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15 Minute Youtube Video Of Graphic Animal Abuse Instantly Outrages Mil

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26 Jan 2011


A 15 minute video of incredible animal cruelty and abuse was almost instantly removed from YouTube after an instant flurry or outrage poured into the website.

The video, allegedly taped by a Malaysian woman named Doreen Lee shows her boyfriend, Alan Tan, kicking, throwing and performing other depraved acts of abuse against her toy poodle, named Sushi, while forcing the terrified defenseless companion animal to sit up and beg for the abuse. The entire video can be seen at this line, but BE WARNED, IT IS GRAPHIC and NOT INTENDED FOR SMALL CHILDREN OR ANYONE THAT CANNOT WITNESS GRAPHIC ABUSE.

Thousands of people are now cross-posting comments and parts of the video on YouTube, facebook, MySpace and literally every social network across the Internet in an attempt to locate and arrest the people responsible for the images seen in the video. The videographer, Doreen Loo's face book page, which can be viewed best if copy and pasted from this article,


has been flooded with comments and threats ever since the video has been tracked to her. Pictures of Sushi and her are posted on albums visable on her page and many background shots resemble locations seen in the video. There are also pictures of a Shih Tzu, posted 10 months ago, standing in the same position poor Sushi is being forced to stand in while enduring his unending abuse. It is being assumed that this 2nd dog is or was being abused in the same manner by this demented pair as poor Sushi.

At this current time, the most recent report is that police are still looking for this couple and the condition of Sushi and the second dog pictured are unknown. Some reports are that Sushi has already died from unknown causes and others claim that he may still be alive, which would truly be a miracle after seeing his treatment in this video.

Allegedly, this couple live somewhere in Malaysia and sadly the animal abuse laws in that country are lax. A charge of animal cruelty could carry a fine of RM200, (less than $75) and/or 6 months in prison. Considering the depth of inhumanity witnessed in these 15 minutes of hell and the obvious outrage being seen instantly across cyberspace, it's pretty obvious the world would prefer to see this couple get a lot more than the slap on the wrist they could possibly receive. The world is anxiously awaiting the arrest of this sadistic couple. Already an online petition is gathering signatures worldwide. It is asking the Malaysian government to prosecute this couple over and above the standard punishments imposed in this Asian country whose primary religion is Islam. As the world awaits the next move, millions are hoping for a happy outcome for a tiny little poodle miles away.


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They're drug addicts for sure. The place is a brothel and sane and rational people don't do that stuff. Poor puppy, I had to gab the first closest of my dogs Gracie, to give her a cuddle, but that didn't help that poor lil dog. Surprisingly, the dog is quite well groomed

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One possible explanation for why it was well groomed could be because they do, or expect to, make money out of exhibiting the dog it in some way. A Chinese speaker might have some better insight on what was going on, but it looked like this might have been a training method, it looked like he was trying to get it to sit and remain upright in a certain pose, as well as standing. He seemed to be punishing the dog even when it was doing the right thing.

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This video makes me so sad. :eek: I'm from Malaysia and the animal abuse laws over there are unbelievably lax.

I couldn't bring myself to watch the video but I listened to it playing in the background. Basically the entire video he is just yelling at the dog to "Stand Up" and to "Stand up straight", "stand up well." and various variations of that. At one point they were wondering if it had no strength in its legs or if it was scared of heights. Doesn't explain why he wants it to stand, tho I assume he's simply trying to teach it how to beg. It's pretty much that again and again, at some points the girlfriend is quietly protesting, but she doesn't really do anything but try to gently tell the dog to stand as well - I just, if that was my OH you can bet I would be on the phone to the police straightaway, I don't get people sometimes!!! :eek:

So sad. :o It reminds me of a video I saw once of a Chinese slaughterhouse inhumanely killing dogs, it's very traumatizing. :) ;) :laugh:

Edited by silentchild
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There is a petition

I just signed it. Now we all know that petitions can be a waste of time but overseas outrage may just help. The SPCA want a prosecution in Malaysia. They struggle, and for that reason I signed. I don't want this to die a death, let us try to support animal groups in Asia, let Sushi be remembered. I couldn't sleep last night when I saw this on facebook. I couldn't watch, I looked away. I cried with frustration at not being able to help the already dead minature poodle.

Please consider signing the petition and circulate to dog friends. They don't have to watch.


they have another dog :eek:

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One possible explanation for why it was well groomed could be because they do, or expect to, make money out of exhibiting the dog it in some way. A Chinese speaker might have some better insight on what was going on, but it looked like this might have been a training method, it looked like he was trying to get it to sit and remain upright in a certain pose, as well as standing. He seemed to be punishing the dog even when it was doing the right thing.

that thought never entered my mind, but you're probably right. I was once at an elephant rescue place in Thailand, the elephants took tourists on their backs through a bit of jungle track. But after that, they had the them perform stupid tricks for the tourist which I refused to watch, so undignified for such a majestic animal. Not putting every Asian in the same basket, but, in general, because a lot of Asians and Africans struggle just to live, they really don't have the same regard for animals as the western world.

Don't forget those poor bears that live a life of misery because the Chinese want their bile for medicine. Asians are notorious for being exceptionally cruel to any creature they can exploit for their own financial gain. Sad but true :thumbsup::laugh: :laugh:

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