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Tough Hides And The Show Ring


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what is poor form is not acknowledging that a problem exists and therefore not enabling the issue to be fixed.

the reason people may choose not to become involved with this sport may have nothing to do with rude people. in fact i have found people showing their dogs at shows to be very pleasant.

i am suggesting there may be another reason apart from the people and that is the cheating that occurs, regardless how common or not this may be.

it is especially difficult when the altered dogs win and young people see that the sport may not have a level playing field.

What sport does have a level playing field, even competitive swimming and athletics involves drug taking and by the time they've discovered a test for one drug, another is being used. I see plenty of young people enjoying dog shows and the fact that the children you took with you weren't interested because of 'the cheating that occurs' doesn't mean that all young people feel the same way. I've never actually heard anyone say that they don't want to be involved with dog showing because of the cheating, because of rudeness maybe, but never because of cheating.

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the "sport" of showing dogs will die out if it doesn't change dramatically because younger people will not want to be around this sort of behaviour

Well JB, in that case all forms of competition will die out because wherever there is competition there will always be rudeness and bitchiness, cats, horses, ballroom dancing, whatever, I think someone even mentioned chess in a previous post. Let's face it most people compete to win and there are certain personality types who can't handle losing, instead of looking at themselves and asking 'how can I improve my performance?', they blame anything and everything except themselves and vent their disappointment and frustration on others. In a sport like dog showing where there are a large number of competitors and comparatively few awards, losers will always greatly outnumber winners and obviously there will be instances of bad sportsmanship.

I find your question quite difficult to answer Megz, probably because I've been involved for a very long time and I'm completely at home in a dog showing environment. To be honest I don't notice much rudeness at dog shows, but if I do see some disenchanted exhibitor having a whinge I just treat it as part of the entertainment offered on the day :wave:. It's usually the same people, most of the other exhibitors know who they are and their rantings are largely ignored except by their cronies who are just as bad as they are, really they're a bit of a joke.

My advice to newbies would be to go to the show, take your dogs in the ring and enjoy your day out win or lose. Mix with people you like and ignore the rest and if someone makes a nasty comment laugh it off, don't take it seriously. However I do agree with a previous poster who commented that some people just aren't cut out for it, if you're hypersensitive, take things to heart and are easily upset, competitive sport is best avoided.

I feel the same - I'm used to it - maybe I should have to be but I'm also not one to keep rose coloured glasses around so I thought I'd see if anyone could help me.

There is some great tips I can take from here and take to these exhibitors.

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So because it was written on a forum it is the truth .Sorry ever heard of chinese whispers which are just as dangerous .

well maybe people need to be more careful with what the write. if it is a lie then best they don't post. otherwise what else is anyone to think apart from it being truthful.

in any event there are more than a few people commenting on cheating so one may assume it happens and it is not stopped

Umm they lie in posts because its there form of cheating.

You have believed what you have read based on no true facts at all.

Most of the people who post truly don't now if its fact or fiction

You have seen dogs that where dyed how do you now,Did you watch them dye them??What absolute truth do you have to back up that statement ??

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Cheating happens and games happen, probably - but i'd say it is a very small minority and not half as much as what people think or say happens... newbies probably get more scared off with what they hear than what they see...

in response to the OP, I agree with what CnR said

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Sadly, I'm still at the stage where people bitch behind my back. One day I'll be good enough that they will actually be rude to me in person! :wave::eek: :D

I'm still so bad that they don't even bother bitching about me ;) ..................... yet :) ;)

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Guest CaptainCourageous
I considered giving up when I was told that to survive and to win I would have to toughen up.

I agree wholeheartedly with using sports psychology to explain what is happening to a newbie. I'd also:

- introduce them to as many people with different breeds as possible, so that they can find friends who they wont be competing with

- advise them to ignore/avoid the troublemakers

- point out that there are plenty of lovely people in dog showing, but they might not stand out as much as the ones behaving badly.

I used to play competitive chess, and found it much the same as dog showing in terms of people with bad behaviour. Except I left chess because of the bad behaviour, but I plan to stick with dog showing, having taken my own advice (above) :-)

That gives me a whole new perspective on the world at large !


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I have been around the show ring for a few years. :wave:

And I have pretty much seen it all.

I have read everyones comments and they all pretty much sum up what the breeding and show world is about.

It is a competitive world out there.

I am a very passionate person with my chosen breeds. Bulldog, Bullmastiff and French Bulldog.

And anyone who knows me, knows, that I say it how it is. If they ask my opinion I will tell them what I think.

My family and I have been hugely successful with showing and breeding, and from my parents and my hubby, I have learnt to be a graceful loser when not on the pegs LOL. It has taken awhile. I was not always that way. I used to be very outspoken if I knew that a inferior dog was awarded a top place. No. its not because I was beaten. It was because there was clearly a misjustice in the judging.

