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Doggy Table Manners


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The dogs aren't allowed to hassle us while we are eating but they do the "pre-rinse" before dishes or pans get put in the dishwasher.

I had to laugh this morning - we had a BBQ last night and I looked out to find mum had actually put a chair up against the BBQ so that Ness could clean it off :eek: . Don't worry the pan is thoroughly heated before it is used again and of course its not like its not left open to the elements the rest of the time anyway.

Edited by ness
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Well I do everything wrong. My dogs sit around me and drool, sometimes I'll leave a small portion and share it between them and then let them lick my plate. I have also been known to feed them off my fork and sometimes I'll let one of them drink a small amount of tea from my cup when I've finished :D :laugh:

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  corvus said:
ETA What constitutes "begging"?

For me, begging is any behaviour indicating the dogs would like what I have.

  Miranda said:
Well I do everything wrong. My dogs sit around me and drool, sometimes I'll leave a small portion and share it between them and then let them lick my plate. I have also been known to feed them off my fork and sometimes I'll let one of them drink a small amount of tea from my cup when I've finished :shrug::(


If you're all happy, who gives a stuff if you're "wrong" or "right"? :laugh:

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Kyojin won't try and steal our food, but he will try and get in our personal space so we say "back" and make him take a big step back and sit nicely. We almost never give scraps. He is allowed pizza crust on occasion as pizza is his most favourite food ever (much to the horror of every pizza boy that comes to our house). Other than that, he can be about a metre away but he won't be getting anything unless he works for it.

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OUr stay on their bed if they don't they are put outside. They know this and iut is a very rare occurance that they have to be told to go to their bed.

They never get fed from that table if someone tried I would smack their hand.

If there are some scraps that they can eat they get put onto one bowl or plate and then it is shared bewtween them at tea time, which is after ours and of no fixed time.

We have a sedan so the dogs are harnessed and clipped in. Lewis sits between the kids and Rommi sit in the front with me, if we are all in there, or on the front passenger seat when there is three of us. The kids can eat snakcs and icecreams in their seats and he will not try to take them, if he so much as sniffs he gets growled at, btu he rarely tries to these days. They are never fed snack from what we are eating in the car either.

If we have people over they stay on their beds or get put in the dog yard.

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Well until my house mate (actually that is the other way around, as he owns the house!) retired and as he is disabled and cannot get out and about much spends most of his time at home my dogs did have impecable table manners....always knew which knife to use etc lol, he gives them so many treats for absolutely no reason and against my express wishes he drives me insane.

When we (dogs and I) go away in the motorhome it takes them 2 days max and they behave again!


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Many interesting replies and interesting to see how different people allow different things. :thumbsup:

  Miranda said:
Well I do everything wrong. My dogs sit around me and drool, sometimes I'll leave a small portion and share it between them and then let them lick my plate.

Agreed with Willow, there is no right or wrong - what matters is what you and your dogs are comfortable with! :thumbsup:

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  OSoSwift said:
OUr stay on their bed if they don't they are put outside. They know this and iut is a very rare occurance that they have to be told to go to their bed.

They never get fed from that table if someone tried I would smack their hand.

If there are some scraps that they can eat they get put onto one bowl or plate and then it is shared bewtween them at tea time, which is after ours and of no fixed time.

We have a sedan so the dogs are harnessed and clipped in. Lewis sits between the kids and Rommi sit in the front with me, if we are all in there, or on the front passenger seat when there is three of us. The kids can eat snakcs and icecreams in their seats and he will not try to take them, if he so much as sniffs he gets growled at, btu he rarely tries to these days. They are never fed snack from what we are eating in the car either.

If we have people over they stay on their beds or get put in the dog yard.

:) I think when you have little kids and dogs it's basic commonsense to enforce strong regulations with food.

Honey can be sitting next to a toddler with a piece of toast and will not touch it (she loves toddlers though cause they usually give it to her anyway :o ). Same with a plate of food at nose height- she knows to leave it.

Even our previous crazy dog had the no stealing of food from people/kids rule down pat.

Can you imagine the potential for trouble if you don't drill that into them?

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  ness said:
I had to laugh this morning - we had a BBQ last night and I looked out to find mum had actually put a chair up against the BBQ so that Ness could clean it off :o .

;) :) Your mum sounds like a softy with the dogs, just like mine ;)

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My dogs are usually outside when we eat, but if they are in they lie near the table and nap. They don't stare or bed, if there are leftovers they get to share them.

Eating snacks or ice cream or something else away from the table and all bets are off.

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  corvus said:
What constitutes "begging"?

-Getting to close when i'm eating

-Staring intently and drooling

-Giving me their paw

- This...(if Tilly particularly wants something she will do her begging trick without being asked. She did a very nice beg like in the picture of her below last week when we had visitors over and there was a piece of beef satay leftover on my plate. She didn't get it either :) :


Matilda by fainty_girl, on Flickr

I don't like it when my dogs beg, but they do get fed scraps from my other family members, so they will beg from them and will try it on with visitors too. They know they don't get to eat off my plate though, so most of the time they give me space but beg from everyone else. If they get to close I tell them "get back" and Tilly will walk backwards and lie down on the ground, giving me a bit of space. Jessie also listens to this too and she will move away from me, because they both know they have no chance of eating off my plate.

If they haven't begged from me and there is some scraps that I want to give them I put it in their food bowls. When i'm getting any food ready for them they have to wait on the lounge and lay down. If I pick up their food bowls they both take themselves to the lounge.

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No hovering begging or whining at meal times allowed, if they don't lay on their beds they are outside or crated.

No scraps till dog meal times and then in their bowls. Children do not wander around with food near dogs.

Guests do not feed dogs. Same rules for BBQ etc.

Sounds tough but they are simple rules that are put in place and everyone abides by.

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My BC had lovely table manners until we buillt our house when he was 5yrs - then I found that the tradesmen were sneaking him their left over lunches etc.....so that was the end of that..... :o

He never knew the significance of the sound of a rustling chip packet - then it became music to his ears.....?? :)

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Georgea sits at the table with us. :hug: Her table manners are excellent. she just sits there quietly, until daddy breaks some meat into little pieces for her and puts them on her placemat infront of her.

When he is a bit slow, Georgea will give a polite little tap on the table with her paw. :rainbowbridge:



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I have Cavaliers. They get nothing that doesn't come out of their dinner bowls (which they nicely 'sit' and await an "okay" when placed down at dinner time. The only other 'food' they get are from me only as either a training treat or teeth cleaning bone or similar.

The same goes for the German Shepherd.

That said I have evidence that suggests my OH gives bits of Roast beef trimmings to one of our Cavs when he cuts his lunches! Why else would she fly off the bed in the evening when she hear him open the fridge and get down the bread board! :rainbowbridge:

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  I ♥ Bindi~Boo said:
Georgea sits at the table with us. :o Her table manners are excellent. she just sits there quietly, until daddy breaks some meat into little pieces for her and puts them on her placemat infront of her.

When he is a bit slow, Georgea will give a polite little tap on the table with her paw. :rainbowbridge:



OH.. my gooosshhhhh :rofl: SO ADORABLE!!! :hug: :p The little paw on the table... be still my heart!

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