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Phoenix had what I would describe as hives, all over her chest and underneath on her belly and underarms etc. Took her to the vet she got antihistamines and antibiotics (for infection) and it cleared up very quickly. I have been keeping her well away from the gardens as well though as I am sure it was probably caused by a plant but unsure which one and we have lots as we are on a quarter acre.

Take your pup to the vet, its very uncomfortable/itchy for them. Hope it gets sorted out quickly :o

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Hives ..... in my boy's case toxins building up in the body more than what the usual organs (eg liver) can manage, and so find their way out through the skin. My boy's issue seems to be related to digestion.

You do need to find out what is causing the hives, otherwise they are likely to continue or re-occur.

I bathed my dog by wetting him up with Calendula Tea. The problem with things such as hives is the potential for secondary skin infection - that's what you really want to avoid. My boy was covered (estimated 500-800 hives at one time) in hives and they were on the verge of becoming infected. With antihistamines on stand-by, I treated him with the Calendula Tea about 3 times in the first 24 hours (he was really bad) and the hives reduced by half in size inside that time. The tea quickly stopped the itch and just as quickly, the infection and with a few more bathes with the tea over the next few days, the hives disappeared. I didn't need to use the antihistamines. My boy endured further bouts of hives whilst I worked through to try to find out the issue.

I do believe that in his case, low thyroid (ie hypothyroid) was in part a culprit in his system not functioning to optimum. He is now medicated for the thyroid problem and the hive outbreak has been vastly improved (*touch wood*) and save for a small, localised outbreak (of about half dozen small hives which disappeared on their own inside 2-3 days) he's not had an outbreak for coming up to one year (*touch wood* *touch wood* *touch wood* :o:().

Your dog's hives may not be related to the same thing, but this gives you an example of the need to address the cause. BUT Calendula Tea was a vital part in me being able to stop secondary skin infection and avoiding the necessity for medicating with stronger drugs such as cortisone and antibiotics. You should see some results with the use of the Calendula Tea inside 24 hours so IMO it is worth a try - not only because of it having a reasonably good reputation at being successful, not only because it might mean you can avoid needing to give your dog prescription drugs, but also because a packet will set you back about $10.00.

One of the things that my Vet (same one who recommended the Calendula Tea) recommended was that I DO NOT BATH my dog with shampoos. We are often driven to shampoo them out of desperation to try to make their skin better, but what happens is that we send our dogs' skin PH levels into a pendulum swing and this causes erratic results not unlike a roller coaster ride.


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Thank's for that info.....I cannot seem to trace the problem , Same thing happened a few months ago. I took him to the vet , He was given a injection and precribed Macrolone tablets. It cleared up in a week or so , but has happened again. Mozzy's maybe?

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Hives ..... in my boy's case toxins building up in the body more than what the usual organs (eg liver) can manage, and so find their way out through the skin. My boy's issue seems to be related to digestion.

You do need to find out what is causing the hives, otherwise they are likely to continue or re-occur.

I bathed my dog by wetting him up with Calendula Tea. The problem with things such as hives is the potential for secondary skin infection - that's what you really want to avoid. My boy was covered (estimated 500-800 hives at one time) in hives and they were on the verge of becoming infected. With antihistamines on stand-by, I treated him with the Calendula Tea about 3 times in the first 24 hours (he was really bad) and the hives reduced by half in size inside that time. The tea quickly stopped the itch and just as quickly, the infection and with a few more bathes with the tea over the next few days, the hives disappeared. I didn't need to use the antihistamines. My boy endured further bouts of hives whilst I worked through to try to find out the issue.

I do believe that in his case, low thyroid (ie hypothyroid) was in part a culprit in his system not functioning to optimum. He is now medicated for the thyroid problem and the hive outbreak has been vastly improved (*touch wood*) and save for a small, localised outbreak (of about half dozen small hives which disappeared on their own inside 2-3 days) he's not had an outbreak for coming up to one year (*touch wood* *touch wood* *touch wood* :o:)).

