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I just want to know peoples opinions on the shiba inu. I have read about them and i quiet like them A lot, i have read that they have a stubborn streak. Anyway what are peoples opinions i think it will either be a shiba inu or i will rescue an older German Shepherd with the right personality for me ;)

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In your last "what breed for me thread" you said you wanted a dog like this:

i really want a big dog i know they cost a lot more but of course i would make sure i wait until i get my job and make sure i get paid enough for a big dog. Oh i only just graduated school im 18 years old I want something to protect me because i when i get my dog i want to walk everywhere

I can't see anything about a Shiba Inu that remotely resembles those requirements. ;)

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I can't see anything about a Shiba Inu that remotely resembles those requirements

People gave me advice saying it probably wasnt a good idea to get a large dog for my first dog so yeah. I read shiba inus are loyal to there family and also very smart just have a stubborn streak. Probs still gonna rescue an older german shepherd but i just wanted to see what people thought of the shiba inus

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I can't see anything about a Shiba Inu that remotely resembles those requirements

People gave me advice saying it probably wasnt a good idea to get a large dog for my first dog so yeah. I read shiba inus are loyal to there family and also very smart just have a stubborn streak. Probs still gonna rescue an older german shepherd but i just wanted to see what people thought of the shiba inus

From what I can gather they're probably the most feline of dogs. I think there are far less challenging breeds for a first time dog owner.

I don't think I'd write them off either but I don't understand why you're looking at them. They are a unique breed in some ways. Nothing like a GSD, that's for sure!!

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They would be a tough dog for a noob owner. They are smart but independent and stubborn. I have spoken with breeders who have told me they are even more primitive than the Akita... Meaning heavier on the spitz mentality.

I love them, they have spunk. I would love one so I could have a mini me to Kuma ;) there is one at our obedience and he's a classic.

I'm sure there will be others who can tell you about what they're like to live with.

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I don't think I'd write them off either but I don't understand why you're looking at them. They are a unique breed in some ways. Nothing like a GSD, that's for sure!!

Yeah i know lol ;) its just ive been looking at smaller dogs and cant seem to find any i really like. I like kelpies and border collies etc but i just worried my yard wont be big enough for them :laugh:

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I don't think I'd write them off either but I don't understand why you're looking at them. They are a unique breed in some ways. Nothing like a GSD, that's for sure!!

Yeah i know lol ;) its just ive been looking at smaller dogs and cant seem to find any i really like. I like kelpies and border collies etc but i just worried my yard wont be big enough for them :laugh:

I've got GSDs and also a couple of corgis - I find the corgis are very like the GSDs in many ways, except for size! They're active, outoing, playful, pretty much the same coat/shedding and they come in better colours! Maybe corgis are a breed to look in to?

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I don't think I'd write them off either but I don't understand why you're looking at them. They are a unique breed in some ways. Nothing like a GSD, that's for sure!!

Yeah i know lol ;) its just ive been looking at smaller dogs and cant seem to find any i really like. I like kelpies and border collies etc but i just worried my yard wont be big enough for them :laugh:

Didn't someone suggest a golden retriever for you?

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If you like herding breeds but want something smaller with lower exercise requirements, how about a Shetland Sheepdog or a Corgi? My first dog was a Pembroke Corgi and she was everything I could dream of when I was 13 and wanted a dog. It was only when we were both much older that I decided I wanted a more challenging breed.

Swedish Vallhunds are another small herder. I call my Vall a kelpie in disguise, but really there's nothing quite like a Vall. They are both challenging and very easy to train. Probably about the cleverest dog I've ever come across, but you can't take them for granted. They don't let you take the easy way out and just push them around. You have to earn their trust and give them reasons to cooperate.

When I was deciding on my last breed it was between Vallhunds and Shiba Inus. We went for the Valls partly because I hit it off with Erik's breeder and partly because we were a little bit scared that we wouldn't be able to keep up with a Shiba around the home. They are usually pretty busy. As it turns out, Erik is pretty busy as well and I think we could have handled a Shiba, but there's no way it would have been anywhere near as easy to train as Erik is. E would be a lot more biddable as well, and he's great off leash.

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Incidentally, Erik is an awesome watchdog. Nothing happens around our house without him knowing about it and alerting the neighbourhood. He barks a lot, but when he's doing his watchdog thing it's a deep, scary bark. Most people that come to our door are scared of him.

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Didn't someone suggest a golden retriever for you?

Yeah labradors i think but just seeing options with the smaller dogs ;) because im worried my mum will say yes but only to a small dog lol :laugh: i still love my big dogs but might have to wait till i have my own place if that makes sense.

Swedish Vallhunds are another small herder

One of them were at the brisbane show and i was the only person that got the name right bahaha the owners seemed very proud. They are a rarer breed arent they well thats what they told me? He seemed like a great little dog very sweet lick lick dog haha

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Yes, Valls are a rarer breed. I usually have to pick myself off the ground when someone gets the breed right. :laugh: Although for some reason it happens more often than people getting Kivi's breed right. What's with that? Lapphunds are the most common breed in Finland and are just uncommon everywhere else. Vallhunds are rare everywhere, even in Sweden. Anyway, Erik is a sweetie, too, and he gets into cuddle moods where he just licks a lot. But when he's not cuddling or sleeping he's generally running around throwing himself into any activity that is remotely rewarding. He is tough as old boots and very strong for his size. He plays with the big boys. He is a lot of fun, but at the drivier end of the Vallhund spectrum and thus a handful at times. I call him my point and shoot dog. I tell him what to do, point, and shoot. And off he goes as fast as he can. He's a cutie. ;)

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Have you looked at Australian Shepherds? They are a good first timers breed....active but not overly so, easy care coat, eyecatching colours and a really easy dog to live with. My older two had a small suburban backyard til we moved and they coped fine with a daily walk and some free running exercise at a local school ground a couple of times a week.

They are also good watchdogs, because it's their natural instinct to give a warning bark at the approach of strangers.

My girl sleeps next to my bed and she can go from silent, sleeping dog to me peeling myself off the ceiling within a split second. "Your teenage daughter's home" says Dusty, the loud barking dog at 2am.

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Have you looked at Australian Shepherds?
yeah i like the aussies but i always thought they needed as much exercise as the border collies and kelpies but thanks for that advice ;) i like your ones haha cute

Naah, there are plenty of quieter ones. Despite my girls loud bark at 2am, she is very easy to live with as long as she spends LOTS of time with me. We don't have to be going anything, she's just happy to hang out with me.

In wet or very hot weather, they can go a few days without exercise, but I take up the slack with some indoor obedience training and a few games to keep their brains exercised.

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Umm I refer to Shiba's as roadkill as they make this horrid screaming noise at shows sometimes that reminds me of an animal being run over. No idea what they are like to live with but i couldnt live with the roadkill noise lol.

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