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A Lump That Has Grown In 3 Days


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I have a Staffy girl that is going to be 2 in April. When we snuggled on the couch 3 days ago I felt a lump on her right shoulder, I thought she may have knocked it and it would go down but it hasn't, in fact it has got larger. I of course will take her to the vets but just wondering what you guys think.

I cannot feel the whole mass if that makes sense, I cannot get my fingers around it under the skin.....anyway just thought I would throw it out there

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could be a cyst, could be a grass seed or small piece of wood or stick that has embedded itself....idoes it feel hard or soft and squishy?

vet will be able to tell you more....without being able to look and feel everything is just a guess..

good luck....hopefully it is just something minor


Edited by missmoo
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Off the top of my head - abscess, grass seed or other foreign body, wheal from an allergic reaction, spider bite, blocked hair follicle, fast growing or degranulating MCT, soft tissue injury? A trip to the vet would be best, I think.

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I have a Staffy girl that is going to be 2 in April. When we snuggled on the couch 3 days ago I felt a lump on her right shoulder, I thought she may have knocked it and it would go down but it hasn't, in fact it has got larger. I of course will take her to the vets but just wondering what you guys think.

I cannot feel the whole mass if that makes sense, I cannot get my fingers around it under the skin.....anyway just thought I would throw it out there

Our kelpie recently had a 'button tumour' removed(don't ask me what the proper word is, I can't pronounce it let alone spell it :laugh: ) from his leg. It came up in a space of 4 days. He was put on steroids for a week, which stopped it growing more. As it was still there at the end of the week, he was booked in to have it removed. It's a month to the day since it appeared and he's right as rain. It was nothing serious, but obviously the vets didn't want to leave it there, as it'd cause complications if it got bigger. Apparently these types of tumours are very common in younger active dogs. I'm not saying that's what it is with your girl, but it's not necessarily going to be something bad either :)

Hopefully it's just something simple :)

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