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Help Pup Wont Eat


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hi there,

i got my gorgeous little boy 3 days ago at 8 weeks old and he wont eat puppy food at all?? im really worried as he needs to eat. he is happy & energetic and drinking lots of water, but every time i go to feed him he will either have a sniff and a lick then walk away, or not go near it at all. i gave him a bit of raw steak yesterday just to see if he would eat it and he scoffed it in 2 seconds, but i know he needs the nutrients in puppy food and i dont wanna let him be a picky eater. his breeder said he was the biggest eater in the whole litter and all she gave them was puppy food.

any advice would be much appreciated.. thanks

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What are you feeding him? Is it the same as he was getting from the breeder? How is his health, liveliness otherwise? If he's looking healthy & drinking water he may just be seeing how far he can push you, but it may be that the food you are presenting is unfamiliar and he's not sure about it.

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You probably need to feed him the same brand of pup food the breeder used ...that is all teh food he knows..and feeding something different might give him tummy upsets,too. Contact her and ask which one it was.

Perhaps you can try moistening it with some warm water?

Is he eating anything? if he has not eaten for 3 days.... that's a very long time for a little pup.:laugh:

If you can not get the breeder's advice try moistening the dry food and mixing it well with w LITTLE bit of the raw meat ...

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thanks for the replies, yep, its the same as the breeder gave him. so im completely baffled.

he has been eating little bits of meat im giving him as i just dont want him to starve. should i take him to the vet to get checked over?? or is that a bit drastic?

ive tried the watering down thing, different temperatures, all sorts but nothing :laugh:

he is just as bad as my 2yo son lol!

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Put the amount of food he should have (according to the breeder or the packet) in a bowl. Put him and the bowl in a quiet place (away from 2 year old :laugh:) like the laundry or his crate/playpen for 15 minutes. Ignore him. Anything that's not eaten in that time, pick it up and feed him NOTHING until the next meal time. Don't give him bits and pieces (I bet him and your son are sharing snacks!) until he will eat his food at meal time. They're often a bit picky when they first go to their new home, so don't pander to him.

Don't give him bits of meat as this will only encourage him to hang out for the good stuff and meat on it's own is a very bad diet for a dog. If you want to give him something other than or in addition to dry food I would suggest you start with minced chicken carcases or some sardines - both include bone which is where the minerals he needs are - or a whole egg including the shell provides some entertainment! (outside!)

Edited by Sandra777
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his breeder said he was the biggest eater in the whole litter and all she gave them was puppy food.

Your puppy was one of a litter and he was competing for his food with his siblings, now that there is no competition there is plenty of food and he also knows that if he doesn't eat what he's given you will offer him something better.

Do what Sandra says :laugh:

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he has been eating little bits of meat im giving him as i just dont want him to starve.

of course he has! :laugh:

if you offered your toddler a jam donut instead of pureed spinach and zucchini ... I wonder which he would choose? LOL

as said-- STOP feeding extras . give him his food somewhere uninterrupted and do not give in!

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Put the amount of food he should have (according to the breeder or the packet) in a bowl. Put him and the bowl in a quiet place (away from 2 year old :laugh: ) like the laundry or his crate/playpen for 15 minutes. Ignore him. Anything that's not eaten in that time, pick it up and feed him NOTHING until the next meal time. Don't give him bits and pieces (I bet him and your son are sharing snacks!) until he will eat his food at meal time. They're often a bit picky when they first go to their new home, so don't pander to him.

Don't give him bits of meat as this will only encourage him to hang out for the good stuff and meat on it's own is a very bad diet for a dog. If you want to give him something other than or in addition to dry food I would suggest you start with minced chicken carcases or some sardines - both include bone which is where the minerals he needs are - or a whole egg including the shell provides some entertainment! (outside!)

Totally agree with this. When we brought our pup home, he ate one chicken neck the night he came home, one the following morning, and then he STOPPED for the next 8-9 days maybe longer, I don't remember. Now, he eats his food as soon as it's put in front of him, but he still eats s-l-o-w-l-y which drives us batty :)

They're smart enough to work out if they strike they get good stuff straight up, so they learn just as quick they need to eat whats in front of them.

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The exact same thing happened to us with Astrid. She refused to eat the very same food we had watched her eat enthusiastically at her breeders on several occasions! It was really frustrating as I had never had a fussy cat or dog before and I was really stressed about it as she gets skinny so quickly. In the end, it was me that needed to 'harden up' :laugh:. After turning myself inside out for a week I did what Sandra777 and it works well. She's still not the best eater so I still do it and there is the occasion that she won't eat all her food so I take it away after 15mins, and you can be sure she eats well the next meal!

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I know it's hard to be tough with such a little puppy but they are much smarter then we give them credit for. If he is hungry enough he will eat when you offer them the same food they got in the past. If it goes on for too long you can always get a quick vet check if it makes you feel better

Edited by Scarlett Dog
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Dogs need structure, a regime. Having set times for brekkie, lunch and dinner will also help but you MUST do what Sandra said and PICK THE FOOD UP after 15 mins. A regime will also help him settle into his new home a lot quicker. Don't give in to those puppy dog eyes and you'll be right :confused:

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