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How Do You Know If You're Ready For A Second Dog?


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I wasn't really planning on a second dog for a while, our sheltie is just one.


I went to buy cat food at pet barn and they have dogs and cats from a shelter there for rehoming. I have fallen in love with a bootiful little jack russell puppy. There is one issue, they suspect that he is deaf, and I'm 100% sure of it too. That doesn't bother me, only makes me love him more. What I love about him is his attitude, he's so laid back and calm for a little guy... mmmm but I don't know.

We took our dog back in with us to see him again and they let them sniff noses. They were both just curious of each other, which I thought was positive. We've never owned more than one dog, let alone a deaf one.

If I'm honest I don't think now is the right time, but I can't get this little guy out of my head. Georgia had patella surgery done 9 weeks ago and is doing really well, I do worry that they will get a bit over the top with each other. I do think Georgia would love to have a doggy friend though.

I've been researching how you train a deaf dog and I think we could train both the dogs with the same hand signals...


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You've answered your own question when you said "If I'm honest I don't think now is the right time".

If you are in 2 minds on what to do then don't get the little guy...you will know when the time is right to get another dog.

Right now from what you have written your decision is based on emotions; not that that is a bad thing it just shouldn't be the only thing to consider.

Can you really give this pup what he needs? Deaf dogs take more time and energy, especailly if he is in his critical period.

If you feel you can, great!, but my advice would be to contact a qualified trainer who has experience in training deaf dogs...hand signals are good but there is soooo much more you need to know and be able to do for the rest of the pups life.

good luck with your decision


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haha michelle i have the same question...how do you know when you are ready to have a second dog? im waiting to hear some of the answers pple give you

but some questions i would like to add if that ok with you, is i would like to know:

if you are thinking of having kids if 2 dogs is too much? my only concerns that stop me buying another pup is the fact i want kids soon and may not have the time/effort to put into raising another dog and putting in the training it requires. (otherwise i'd have a second dog by now)

sorry i dont want to hijack your thread, ill delete my post if you want me to

sounds to me IMO michelle that you might be ready for the jump to 2 dogs, what are your concerns? if its just that the dog is deaf i say go for it get the pup, but if you have other issues then maybe you should discuss them :thumbsup: sorry

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The best answer to when you should get a second dog, is when the first one is trained to a high standard and has no health issues that need to be resolved first. If the first dog has a terminal illness, that is different but if there are issues that can be resolved you should concentrate on the first dog.

The very worst reason to get another dog is because you saw a cute dog and fell in love with the look of it. This is the problem with pet shops selling puppies and why so many people come home from places like the RSPCA with a totaly unsuitable dog for their lifestyle. Getting a new dog should be something that takes time to work out what the best dog would be for your situation, well before you look at any that are available.

Personally I wouldn't get a JRT with a Sheltie. The JRT might look placid where it is but they are full on hyper terriers that play very rough and the males can be very difficult to house train. I really don't think the two breeds are a compatible combination, especially when you girl is recoving from patella surgery. You would never forgive yourself if she was injured playing with the a new dog.

Edited to add, 2-3 years between dogs is a better idea because then you don't end up having two geriatrics so close in age and you are less likely to lose them together.

Edited by dancinbcs
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haha michelle i have the same question...how do you know when you are ready to have a second dog? im waiting to hear some of the answers pple give you

but some questions i would like to add if that ok with you, is i would like to know:

if you are thinking of having kids if 2 dogs is too much? my only concerns that stop me buying another pup is the fact i want kids soon and may not have the time/effort to put into raising another dog and putting in the training it requires. (otherwise i'd have a second dog by now)

sorry i dont want to hijack your thread, ill delete my post if you want me to

sounds to me IMO michelle that you might be ready for the jump to 2 dogs, what are your concerns? if its just that the dog is deaf i say go for it get the pup, but if you have other issues then maybe you should discuss them :laugh: sorry

I don't mind you adding your own questions, so go for it.

I don't really think two dogs is too much, but in my head I know I shouldn't, but my heart says yes. I'm generally a pretty sensible person, and yes I have answered my own question. And as for kids, we already have those, and the youngest just started school. I have the time, but I really need to continue putting that into my girls recovery and continued training.

So no little puppers here for a while.... oh well, can I still go and keep checking on him, just to make sure they're looking after him...... :thumbsup:

Thanks for the sensible replies, somehow I knew you'd have the right thing to say.

Edited by Michelleva
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thanx dancinbcs, that does all make sense, re the age and health issues and training, my boy is at a good age, is very well trained, and i continue to train him and has no issues.

my question now for anyone with kids, is one dog better? or does it not matter how many you have, you still have time to give them training and attention? (if i could know without a doubt that i would still be able to take my boy and any other pups to training/agility/whatever/play dates, then i would without a doubt have a second puppy)

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