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Head Tilt In Miniature Pinscher Puppy

The Ark

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Good luck with Little bear, she is an absolute darling and has obviously made her way into your heart very quickly. I will be watching this thread with much interest and saying a little prayer for you and little bear.

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rotts4ever: That happens to me sometimes. You just need to go up to the 'options' pull down menu on the right hand side and then select: 'Display Modes' and then 'Standard'. Then the view should be 'normal' again. Hope that helps :hug:

The Ark: Thanks for the update. Little Bear is beautiful and a heartbreaker with how determined she is not to go gentle into that good night. I am really hoping that she continues to grow in strength!

Edited by koalathebear
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rotts4ever: That happens to me sometimes. You just need to go up to the 'options' pull down menu on the right hand side and then select: 'Display Modes' and then 'Standard'. Then the view should be 'normal' again. Hope that helps :hug:

Thanks Koalathebear back to normal with your help, Thank god it was driving my crazy. I don't remember ever hitting anything to change it but all better now.

Cheers Lee

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Hi everyone,

I had to pack up all of my dogs today because we had a real estate potential-buyer inspection, so I took the opportunity to take Little Bear to the vet again for a blood test. My vet felt a neospora infection was unlikely in her case, given that she hasn't deteriorated over the past 6 weeks and was a bit behind all the others from the start. She agreed however that it was something we could easily rule out, or begin treatment for if she tested positive.

I ended up in tears out when they took her in to take her blood. She was crying before they even jabbed her and I felt so mean for putting her through it. Even my maremma wanted to go and check on her (I took Aurea in for her C3 booster). The vet was really good and came out to apologise for upsetting me, but I was very glad when they finally handed my little one back. I was worried that she would be traumatised by it, but she's been bouncing around this afternoon and has had a great appetite so she is tougher than I think (and tougher than me! :rofl: ). The vet was pleased with her overall body condition, so that was some good news.

I just have to decide what to do if the test comes back positive. Normally they suggest a retest to see if levels have risen, because a positive can just mean that the pup has been exposed at some point, not necessarily infected. I dread putting her through that again so fingers crossed for a negative result.

The next step is to track down a chiropractor for her. She's a bit delicate to take to my usual guy I think, so I'll look around for someone.

Little Bear is 6 weeks old today! She's made it this far, so here's hoping it's onward and upward from here. :rofl:

So thank you Rottifan and rotts4ever for offering advice to help my little snippet of a pup, and Kirislin, KTB, Kelly-Louise and teekay for all your kind thoughts and positive energy. It is very much appreciated.

And by the way, KTB - you are such a wordsmith. :rofl: I love your work! :)

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Here's a link to some video footage of the puppies, taken on Sunday when they were almost 6 weeks old. It's pretty easy to spot Little Bear. :rofl:

Apologies if it takes ages to load - I didn't have the energy to split it into shorter clips last night.

As you can see, Little Bear is generally a happy, playful little girl. :rofl:

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I posted this on Facebook last night - our kids love their puppies:

The puppies were out running around today and my 5yo asked my 7yo which puppy was Little Bear. My 7yo answered not with "she's the wonky one" or "the funny one" - she said "Little Bear is the darkest pup". Love is blind :( I am very proud of my little girl for seeing the true beauty in this puppy.

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The puppies were out running around today and my 5yo asked my 7yo which puppy was Little Bear. My 7yo answered not with "she's the wonky one" or "the funny one" - she said "Little Bear is the darkest pup". Love is blind :( I am very proud of my little girl for seeing the true beauty in this puppy.

Love certainly is blind, thank goodness.

I think she gets it from her Mum ;)

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Thanks for sharing that video, it was lovely to see Little Bear in action. She certainly seems happy enough. She obviously has issues controlling her back end but i think i noticed a few tails wags in there :(

Seeing her next to your hand in the second video made me realise just how tiny she is, awwwwww.

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i'm surprised you let an impaired pup slip and slide all over your desk and papers. She needs a surface she can grip to in order to help her motor function develop and doesnt injure herself

Thanks Nekhbet but she was only up there briefly and you can see that my hand was also in shot through most of the footage. I had a towel down for her when I was feeding her (so she had something to stand on) and she chose to move about for a short time.

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Good news here - the vet rang yesterday with Little Bear's neospora results and she tested NEGATIVE! :)

So it seems all we are dealing with is the CP, which is great news (compared to what it could have been).

She's off for her first vaccination with her brother & sister today. I'm going to leave her microchipping for a while though, as I don't want to put her through that. Not sure if I'll get the others done yet either, or give them a couple of weeks to grow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Little Bear is now 10 weeks old! :confused: She is still adorable and plucky, and going amazingly well. She has had a visit to the chiro, and will have more in the future.

Here is a video of the little miss, taken yesterday:

The whinging in the background is her brother, Buzz, who thought it was very unfair that he had to stay in the back room. :rofl:

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We had a little pug girl named Pockets who had (we think) Cereballar Hypoplasia (sp?) She stopped growing like the other pups at 4 weeks. The vet then thought she had some nuerological problem. We kept little Pockets and she lived a very full happy healthy life until she was 7 1/2 when she died due to complications from an infection. She was very much like a child with CP (I work with disabled kids). Her tremors went away as she grew older. If there was something she wanted to do she would figure out a way to do it. She was very special and very muched loved. Just like your little girl.

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