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What To Do With Puppy


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i would love to do a doggy door but i have an indoors only cat who will be out it like a flash! so until i can sort out if i can run the doggy door into the cat run and they can share or something similar she has to be out or in not both!

Electromagnetic doggy door that will only allow an animal with the correct frequency collar through - otherwise it's locked.

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Ideally the puppy should have access to a small room (like the laundary) and also outdoor access. Of course, not everyone is able to do this. I too would be concerned about leaving a very young pup outside in this heat. I had a winter puppy and she was left in the laundary (but only for 2 hrs at a time) for a number of reasons:

- concerned about the temperature outside

- concerned about annoying the neighbors with a barking dog

- concerned about digging, destroying the yard, chewing irrigation swallowing sticks, or another type of foreign body ( lab puppy)

At 4 months of age she started spending time alone outside. Howver, I rarely left my pup alone as I am able to take her to work with me, she was only left as a training exercise or if i needed to do shopping.

Regarding toilet training, my puppy was always pretty good and would wait to go outside. She was also able to hold on through the night for around 7-8hrs, so i guess if the puppy is slepping, it is possible for them to hold on for 5 hrs.

If your house isn't air conditioned though, you are probably better off leaving the puppy outside, with access to a cool/shady area.

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yeh as mentioned she si no coming till april/ may so weather not such an issue...

And she will ahve to be outside i think or she will stuff her toilet trianing i think i have a plan down pat now... just need to find all the bits and pieces to put it all together :S

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With Chase, we got a doggy flap and built a dog pen which connects to the house outside. That way he has access to inside and out. We therefore never had to worry about him having accidents as he was acustomed to going in and out of the flap from day one.

I was wondering how hard it would be to train a pup to use a dog door - good to read it's doable. We'll be doing the same - crate and closed laundry and doggy door to the side of our yard which is mostly granite path but will include a 2m2 grass area and a bark section we'll try for toilet training.

Very doable! Depends on pup though and how quickly they learn to go in and out, if you give them a bit of a push in and out a couple of times then they should get the gist of it- Chase on the 1st day could get out but couldnt get in. He was so determined to come back in he mastered it on his 2nd day at home ;) we have a similar set up to what your proposing Stone cutter......we intended to crate train but he just went in and out of his flap anyway, there didnt seem to be much point if he took himself out to toilet.

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