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Is It Just Me, Or Do Some People Just Don't Get It ?


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Oh my... I so needed to read this thread to see I'm not the only one.

I have a fear reactive rescue dog. Yesterday I specifically took him to a popular dog walking area & sat out of the way, under a tree, far from everyone, minding our business and letting him see dogs at a distance.

A lady walking her off-leash dog in a specifically on-leash area let her dog bound up to us & all hell broke loose. I asked her to put her dog on a leash as it should be. She told me to **** off and mind my own f**** business......

I explained he is a rescue dog (a Chi X) I am trying to rehabilitate & it's not helpful when people have no control over their dogs off leash. She said her dog was just trying to be friendly & had every right to do whatever it liked because it was friendly but mine wasn't so neither I nor my dog had a place in the (on-leash) park.

All my hard work over the last 2 weeks now down the drain.

This lady, in her eyes, was in the right because her dog was friendly. She said she could do whatever she wanted because her dog was friendly & mine wasn't and we were the problem. :laugh:

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Oh my... I so needed to read this thread to see I'm not the only one.

I have a fear reactive rescue dog. Yesterday I specifically took him to a popular dog walking area & sat out of the way, under a tree, far from everyone, minding our business and letting him see dogs at a distance.

A lady walking her off-leash dog in a specifically on-leash area let her dog bound up to us & all hell broke loose. I asked her to put her dog on a leash as it should be. She told me to **** off and mind my own f**** business......

I explained he is a rescue dog (a Chi X) I am trying to rehabilitate & it's not helpful when people have no control over their dogs off leash. She said her dog was just trying to be friendly & had every right to do whatever it liked because it was friendly but mine wasn't so neither I nor my dog had a place in the (on-leash) park.

All my hard work over the last 2 weeks now down the drain.

This lady, in her eyes, was in the right because her dog was friendly. She said she could do whatever she wanted because her dog was friendly & mine wasn't and we were the problem. :mad

This happened to me too. The first time it happened, I stood in front of my dog, told the owner to put hers on a lead (in an on leash area) and received a mouthful of abuse for it. The second time it happened (same woman, same dog), I told her to put the dog on lead and when she didn't I took a photo of the pair (to prove it was off leash, where it was and its distance from me), rang the police who attended and kept her there until the Ranger arrived and booked her. She was saying my dog started it, her's was friendly and not off leash etc. Had I let her go on and paint my dog in a bad light, it could've ended bad for us. This woman is a serial off leash offender and her dog is renown for being allowed to invade other dog's personal spaces.

My dog has DA fear issues because another clown who thought it was fine to have his large dog off leash on a building site (banned area), tried to say it was my fault when his unrestrained dog ran out onto the street and attacked my (on leash) dog as we were walking past in the middle of the road. It took three men to herd his dog away from us and my dog's response - well let's just say that having anal gland evacuation on your jeans is not the most pleasant aroma. Years later I'm still dealing with it and now have a very short fuse when people allow their dogs too close after being asked to keep away.

Taking a stance and upping the ante if they wont listen may not be a popular option but you are protecting your dog's physical and psychological welfare.

Just because her dog is allegedly friendly does not give her the right to break the law and/ or invade other people's and dog's personal space. Everytime you stand up for your dog, whether it be at an obedience club or in a public space, know that there are others out there that appreciate you educating people by whatever means necessary to get the message across. The yellow ribbon at a dog club sounds like a great tool for the wellbeing of all.

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DXENION - awesome you called the police. NOW, she'll eventually take you seriously. (I really need to get myself a mobile phone with camera) :laugh:

Our neighbour has the bounciest of dogs, I cannot walk my dogs when hers are out. She walks towards me, takes the dogs off leash & then finds it funny when her big staffy/kelpies jump all over my little senior foster dogs ;) But really, it isn't funny!

This lady from yesterday was screaming... "'I' DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU. 'I' WILL DO WHAT I LIKE. 'I' WILL HAVE MY DOG OFFLEASH IF 'I' WANT TO"

I yelled back at her "I I I I I - it's all about 'I''!

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What a bitch, there is a reason why there are must "ON " lead areas as they are for everyone to be safe whether you dog is dog aggressive they are on lead and can be controlled and then there are stupid ass hole like these people you walk about.

i completely understand when a dog has a tendancy in to come up to another dog to socialise but there is a way to do it.

The other day down at the local store i had my DA dog with me on lead and there were two mafia tattooed men in there aged 20-30's and they had a sweet labby off lead laying by his feet i purposely took a hugeeee wide birth around to the other side of the enterance and put macca behind trolleys so the dog wouldn't see or move he seemed well behaved as did what was told but macca move into sight and the lab went to come over so i moved away quickly lab didn't respond fully so the man came over grabbed his dog and apologised inmediantly then delt with his dog and gave him a firm commmand to down and stay back where he was ment to be with a small smack on the bum.

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I had a dog aggressive bitch, there is no way I would take her to a class where there were loads of other dogs around as I know if she got hold of another dog she would really hurt it and if the dog just ran up offlead etc then I would have a big problem. I only walked her etc where there were no other dogs, I could not take the risk of her killing someone elses pet.

Edited by Mason2009
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