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Slip Mating Consecutive Days Then Tie 1 Week Later


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Wow, set yourself up for lots of sleepless nights! Personally I'd wait until 28 days after the last mating to be sure - but I don't ultrasound at all as a general rule. In this case I would be waiting until near to the end and trying to work out a due date at the same time as figuring numbers.

Edited by Sandra777
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I had a similar kind of scenario, and went for 28 days after the later mating. The ultrasound was able to tell me that the bitch actually conceived from one of the first slip matings - which was good to know!

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I would ultrasound from the tied mating. All the others were probably too early and that is why you weren't getting ties. The ultrasound will tell you how old the puppies are then maybe a second ultrasound later could confirm they are developing at the first estimated rate. No need to x-ray as well, the only thing an ultrasound can't tell you is exactly how many puppies there are. Sometimes one or two are hidden but the numbers are usually reasonably accurate. If you really want to pick the whelping date, you could prog test at the end to see when the level drops.

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