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Brisbane Woofstock Dolers Meet


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Had a great time with everyone today...Dandy we did seem to lose you at one point though...where did you disappear to?

There was a small incident between Tess and Kyojin...not sure exactly what happened but it ended with Tess being in Kyojins mouth, she is fine, has a few puncture wounds, but otherwise she is ok...no hard feelings Minxy! was just an accident :heart:

It wasnt as big as I was expecting but I still managed to spend up big lol

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Sorry we didn't stick around for too long today! It was lovely to meet you guys, but the actual event was a bit dissappointing! Hopefully next year it picks up a bit more.

Oh, and glad that Tess is ok after playing a bit too closely to Kyojin's mouth! (or Kyojin too closely to little Tess!)

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The little guys won the Fashionista contest, they were all dressed up in their Tam-o-shanters and had little tartan coats with bagpipes hanging off...what a hoot!

Left the camera in the car but the lovely ladies at the Cavalier booth took some photos (thank you Ladies)

here are some photos I took at home just after we finished making them yesterday






And a couple of Penny whose Tam kept falling off :-D



Edited by Boronia
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Sorry we didn't stick around for too long today! It was lovely to meet you guys, but the actual event was a bit dissappointing! Hopefully next year it picks up a bit more.

Oh, and glad that Tess is ok after playing a bit too closely to Kyojin's mouth! (or Kyojin too closely to little Tess!)

Understand completely it was wayyyyy to hot and yeah a bit dissappointing. Hopefully next year then can do it during winter and spread out the stands etc a bit more.

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Yep...too hot, lucky I bought water as the dogs wouldn't drink out of the dog bowls, though you couldn't blame them as Mac stood in one to cool off and a Shar Pei left goobs in one, then he lifted his leg and peed in the bowl he had just drunk out of...was really funny :heart:

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Where were you? did you go in the fashion comp? there were a few shihtzu's there

I saw GoldenGirl85 and her neat Jack Russell Tessa and her Goldie Lexi and of course the handsome Kyojin

Edited by Boronia
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Yep...too hot, lucky I bought water as the dogs wouldn't drink out of the dog bowls, though you couldn't blame them as Mac stood in one to cool off and a Shar Pei left goobs in one, then he lifted his leg and peed in the bowl he had just drunk out of...was really funny :heart:

Oh DoG! Was it one of mine? I know one came close to piddling in one bowl (missed by "that" much) well not much at all really as I was bringing him into the venue after lunch. ;)

I had a quick chat with a few as you were waiting at the gates but it was manic in the morning and then dropped off quite quickly in the arvo.

I had a giggle when a massive Malamute (not a DOLer's I dont think) pushed his way into our stall cause he liked our fresh water bowl (it refills with fresh water after each dog drinks). His poor owner was very apologetic as our table was rearranged for this behemoth of a dog to squish in amongst the rescue for water.

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Don't know whose Pei it was Ams, I think he was owned by a dark haired guy in a black T-shirt, the Pei didn't miss the water bowl, he got it dead centre :heart:

That was a lovely Pei-girl who was a Fashionista, she had on such a summery frock.

I really liked the Chinese Crested as well.

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Don't know whose Pei it was Ams, I think he was owned by a dark haired guy in a black T-shirt, the Pei didn't miss the water bowl, he got it dead centre :)

That was a lovely Pei-girl who was a Fashionista, she had on such a summery frock.

I really liked the Chinese Crested as well.

**phew** weren't mine then. The fashionista was Cassie who is owned by Daisygirl. She is a rescue from AWL Ipswich. Outfits were made by Gablehaus and in less than 24 hours too!

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hey guys, it was a bit of a dissapointing event :/ but it was fun, i bought raz a new floaty toy :) i saw you guys in the talent comp...got come vid of that will post maybe tomorrow ;)

sorry i did seem to lose you :o didnt know where u got to, it was mega hot though so we didnt stay too much after the talent comp

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hey guys, it was a bit of a dissapointing event :/ but it was fun, i bought raz a new floaty toy :thumbsup: i saw you guys in the talent comp...got come vid of that will post maybe tomorrow :)

sorry i did seem to lose you :laugh: didnt know where u got to, it was mega hot though so we didnt stay too much after the talent comp

Yeah I bought a new floaty toy for Keira! She loves it we went for a swim yesty arvo and she couldn't get enough of it!

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which one did you get keira? i got him a yellow kong wubba we also went for a swim in the arvo, he loved it

checked out colmslie, saw a snake and the water had soo much debri in it :thumbsup: prob should look for swim holes other than the bris river for a bit

Edited by dandybrush
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which one did you get keira? i got him a yellow kong wubba we also went for a swim in the arvo, he loved it

checked out colmslie, saw a snake and the water had soo much debri in it :thumbsup: prob should look for swim holes other than the bris river for a bit

I got her an Orbee Ball from the Nose to Tail stand. So far so good its nice and flexible so it doesn't snap in two when she chews on it (like tennis balls) and floats!!

Bummer about the snake but I guess that is likely to happen in a lot of places at the moment that's something we should definitely keep our eyes open for at all the meets actually. Yeah the beachy area had debri when I dropped in, wasn't too bad, I think there was a king tide on Friday though so might have gotten worse again. Oh well maybe that one is good for next year during summer :laugh: or good just to use the park if we want.

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