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Why Do They Lay In The Sun?


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We are on our 5th day over 40 degrees.

Dogs have spent every day all day inside with me in the airconditioning.

Every 3-4 hours I let them out for a stretch & toilet break.

Each time at least one or 2 of them will go past the shaded deck to lay (and pant) right in the middle of the backyard in the stinking hot sun until I call them back in again.

Why on earth would they do this???

Edited by Vickie
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Mine do this too but they actually ask to go outside, not to pee, but to lie in the sun!

I have always thought it is kind of like 'defrosting' :wave: I know when I've been in air con for a few hours I feel like I should go outside and get back to a more normal temperature...

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Kivi does, too. But I think in Kivi's case it is largely habit. He likes to go and lie in the cool grass on a normal day. So if he's feeling a little hot he thinks he should go and lie in the grass outside, not realising that it's even hotter out there. So then he tries the deck, which is even hotter than the grass, and no, there are no cool breezes for him to catch. It's often hard to convince him to come back inside. He'll stay out there until his coat feels hot and then suddenly he barks to be let in again. I have taken to just insisting that he not even settle outside. If you're that hot, Kivi, I will put the air con on for you back inside. I'm not fond of air conditioners and try to live without it, but generally if Kivi is hot I am sweating all over and sometimes I need him to tell me that it's time to put the air con on.

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Mine will sunbake in the early morning but not during the day. I don't turn the aircon on till late and then only to cool the bedroom down otherwise I just use fans. All 3 of mine find cool spots in the house to lie.

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Mine will sunbake in the early morning but not during the day. I don't turn the aircon on till late and then only to cool the bedroom down otherwise I just use fans. All 3 of mine find cool spots in the house to lie.

My boy has a cool spot to lie- Directly under the aircon vent. Silly boy lies there even when its not on!!!!

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My old husky use to do this... I use to get so worried that I will dump a bucket of water on her. Crazy.

Charlie is loving the very hot weather. He is always outside hunting lizards and taking naps. I go outside and spray him with the hose... he is not impress when I do that to him. It's worst now because I gave him a fur cut , so he wants to stay out more.

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have had a couple of horses do this too - in fact one old girl we had also then used to get heatstroke - while all the others in the paddock would either be under the trees or in the shelters, she would be stretched out flat in the sun. Fun when you had to get her up and hose her down to try and cool her core temp back down again.

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Why? because they spend so much time in aircon ...and kinda lose their ability to judge what the actual temperature is ....

our workers who are outside all the time almost never lie in the Sun...I figure they know it's hot..so don't bother !

No aircon here! The dogs are out all the time and still sunbake.

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