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Leaving Foster Dog Inside Alone For The First Time

Sam the man

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We have a foster dog (Charlie) here since last Saturday (week ago). Because he technically isn't our dog I haven't left him and Sam both loose in Sam's pen while we aren't here. They do spend an hour or two out there with both dogs loose with no major dramas but I'm here to keep an eye on them. I don't know if he has a touch of separation anxiety e.g. when inside some of the time he'll come and sit right near me or when I'm in a room with the door closed will lie outside it. Now we are going out this afternoon and will be away for about three hours. I've been reading some of the SA threads and am going to do the following.......take him for a walk, leave him with the dress I'm wearing and handle his 2 toys.

I don't really know what else I can do. I was going to leave the wooden laundry door open (which goes out into the pen) but have the screen door closed. Is this a good idea? I was thinking he may not feel so shut in if I do this. He does spend the majority of his time inside.

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It sounds like he will be fine inside (better inside than out in fact). I have found foster dogs to stay close to you in the first few weeks because they aren't sure of what is happening and see you as the leader who seems to know what is going on! You are providing food, shelter and companionship while the dog is a little 'insecure' so it's natural they stick close to you. (Once they find their confidence, things change :laugh: )

I have owned two dogs with SA, both came from pounds, both were happier to be left inside than out :laugh:

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I'm probably too late in replying as you are most likely out.

Ignore Charlie for about 15 minutes before you leave and don't make a fuss of him when you leave. When you come home don't make a big fuss of him. Acknowledge him, go get changed or do something for a few minutes then interact with him. That way leaving him and returning is no big deal.

Leave him with a stuffed Kong toy or a bone. By the time he's finished that he'll probably sleep :laugh:

I used to give Jessie (now at the "Bridge") a stuffed Kong or soft drink bottle when we'd go out. It would be sitting on the kitchen bench. Jessie would lie in the kitchen and couldn't get us out the door quick enough :laugh:

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