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A Licker!


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One of Rovers joys in life is licking.

He just loves to lick! Summer is the best season cause people wear SHORTS! :laugh:. If he can't lick you he will lick the air so hard you can hear his teeth clacking togethor.

One of the commands he knows is "No Licking", and when you say it, his whole happiness just seems to deflate and he'll stand there, not licking, looking depressed (then again he always manages to look depressed) Life isn't great unless hes allowed to lick!

So is Rover the only one?

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Abbi or "little miss lickalot" as she is known is a hardcore licker. She goes for any part of you, feet (if u have no shoes on), legs (a favourite), arms, hands, neck and face, she just loves to lick people. If I tell her no, she gets depressed and will go over to Sophie our toy poodle and lick her face until her topknot is drowned in spit and hanging, it's gross.

I always thought she would grow out of this behaviour but no luck, she's still a licker extraordinaire! Lol!

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Luci is a stealth licker, she come in for the lick and I say "No Licking!!!" She turns her head away from where she wanted to lick and slowly retreats. She has this nasty habit of 'getting the tongue in" when people nurse her on their laps, most people have been warned of Lucis prowess so it is only successful when someone isnt paying attention.

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Kyojin loves to push the shower curtain back and try and lick the water off your legs while you're showering. And then again when you get out of the shower. And he loves to give lots of warm squishy face kisses :laugh:

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My Miss Charlotte is a licker, one of her nicknames is Licky.. She tends to lick my husband, children and visitors more then me, only because I know when she is about to come in for the lick and I say No Lick.. She also licks the other 3 cavaliers faces all the time, it is like she just wants to mother them and keep them clean...

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Akira is most definitely a licker. She licks EVERYTHING. Every morning she gives over zealous face kisses (which turn into kiss whatever flesh you can get your tongue onto) and if she's allowed in the bathroom she licks the water off your legs when you get out the shower, or the water off the shower wall. She also loves to lick the dishwasher and the floor throughout the house.

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Monte drives me spare with his licking and it isn't just bare legs! he will lick my legs even if I have pants on. :laugh: He also walks along licking the floor and so all we see day in and out are big fat snail trails along the floor left by his toungue. Eeergh!

Edited by ~Anne~
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Milo is a licker, one of the first things I say to guests when they sit down is 'watch him, his tongue can fit right up your nose if you are not careful', he's also good at cleaning ears, human and all. Piper does lick, but she knows not to when told 'no kisses'. She tends to lick one paw more than anything tho, although if not careful she does 'sneaky licky' when you are not prepared.....

One of the other dogs, I cant get her to lick if I tried, its just not something a lady does. And the big dog, well it's like getting hit in the face with a wet flannel....

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Monte's licking isn't OCD, but as a consequence of his epilpesy and his medications. It isn't a behaviour that can be modified unless I wanted to stick a muzzle on him. I do think the muzzle would be great if I ever found a suitable one, as this would stop him eating poo as well, another action of his that can not be modified and another one that we just 'live with' because we adore him... we just don;t cuddle too close to his face :laugh:.

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We have a licker too. Lillly came to us at just over a year old and she has always done it, no matter what we do she just can't seem to stop herself. She will even just randomly lick the air as she falls asleep.

Oscar licks as well, but not as much as Lil does. His seems to be a settling thing, when he gets tired he curls up with someone and tries to lick them.

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Diesel licks a lot.. he'll lick your legs.. arms, anything. It gets really annoying, so we don't let him do it much. Bundy will only lick when he's really excited, like when I come home from work, and then it's only my hand. If I don't pay attention he'll go for my face though :laugh:

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They all lick to some extent but I have one who has a need to do it. Unfortunately it's how she appeases people, so it goes like this: she licks someone, who tells her "No!" and she says to herself "Oh dear, I've upset them, I better say sorry!" and gives them a few licks. They say "No!" ..... etc etc :laugh:

Licking doesn't really bother me.

Edited by molasseslass
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My kiesha licks ALOT!!!!!! Or wants to lick alot. But I never let her lick me so she generally doesn't bother. Yet visitors, they are fair game - feet, legs etc. And if there is nothing exposed she'll just lick their pant legs.

I did notice she tried to lick my hand at the computer a couple of days ago. I said 'no licking' so she moved to the computer and licked the keyboard where my hand had been. Cheeky little monkey.

My ex started this licking thing with 'kisses' on the cheek and now I'm left with the problem. He was the anti-trainer and I really don't think I'll ever stop this behaviour since she was rewarded for it for the first 3 years of her life.

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