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Pup Barking In The Morning


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I've just been reading through this post as we are now having this same problem, only our puppies start making noise at 5:30am. I get up and check on them and sometimes its just them playing, very loudly, which I leave them to it but lately its our cocker wanting to come inside or making noise because he's hungry. I too have no idea how to stop this. If I feed him then its like rewarding him and if I let them inside like others have suggested, they are too playful and tear the place apart. I couldn't just give them a kong to quiet them down because that doesn't work and if I let them in the bedroom and they go to sleep like sometimes they have, isn't that just rewarding them for barking at the door but letting them inside?

They both sleep outside in an undercover area and they are perfectly happy with that, we don't crate our pups, but this morning thing can be tiresome... I'm just hoping its a passing thing and he will settle down soon. He also carries on if he sees someone inside and he's outside but we are just ignoring him until he is quiet, then we go out to him... we're only in the early days of this, so hopefully he will understand crying at the door won't get him attention soon ;)

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I've just been reading through this post as we are now having this same problem, only our puppies start making noise at 5:30am. I get up and check on them and sometimes its just them playing, very loudly, which I leave them to it but lately its our cocker wanting to come inside or making noise because he's hungry. I too have no idea how to stop this. If I feed him then its like rewarding him and if I let them inside like others have suggested, they are too playful and tear the place apart. I couldn't just give them a kong to quiet them down because that doesn't work and if I let them in the bedroom and they go to sleep like sometimes they have, isn't that just rewarding them for barking at the door but letting them inside?

They both sleep outside in an undercover area and they are perfectly happy with that, we don't crate our pups, but this morning thing can be tiresome... I'm just hoping its a passing thing and he will settle down soon. He also carries on if he sees someone inside and he's outside but we are just ignoring him until he is quiet, then we go out to him... we're only in the early days of this, so hopefully he will understand crying at the door won't get him attention soon ;)

Wait for 5-10 seconds of silence- then feed them, or give them a bone. That way you are rewarding them for silence not barking ;) You can gradually increase the length of silence you expect.

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  • 3 months later...

I had this problem with my lab pup. She would start crying and banging on the laundry door at about 6. She had already peed by then so i knew that wasn't re problem. I alfoiled the laundry window where she sleeps. This has completly stopped the problem. The first morning we did this we slept until 9.30!!! We were expecting her morning call and didn't set an alarm. It obviously won't help if she is outside but if you had her in the laundry for example u could try :-)

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My puppy whinges in the morning, she's already been toileted by my partner prior to that. Quite simply Puppies want up and out, just don't go to them when they're making a noise, over time they will be able to sleep longer. Pups can have a problem with coping with frustration so barking and whining is a release for them that they hope will work and in most cases it gets them exactly what they want so they continue to do it.

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im just repeating a suggestion from a trainer at work. apparently she has used it successfully with a few pups with the same problem.

I have never heard of such a 'training' method. :confused:

It's not one I'd recommend. A young pup, socially isolated, barks for attention so you gag it. A barking collar would be less aversive - at least that only works when the pup barks.

Seriously, crate train these pup.s Get up, let them into the house, give a bone or a kong and go back to bed. If it carries on, ignore it. At least the neighbours won't have to listen to it.

Or better still, sleep the dog inside in its crate.

Gundogs and working dogs were bred to focus on people - isolate a people focussed pup outside and the consequences are hardly surprising. I fail to see why a pup should pay for simply wanting to be with its family.

ohh but that's too simple..

There's plenty that just don't get it, even when you point it out to them

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I believe you need to make a choice - continue to let the dog sleep outside and wait them out. Only go out to the dog once its quiet so your not reinforcing the barking. Even if you go out and give the dog a bone or kong that is reinforcement for barking. Even going out to shush the puppy is reinforcing. I wouldn't be taking them for a walk straight away either because this is probably exactly what the puppy wants or its breakfast. This option runs the risk of really giving your neighbours the irks!

Or second option is crating the dog inside (doesn't have to be your bedroom could be the loungeroom) so that you can wait the dogs barking out without it annoying your neighbour (although could annoy you for a while). I would crate the dog in my bedroom personally and then in the morning when it wakes I would probably let it out for a wee grab a stuffed kong and put the puppy back in its crate with the kong and go back to bed. Under no circumstances would I get up, look at or even shuush the barking puppy (very reinforcing when all they want is attention). I would get up on my own terms and puppy would still need to be quiet in its crate before I let it out.

The second option is what I have done with my two dogs who will stay in bed until I get up no matter the time. For example after a big night out I've slept in to 2pm a few times and they are quite happy to stay snoozing. They have a doggy door so go out once to pee by themselves but will always go straight back to bed.

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