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Friday Food For Thought


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Emmy: Bone... *do her happy dance* pause to check if bone is still in my hand. it is. *continues her happy dance*... I don't think she cares where the bone comes from, more excited about getting it.

Charlie: He is no fool :thumbsup:

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Emmy: Bone... *do her happy dance* pause to check if bone is still in my hand. it is. *continues her happy dance*... I don't think she cares where the bone comes from, more excited about getting it.

Charlie: He is no fool :thumbsup:

Akira is exactly the same as Emmy. Halo hasn't had a bone yet.

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Oscar is no fool either, he watches me head for the freezer (is already sitting outside the kitchen drooling and waiting), watches me unwrap it, promptly follows me outside where he quickly jumps on his bed, sits, waits, drools... then eats :laugh:

So no he does not think I am a great hunter :thumbsup:

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My mum has a dog who witnessed me walk off into the bush one day and come back with a wild bird (it was injured). I carried it home in a bag over my shoulder. He became convinced that I could produce a bird out of thin air. Periodically he would suddenly have the need to check my clothes, under my shoes, and any bag or bundled item of clothing I was carrying for wildlife. Out of the blue he would suddenly prance over to me and excitedly search my person. I was always wondering what set him off. Did he just all of a sudden remember that once I had a bird? Did he smell something and assume somewhat optimistically that I had it on my person somewhere? Cracked me up.

Sorry, that wasn't quite the answer you were looking for! :thumbsup: My dogs think I went hunting whenever I come home with groceries. :laugh: They check all the bags and find the good ones with the dead animals in them.

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what must mine think when the truck arrives with 100kg's at a time ? :thumbsup:

King/Queen of the Jungle...?? :laugh:

Erny, the reason I posted this was because the look on Gabe's face today when I produced a lovely juicy lamb shank was priceless....not the first time he's got a bone but for some reason today's expression was extraodinary. Classic anthropomorphism but it definitely looked like he was thinking, "WOW mum....look at the size of that bone...you're one hell of a hunter"....probably NOT what he was thinking at all, but I like to think my dog thinks I'm real good :(:)

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Well I'm the type of weirdo that thinks if I ask Jeff a question he may actually reply to me in English as if he could speak all this time and I just needed to ask the RIGHT question - and if that happened I'd be much much too freaked out to do anything for a few weeks - so I try not to think about stuff like this!!

Have an AWESOME weekend everyone - I will!! I am having a boozy lunch at the Newport Doggy Beach to celebrate my birthday - can't be done without my fuzzy boys! (But yes, Daddy will be designated driver to get the pups home safely. Mummy may have boozed on and sent the kids home...) :thumbsup:

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I think my dog thinks I go hunting, or that I'm very dominant and get to take food off others. I never take him with me into the actual store (because you can't) so he has never seen how I acquire the food. He has however sat with me outside at cafes and what not, and witnessed staff bring food to me.

He is always very excited when I return home or to the car with groceries, and if you've ever watched a nature program on wolves, well he treats me like they treat the wolves coming back from a hunt. I think he understands that perhaps my version of burying excess food is to put it in the fridge, because yes he knows that food is stored in the fridge, but I don't think he thinks the fridge produces it - he's seen me put food in there many times. When I'm carrying food he pays a lot of attention to where I put it.

Of course maybe I just think my dog is smarter than what he actually is, but he always gives me a good sniff when I come home, so I think that's his way of trying to answer any questions he may have.

I always wonder what he thinks of the fact that we keep getting bigger houses/territories, he must think we're moving up in life lol. (Ironically, with each larger house we've moved to a less expensive neighbourhood, and then from Sydney to Adelaide, but from his perspective it must look pretty good!)

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I think that James thinks he is the wonderful hunter because bones magically appear for him at dinner time. I doubt I cross his mind in the whole process except as "person who helpfully carries my bones outside for me and tells me when I can start eating" :(

Unless I've just come home from the shops with his bones - then I get a, "Oh yes, I see you've brought me something!" dance/sniff/bench surfing routine until they're packed into the freezer.

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I want to know how it is that Dory knows when we have chicken for her, even when she isn't home when I've put it in the fridge. Cos the next morning she will scream down the hall, do a 180 at the fridge and look at you very expectantly.

I'm no hunter in her world. I'm the Kitchen Staff that is just expected to produce the Goods and anticipate her Needs. Everything else is a bonus.

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When I go through the internal garage door and return with a bone from the freezer I get the happy dance and she runs out to her outside bed to wait for her bone. The door to the garage is the provider of all things good, for through that door appears bones, shopping, people and when you go through it you go for a car ride or a walk!

When I come home with the groceries my girl goes through each bag until she finds the docket which she then triumphantly rips to shreds!

Edited by Jigsaw
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