Your dog's hives may not be related to the same thing, but this gives you an example of the need to address the cause. BUT Calendula Tea was a vital part in me being able to stop secondary skin infection and avoiding the necessity for medicating with stronger drugs such as cortisone and antibiotics. You should see some results with the use of the Calendula Tea inside 24 hours so IMO it is worth a try - not only because of it having a reasonably good reputation at being successful, not only because it might mean you can avoid needing to give your dog prescription drugs, but also because a packet will set you back about $10.00.

One of the things that my Vet (same one who recommended the Calendula Tea) recommended was that I DO NOT BATH my dog with shampoos. We are often driven to shampoo them out of desperation to try to make their skin better, but what happens is that we send our dogs' skin PH levels into a pendulum swing and this causes erratic results not unlike a roller coaster ride.


OMGosh Erny thats crazy. Phoenix's were more like small red sores on her stomach and under body areas...maybe something different...

In saying that my other girl Keira gets something similar to this, although not to this extent, I asked the vet they said mozzies but she has also had pancreatitis which I believe also has to do with toxins leaking into their body. But worth while having some of that tea around just in case because I do notice them every now and then (again not that bad). Do you just get the tea from the supermarket??

ETA - Funnily enough Keira has ridgeback in her...

Thank's for that info.....I cannot seem to trace the problem , Same thing happened a few months ago. I took him to the vet , He was given a injection and precribed Macrolone tablets. It cleared up in a week or so , but has happened again. Mozzy's maybe?

As above, my vet did mention mozzie bites....but couldn't say for sure.

Edited by Keira&Phoenix
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OMGosh Erny thats crazy. Phoenix's were more like small red sores on her stomach and under body areas...maybe something different...

A reaction just the same, by the sounds of it ...

In saying that my other girl Keira gets something similar to this, although not to this extent, I asked the vet they said mozzies but she has also had pancreatitis which I believe also has to do with toxins leaking into their body. But worth while having some of that tea around just in case because I do notice them every now and then (again not that bad). Do you just get the tea from the supermarket??

I get the Calendula Tea from my favourite local Health Food Store.

I tend to find that if it is mosquito bites, they are gone within 24 hours on their own (without intervention). I use the Calendula on mozzie bites on my boy sometimes though, if I'm not sure.

Thank's for that info.....I cannot seem to trace the problem , Same thing happened a few months ago. I took him to the vet , He was given a injection and precribed Macrolone tablets. It cleared up in a week or so , but has happened again. Mozzy's maybe?

Could be that the injection (cortisone, I presume?) and tablets are masking the problem rather than addressing the cause.

As above, my vet did mention mozzie bites....but couldn't say for sure.

Refer above. If mozzie bites, IME they are gone by the next day.

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Ok ...I have hunted down some Calendula tea , have made it up , Just waiting to cool.

I will let you know how it goes , Still trying to figure out what has caused it.

The only things I can think of is he had some lamb off-cuts and I have put a canvas cover on his bed, or Mozzy bites[have coils going every night].

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Good luck STICK.

If the mozzies are so bad and especially if your dog spends a good deal of time outside, perhaps setting up a good size soft crate type kennel, but one made from mosquito net, might help. Have you seen those mosquito net type curtains that they are currently advertising for hanging in your doorways - they hold closed with the use of magnets? Perhaps something like that might assist as the entrance.

My boy cops mozzie bites when we visit my folks' place. I usually dress him in a tee-shirt (knotted up to fit) on these warmer, more humid days and that helps to protect him. I actually want some long sleeved PJ's made up for him in a material that is cool, light and breaths well. His coat is too short and fine to protect him against the mozzie bites.

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That won't hurt him either - it is good to drink. So long as his skin is wetted with it. Mandela isn't too bad about licking at himself. He'll do it if something is a very intense irritation to him, but otherwise not. When he had painful inter digital cysts I would soak his feet in the Calendula Tea and if he went to lick I would ask him not to. He was pretty good at leaving it and forgetting about it. Sometimes I would wipe around his chin and muzzle with the Calendula (or whatever else I might have been using on his body at the time, for example Paw Paw Ointment) and that would keep him distracted from his feet. This would give the Calendula time to dry and also helped in Mandela leaving his feet alone for a while. Sometimes I would use the treatment and then take him for an on-lead walk, or play a quick game of ball etc. That helped in distracting as well.

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