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Should I Feed My Dog Today?


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Last night Georgia came inside, after being outside for over an hour and did a sloppy poo on the tiles. On inspection it actually had quite a bit of blood and mucus in it. I've booked her in for a vet visit, but couldn't get in till 5pm. I didn't give her any breakfast, so her tummy can settle down.

Should I feed her today or leave it till she's seen the vet? She's a 1 yo sheltie. She's fine in herself, happily playing and harassing the cats. :laugh:

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Where do you live?

Could she have gotten a cane toad??

No, I'm in Melbourne. The only thing I can think of that she had yesterday, that she hasn't had before was some liver treats, but they were made from pork liver, I normally buy the beef liver ones. We did some training in the afternoon and she had some then, but not a huge quantity.

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Hi Michelleva,

I also have a sheltie who has a very sensitive stomache. She would also end up with blood/mucus in her poos or full on diarrhoea after eating anything different than her Iaams dry food. Liver treats, cheese, pigs ears, schmackos would give her an upset stomache. :laugh: My vet is happy with her just on Iaams dry food.

Give her a break from food for today to let her stomache settle.

I found treats for training were getting scarce for my dog. She is very food driven. We did find that plain cooked chicken worked well. So over the weekend I roasted 4 chicken breasts which I then chopped into tiny treat size cubes, bagged them and stuck them in the freezer. I just pull out a bag each morning to defrost in the fridge. Afternoon training is back on. :rolleyes: It might be just trial and error to find out what works for your dog. Try just a little of something new and see what happens for the following 24hrs.

Hope this helps.

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