stuff down as it struck me I was able to get quite a few good choices.

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Remember you have to put in a list of around 10 names (from memory) and even then they are all likely to be rejected and you will need to submit more. :p

So make sure that you don't mind any of the names you put in, otherwise you are guaranteed to get given the name that you don't really like and just put in to make up numbers :)

Can you give us your childrens first names? And animals?

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Remember you have to put in a list of around 10 names (from memory) and even then they are all likely to be rejected and you will need to submit more. :clap:

So make sure that you don't mind any of the names you put in, otherwise you are guaranteed to get given the name that you don't really like and just put in to make up numbers :)

Can you give us your childrens first names? And animals?

Before I got the open book exam I stressed that I wasn't going to pass, it seems that I really didn't need to worry about that, the prefix is a hell of a lot harder :p

Kids names are Samantha, Benjamin & Mia.

Animals~ Horses are Blue, Megs, Max, George & Jack.

Dogs~ Maggie, Jinxy, Sasha & Danny

Cats~ Cutie Kitty & Heidi

Our property runs down to the Barwon river, so I came up with Rivaedge or Barbanx?? I don't know just too hard and no imagination :cheer:

Thanks everyone I really appreciate your help.

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I can't think of anything to help at the moment... but what I did (and I know other people have done before) is just have a notepad and pen with you, if something you even remotely like strikes you, write it down... you can then go and work out whether it's taken or not.

I found by writing stuff down as it struck me I was able to get quite a few good choices.

I text myself if there is no pen and paper on hand. :)

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I can't think of anything to help at the moment... but what I did (and I know other people have done before) is just have a notepad and pen with you, if something you even remotely like strikes you, write it down... you can then go and work out whether it's taken or not.

I found by writing stuff down as it struck me I was able to get quite a few good choices.

My daughter & I did that we had a note pad with us at all times :heart: it worked for us

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I remember that choosing a prefix was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done with my dogs.

I did get my first choice which is pretty cool. :heart:


My prefix has meaning on many different levels and I've continued that theme through our breeding.

It says something about my dogs, myself and our common histories.

As well as being something I am interested in and can pursue independently.

Once you have a prefix you will then have to decide on dog and maybe even litter names.

I find a lot of prefixes and dog names for that matter extremely crass.

Good Luck

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Sometimes looking up a word in another language could give you the inspiration you need.

Perplexor (latin for mystify)

Mysterium (latin for mystery)

Athleta (latin for athlete)

Natator (latin for swimmer)

Venator (latin for hunter)

Amica (latin for friendly)

Just a few ideas from the character description of a lab.

I used Google Translate: http://translate.google.com/#en|la|

Please let us know what you decide on.

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