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Rabies Vaccinations

Bentley Star

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Being a rural based breeder I have just had one pup vaccinated for rabies by my local vet. We had to apply for approval through the correct channels and the vaccine was sent out with an authority to administer my vet. BUT the vial sent was a 10 dose vial and so we had to pay for all 10 doses! I phoned the authorities and they informed me that the company that manufactures the vaccine has stopped making it in single doses. The vial has a use by date of 2014 BUT the instructions say that once accessed it must be used within 40days. I phoned the authorities who told me that there was nothing I could do about it. So now instead of the rabies vaccination costing ME $90 odd - it has cost ME $378.35 !!!! I advised the buyer to expect approx. A$100, I can't now expect him to pay for the 9 doses that are in my fridge. Has anyone else had this problem???? Apparently the single doses have only recently been withdrawn.

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Not that long ago, there was a shortage of rabies vaccs... can you ring around and see if anyone wants to purchase it? what about trying some of the travel companies to see what vets they use?

Nope, can't do that either. Apparently this vial can only be used by the Vet that is is allocated to. I don't have another litter planned til late in the year, so it's just a waste ! Maybe in the not too distant future the vaccine will be in short supply again . . . if it gets thrown away everytime it's sent to the country.

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I exported a pup not long ago and found out that they no longer do single doses so the price has gone up considerably as once opened it has a limited shelf life. I'm not rural so was able to use a vet that deals with a few exports however there are still some vets that have single dose rabies in their cupboard so you have to ring around and find one then be willing to go to that vet for the vaccination.

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There is a global shortage of rabies vaccinations - Australia was only allowed to be shipped the 10 dose vials instead of the usual single dose vials (don't ask me why!). But thats why they are in the country.

A lot of the AQIS accredited vets are doing rabies vaccination days to minimise the cost for everyone involved.

I would be double checking of the length of the vaccination once opened - I was told it only has a shelf life of 24 hours after opening.

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Do the pups have to be vaccinated for rabies before they leave or can they be done at the country of destination?

Depends on the import requirements for each country. Some require prior vaccination, others allow for them to be done at the destination.

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There is a global shortage of rabies vaccinations - Australia was only allowed to be shipped the 10 dose vials instead of the usual single dose vials (don't ask me why!). But thats why they are in the country.

A lot of the AQIS accredited vets are doing rabies vaccination days to minimise the cost for everyone involved.

I would be double checking of the length of the vaccination once opened - I was told it only has a shelf life of 24 hours after opening.

Your right, I just checked and it says must be used within 3 hours !!!! Looks like thats the last time I get it done locally. I can travel 4hrs to Coffs Harbour as there is an AQIS vet there. I thought I was saving $$ on fuel costs to get it sent here :) I'll know for next time.

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There is a global shortage of rabies vaccinations - Australia was only allowed to be shipped the 10 dose vials instead of the usual single dose vials (don't ask me why!). But thats why they are in the country.

A lot of the AQIS accredited vets are doing rabies vaccination days to minimise the cost for everyone involved.

I would be double checking of the length of the vaccination once opened - I was told it only has a shelf life of 24 hours after opening.

Your right, I just checked and it says must be used within 3 hours !!!! Looks like thats the last time I get it done locally. I can travel 4hrs to Coffs Harbour as there is an AQIS vet there. I thought I was saving $$ on fuel costs to get it sent here :) I'll know for next time.

We won't always be getting the 10 vial doses here, they will go back to shipping the single dose vials once the shortage is over.

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If it comes up as an issue again, you could ask around and see if anyone else wants to purchase the extra doses off you. A long shot, but some people in areas with high bat populations use rabies vaccine to protect pets against Bat Lyssavirus. I know of some wildlife carers who care for bats who also vaccinate their dogs (as well as themselves!).

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We won't always be getting the 10 vial doses here, they will go back to shipping the single dose vials once the shortage is over.

I don't get the logic of that! Why have 10 dose vials which cause some or most of it to be wasted if there is a shortage of the vaccine?

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We won't always be getting the 10 vial doses here, they will go back to shipping the single dose vials once the shortage is over.

I don't get the logic of that! Why have 10 dose vials which cause some or most of it to be wasted if there is a shortage of the vaccine?

I'd say, simply to get more money from all of us that export and breed dogs - you know, all us "rich" people.

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We won't always be getting the 10 vial doses here, they will go back to shipping the single dose vials once the shortage is over.

I don't get the logic of that! Why have 10 dose vials which cause some or most of it to be wasted if there is a shortage of the vaccine?

If you were a manufacturer and there is a rabies epedimic and you can't meet demand then you would forget one dose vials and get full production of the 10 dose vials. It makes sense.

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I have just been talking to my vet and he says there is NO shortage of vaccine for rabies - plenty available. So it must be either importing the vaccine that is a problem or the vets/importers aren't buying it from the right manufactorers.

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I have just been talking to my vet and he says there is NO shortage of vaccine for rabies - plenty available. So it must be either importing the vaccine that is a problem or the vets/importers aren't buying it from the right manufactorers.

Thats because you are in the UK and its a requirement over there if you want your pets on the Pet Passport Scheme.

As Australia does not have rabies and by comparison uses a small amount of the rabies vaccine, our supply was cut to enable vaccines to be sent to the areas where there has been rabies outbreaks. Those countries that are endemic to rabies have not had their supply affected. Even though the UK doesn't fall into that category because of the EU Passport Scheme its supply remains intact.

At this stage there is only one manufacturer of the vaccine that has been approved for import to Australia. Last I heard there were other manufacturers that were going through the process of being allowed to import it.

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