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Darwin Dog Friendly Hotels Or Houses For Rent ?

Wazzat Xolo

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Does anyone know any dog friendly hotels or a week house rent in Darwin for the Royal Show. We are looking at doing a few royals this year and this is the first.

Exceptional kennels would be looked at as a second resort if need be ??

Thanks in advance

J and the Xolos

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I live in Darwin.

But I can't say I know of any hotels that would take dogs.

There are a quite a few holiday/caravan parks that have cabins and the like. I think your best bet would be somewhere like that.

But again I'm not certain.

Did a quick google search and came up with this:


How accurate that is regarding being dog friendly I don't know.

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Thanks guys I have fpound accomodation

and NO i havent got any room for anyone else! lololol

gee whizz ..............................some people are unbelievable !

:laugh: Yay on the accommodation.

Looking forward to meeting you dogs................................................yeah, and you :(

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Thanks guys I have fpound accomodation

and NO i havent got any room for anyone else! lololol

gee whizz ..............................some people are unbelievable !

:laugh: Yay on the accommodation.

Looking forward to meeting you dogs................................................yeah, and you :(

Thanks itsmeg

Can you tell me do they have a pavillion ? What do they do for shade I cant find a pavillion on the web site ? They are not a helpful lot I am still waiting for a return email and phone call!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Darwin Royal is on July 21-23 (Thurs, Fri and Saturday).

Wazzat, I asked on the yahoo group if anyone knew of any shade for hire, I didn't hear back from anybody. There is always the hospitality tent, and myself and tent buddies usually set up next door to that. :provoke:

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Hey there,

I sit beside the hospitality tent which is the shadiest part of the grounds.

I am not one to get miffed about another dog getting the attention our guys just sleep so you are welcome to sit with us. I sit with Pappy above :confused:

I have a 3x3 and am thinking of getting another or upgrading to a 6x3 so we'll have loads of shade and space you are welcome to.

We only have a couple of breeds on Friday night anyway so will have very few dogs there :laugh:

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I'll be getting the RASNT membership pass this year, so I'll have to pop in on Saturday then to see the Xolos. :hitself:

What group is on Friday in place of 7?

Group 6 is now on Friday.

Think big Pappy, you'll be there on Saturday for General Specials :)

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