There have been plenty of knives pulled out of my back. The thing is, I dont care any more. People have accused me of having dogs dying from heat exhaustion(none ever have), my dogs only winning because the judge wasnt a specialist, therefore they knew nothing. Oh yeah, it hurts like hell.

When it comes down to the nuts and bolts of it all, be truthful in all that you do.

Many people cant be, which is sad. Many people take pleasure in backstabbing or degrading people who have done no wrong.

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Do you mean we won't all be holding hands & singing "lovey dovey " sounds in November :):thumbsup:

Yes I'll be there singing showdog, but only if I win of course, if I lose I'll storm out of the ring, rubbish the winning dogs, accuse the winning handler of sleeping with the judge and then slink off home to wash the dye out of my dogs :laugh:

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Do you mean we won't all be holding hands & singing "lovey dovey " sounds in November :D :thumbsup:

Yes I'll be there singing showdog, but only if I win of course, if I lose I'll storm out of the ring, rubbish the winning dogs, accuse the winning handler of sleeping with the judge and then slink off home to wash the dye out of my dogs :laugh:

:eek::):eek: One musn't forget the obligitory trashing of the ribbon in full view of the committee, stepping on it is so much more dramatic than just flinging it to the ground :(:eek: :D

My elderly mother is on an internet BEADING forum, where there have been duelling grannies, death threats and stalking over BEADED FLOWER MAKING :eek:

there will always be the drama queens (think soccer mums/dads, and ballet mums)

Just ignore them, and as someone said, they really are very entertaining !!!


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Do you mean we won't all be holding hands & singing "lovey dovey " sounds in November :D :thumbsup:

Yes I'll be there singing showdog, but only if I win of course, if I lose I'll storm out of the ring, rubbish the winning dogs, accuse the winning handler of sleeping with the judge and then slink off home to wash the dye out of my dogs :laugh:

:):( :D

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Do you mean we won't all be holding hands & singing "lovey dovey " sounds in November :):thumbsup:

Yes I'll be there singing showdog, but only if I win of course, if I lose I'll storm out of the ring, rubbish the winning dogs, accuse the winning handler of sleeping with the judge and then slink off home to wash the dye out of my dogs :laugh:

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Do you mean we won't all be holding hands & singing "lovey dovey " sounds in November :):thumbsup:

Yes I'll be there singing showdog, but only if I win of course, if I lose I'll storm out of the ring, rubbish the winning dogs, accuse the winning handler of sleeping with the judge and then slink off home to wash the dye out of my dogs :laugh:

We recently had an exhibitor who must have gone to the same school Miranda :( . After her dog got reserve challenge, she stormed out of the ring, pulled all her bitches out and loudly proclaimed that the winning exhibitor MUST be sleeping with the Judge. It was rather funny except for the fact that the winning exhibitor is an elderly lady in her 70's who has been married for over 50 years and the judge is also an elderly lady in her 70's that has been married for many many years. It does however highlight the fact that some exhibitors really do take winning just a bit too seriously....

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Do you mean we won't all be holding hands & singing "lovey dovey " sounds in November :(:laugh:[

Yes I'll be there singing showdog, but only if I win of course, if I lose I'll storm out of the ring, rubbish the winning dogs, accuse the winning handler of sleeping with the judge and then slink off home to wash the dye out of my dogs :)

Well lets face it .last year was full of mud slinging so this year who knows :thumbsup:

(will add before anyone reads more into that comment it was a had to be there moment & every exhibitor was part of the fun ,well some may not have found it fun but for someone who comes from the precious state off never showing outside with even the lightest Drizzle i had a ball even if i looked rather gross LOL)

Can't wait shall be fun to watch :D

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Sadly, I'm still at the stage where people bitch behind my back. One day I'll be good enough that they will actually be rude to me in person! :thumbsup::laugh::)

I'm still so bad that they don't even bother bitching about me :D ..................... yet :( :D

I must just be lucky. I have only been showing for about 7 shows and have heard about people with a problem with me who I have never talked to and my dog has never gone close to winning anything yet.

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I've seen the good and the bad sides of showing but to be totally honnest I see far more good people then nasty ones, I think simply that the nasty people tend to be the loudest :thumbsup:

My advice to the newbies is take everyone people say with a grain of salt, you will soon learn that just like everything else in life there are some people who can't help being total a$$holes, ignore them, they are the ones everyone ends up laughing at because they look like frigging idiots.

Find a good group of friends, be it your breed or others and make every show you go to about more then the dogs, take pinic lunches, organise camping trips and christmas and birthday parties, my friends and I do this and we have a blast!

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